248 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian lattice QCD at finite density: equation of state in the strong coupling limit

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    The equation of state of Hamiltonian lattice QCD at finite density is examined in the strong coupling limit by constructing a solution to the equation of motion corresponding to an effective Hamiltonian describing the ground state of the many body system. This solution exactly diagonalizes the Hamiltonian to second order in field operators for all densities and is used to evaluate the vacuum energy density from which we obtain the equation of state. We find that up to and beyond the chiral symmetry restoration density the pressure of the quark Fermi sea can be negative indicating its mechanical instability. Our result is in qualitative agreement with continuum models and should be verifiable by future lattice simulations of strongly coupled QCD at finite density.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. Uses ReVTeX4 and BiBTeX. Revised versio

    Monitoring mouse retinal degeneration with high-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography

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    Progression of retinal degeneration in a mouse model was studied in vivo with high-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Imaging in 3D with high depth resolution (<3 mu m), SD-OCT resolved all the major layers of the retina of control C57BL/6J mice. Images of transgenic mice having a null mutation of the rhodopsin gene revealed the anatomical consequences of retinal degeneration: thinning of the outer retina, including the outer plexiform layer (OPL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), and inner and outer segments (IS/OS). We monitored the progression of retinal degeneration in rd1 mice (C3H/HeJ) by periodically imaging the same mice from the time the pups opened their eyes on P13 to P34. SD-OCT images showed that the outer retina (OPL, ONL, IS/OS) had already thinned by 73% (100 to 27 mu m) at eye opening. The retina continued to degenerate, and by P20 the outer retina was not resolvable. The thickness of entire retina decreased from 228 mu m (control) to 152 mu m on P13 and to 98 mu m by P34, a 57% reduction with the complete loss in the outer retina. In summary, we show that SD-OCT can monitor the progression of retinal degeneration in transgenic mice.X114367sciescopu

    Order from disorder in lattice QCD at high density

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    We investigate the properties of the ground state of strong coupling lattice QCD at finite density. Our starting point is the effective Hamiltonian for color singlet objects, which looks at lowest order as an antiferromagnet, and describes meson physics with a fixed baryon number background. We concentrate on uniform baryon number backgrounds (with the same baryon number on all sites), for which the ground state was extracted in an earlier work, and calculate the dispersion relations of the excitations. Two types of Goldstone boson emerge. The first, antiferromagnetic spin waves, obey a linear dispersion relation. The others, ferromagnetic magnons, have energies that are quadratic in their momentum. These energies emerge only when fluctuations around the large-N_c ground state are taken into account, along the lines of ``order from disorder'' in frustrated magnetic systems. Unlike other spectrum calculations in order from disorder, we employ the Euclidean path integral. For comparison, we also present a Hamiltonian calculation using a generalized Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The latter can only be constructed for a subset of the cases we consider.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Signals for strange quark contributions to the neutrino (antineutrino) scattering in quasi-elastic region

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    Strange quark contributions to the neutrino (antineutrino) scattering are investigated on the elastic neutrino-nucleon scattering and the neutrino-nucleus scattering for 12C target in the quasi-elastic region on the incident energy of 500 MeV, within the framework of a relativistic single particle model. For the neutrino-nucleus scattering, the effects of final state interaction for the knocked-out nucleon are included by a relativistic optical potential. In the cross sections we found some cancellations of the strange quark contributions between the knocked-out protons and neutrons. Consequently, the asymmetries between the incident neutrino and antineutrino which is the ratio of neutral current to charged current, and the difference between the asymmetries are shown to be able to yield more feasible quantities for the strangeness effects. In order to explicitly display importance of the cancellations, results of the exclusive reaction 16O(\nu, \nu' p) are additionally presented for detecting the strangeness effects.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Exchange Current Corrections to Neutrino--Nucleus Scattering

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    Relativistic exchange current corrections to neutrino--nucleus cross sections are presented assuming non--vanishing strange quark form factors for the constituent nucleons. For charged current processes the exchange current corrections can lower the impulse approximation results by 10\% while these corrections are found to be sensitive to both the nuclear density and the strange quark axial form factor of the nucleon for neutral current processes. Implications on the LSND experiment to determine this form factor are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, revtex 3.0, full postscript version of the file and figures available at http://www.nikhefk.nikhef.nl/projects/Theory/preprints/preprints.html To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett