40 research outputs found

    Разработка и анализ защищенности фрагмента информационно-телекоммуникационной системы, реализующей концепцию Интернета вещей

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    This paper comprises the development and implementation of systems using the concept of Internet of Things. In terms of active development of industries, use the concept of the Internet of Things, the information security problem is urgent. To create a protected module of information-telecommunication system which implements the Internet of Things concept, it is important to take into account all its aspects. To determine relevant threats, it is necessary to use the detailed risk analysis according to existing GOST standards when choosing protection measures, one must rely on identified relevant threats. Actual threats and necessary protective actions are determined in this paper for implementation of Smart House computer appliance module, in order to develop a protected part of Smart House, which is necessary for realization of room access control. We solved the following tasks in the work, namely, a description of the system Smart Home, a description of steps and evaluation system security Smart Home; implementation of hardware assembly and writing a code for the selected fragment of the system; safety evaluation of the selected fragment Smart House and identification of actual threats; make recommendations to counter current threats; software implementation of one of the most urgent threats and software implementation of protective measures for a selected threat. A feature of the work is an integrated approach to the design with the use of the intruder models, analysis of the system’s assets and evaluation of their security.В работе исследуются вопросы разработки и реализации систем, использующих концепцию Интернета вещей. В условиях активного развития отраслей, использующих концепцию Интернета вещей, актуальна проблема информационной безопасности. Для того чтобы определить актуальные угрозы, необходимо использовать детальный анализ рисков в соответствии с действующими стандартами ГОСТ. Выбирая защитные меры, необходимо учитывать все идентифицированные актуальные угрозы информационной безопасности. В статье определяются актуальные угрозы и защитные меры, необходимые для разработки и внедрения защищенного фрагмента программно-аппаратной системы Умный дом в части контроля доступа в помещение. Решены следующие задачи: описание системы Умный дом, описание этапов оценки и обеспечения безопасности системы Умный дом; осуществление аппаратной сборки и написания программного кода для выбранного фрагмента системы; оценка безопасности выбранного фрагмента Умного дома и определение актуальных угроз; выработка рекомендаций по противодействию актуальным угрозам; программная реализация одной из актуальных угроз и программная реализация защитных мер для выбранной угрозы. Особенностью работы является комплексный подход к проектированию с использованием моделей нарушителя, анализа активов системы и оценки их защищенности

    Design and Security Analysis of a Fragment of Internet of Things Telecommunication System

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    This paper comprises the development and implementation of systems using the concept of Internet of Things. In terms of active development of industries, use the concept of the Internet of Things, the information security problem is urgent. To create a protected module of information-telecommunication system which implements the Internet of Things concept, it is important to take into account all its aspects. To determine relevant threats, it is necessary to use the detailed risk analysis according to existing GOST standards when choosing protection measures, one must rely on identified relevant threats. Actual threats and necessary protective actions are determined in this paper for implementation of Smart House computer appliance module, in order to develop a protected part of Smart House, which is necessary for realization of room access control. We solved the following tasks in the work, namely, a description of the system Smart Home, a description of steps and evaluation system security Smart Home; implementation of hardware assembly and writing a code for the selected fragment of the system; safety evaluation of the selected fragment Smart House and identification of actual threats; make recommendations to counter current threats; software implementation of one of the most urgent threats and software implementation of protective measures for a selected threat. A feature of the work is an integrated approach to the design with the use of the intruder models, analysis of the system’s assets and evaluation of their security


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    Abstract. We explored the effects of defensins on IL-8 synthesis in various human cells, including bronchoepithelial cell line A-549, monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages differentiated in the presence of M-CSF, HU-VEC cells, HEK293 and THP-1 cell lines. HNP at 10-5-10-4М induced IL-8 production and cytotoxicity in serum-less A-549 culture. The addition of serum abrogated the cytotoxicity along with the induction of IL-8 synthesis. Similar effects were observed in HEK293 cell line and HUVEC.The induction of cytotoxicity along with IL-8 production by HNP at 10-5-10-4М was also observed in the serum-less cultures of human monocytes and macrophages. However, monocytes and macrophages retained HNP-induced production of IL-8 after the addition of serum, while cytotoxic effect of HNP was completely inhibited. The data imply a specific interaction of alpha-defensins with some membrane receptors of monocytes and macrophages that leads to the induction of IL-8 and might also occur in vivo.</p

    Radiation Absorbed Dose to the Basal Ganglia from Dopamine Transporter Radioligand F-18-FPCIT

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    Our previous dosimetry studies have demonstrated that for dopaminergic radiotracers, F-18-FDOPA and F-18-FPCIT, the urinary bladder is the critical organ. As these tracers accumulate in the basal ganglia (BG) with high affinity and long residence times, radiation dose to the BG may become significant, especially in normal control subjects. We have performed dynamic PET measurements using F-18-FPCIT in 16 normal adult subjects to determine if in fact the BG, although not a whole organ, but a well-defined substructure, receives the highest dose. Regions of interest were drawn over left and right BG structures. Resultant time-activity curves were generated and used to determine residence times for dosimetry calculations. S-factors were computed using the MIRDOSE3 nodule model for each caudate and putamen. For F-18-FPCIT, BG dose ranged from 0.029 to 0.069 mGy/MBq. In half of all subjects, BG dose exceeded 85% of the published critical organ (bladder) dose, and in three of those, the BG dose exceeded that for the bladder. The BG can become the dose-limiting organ in studies using dopamine transporter ligands. For some normal subjects studied with F-18 or long half-life radionuclide, the BG may exceed bladder dose and become the critical structure

    Distinct functional networks associated with improvement of affective symptoms and cognitive function during citalopram treatment in geriatric depression

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    Variability in the affective and cognitive symptom response to antidepressant treatment has been observed in geriatric depression. The underlying neural circuitry is poorly understood. This study evaluated the cerebral glucose metabolic effects of citalopram treatment and applied multivariate, functional connectivity analyses to identify brain networks associated with improvements in affective symptoms and cognitive function. Sixteen geriatric depressed patients underwent resting positron emission tomography (PET) studies of cerebral glucose metabolism and assessment of affective symptoms and cognitive function before and after 8 weeks of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment (citalopram). Voxel-wise analyses of the normalized glucose metabolic data showed decreased cerebral metabolism during citalopram treatment in the anterior cingulate gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, precuneus, amygdala, and parahippocampal gyrus. Increased metabolism was observed in the putamen, occipital cortex, and cerebellum. Functional connectivity analyses revealed two networks which were uniquely associated with improvement of affective symptoms and cognitive function during treatment. A subcortical-limbic-frontal network was associated with improvement in affect (depression and anxiety), while a medial temporal-parietal-frontal network was associated with improvement in cognition (immediate verbal learning/memory and verbal fluency). The regions that comprise the cognitive network overlap with the regions that are affected in Alzheimer's dementia. Thus, alterations in specific brain networks associated with improvement of affective symptoms and cognitive function are observed during citalopram treatment in geriatric depressio

    The relationship between fasting serum glucose and cerebral glucose metabolism in late-life depression and normal aging

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    Evidence exists for late-life depression (LLD) as both a prodrome of and risk factor for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). The underlying neurobiological mechanisms are poorly understood. Impaired peripheral glucose metabolism may explain the association between depression and AD given the connection between type 2 diabetes mellitus with both depression and AD. Positron emission tomography (PET) measures of cerebral glucose metabolism are sensitive to detecting changes in neural circuitry in LLD and AD. Fasting serum glucose (FSG) in non-diabetic young (YC; n=20) and elderly controls (EC; n=12) and LLD patients (n = 16) was correlated with PET scans of cerebral glucose metabolism on a voxel-wise basis. The negative correlations were more extensive in EC versus YC and in LLD patients versus EC. Increased FSG correlated with decreased cerebral glucose metabolism in LLD patients to a greater extent than in EC in heteromodal association cortices involved in mood symptoms and cognitive deficits observed in LLD and dementia. Negative correlations in YC were observed in sensory and motor regions. Understanding the neurobiological consequences of diabetes and associated conditions will have substantial public health significance given that this is a modifiable risk factor for which prevention strategies could have an important impact on lowering dementia risk. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ireland Lt