3,754 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative many-body approach to the Hubbard model and single-particle pseudogap

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    A new approach to the single-band Hubbard model is described in the general context of many-body theories. It is based on enforcing conservation laws, the Pauli principle and a number of crucial sum-rules. More specifically, spin and charge susceptibilities are expressed, in a conserving approximation, as a function of two constant irreducible vertices whose values are found self-consistently. The Mermin-Wagner theorem in two dimensions is automatically satisfied. The effect of collective modes on single-particle properties is then obtained by a paramagnon-like formula that is consistent with the two-particle properties in the sense that the potential energy obtained from TrΣGTr\Sigma G is identical to that obtained using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for susceptibilities. The vertex corrections are included through constant irreducible vertices. The theory is in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations for both single-particle and two-particle properties. In the two-dimensional renormalized classical regime, spin fluctuations lead to precursors of antiferromagnetic bands (shadow bands) and to the destruction of the Fermi-liquid quasiparticles in a wide temperature range above the zero-temperature phase transition. The analogous phenomenon of pairing pseudogap can occur in the attractive model in two dimensions when the pairing fluctuations become critical. Other many-body approaches are critically compared. It is argued that treating the spin fluctuations as if there was a Migdal's theorem can lead to wrong predictions, in particular with regard to the the single-particle pseudogap.Comment: Small changes to conform to published version. Main text 33 pages. Appendices 16 pages. 11 PS figures epsf/Latex. Section on the single-particle pseudogap can be read independentl

    Spin susceptibility of interacting electrons in one dimension: Luttinger liquid and lattice effects

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    The temperature-dependent uniform magnetic susceptibility of interacting electrons in one dimension is calculated using several methods. At low temperature, the renormalization group reaveals that the Luttinger liquid spin susceptibility χ(T)\chi (T) approaches zero temperature with an infinite slope in striking contrast with the Fermi liquid result and with the behavior of the compressibility in the absence of umklapp scattering. This effect comes from the leading marginally irrelevant operator, in analogy with the Heisenberg spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain. Comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations at higher temperature reveal that non-logarithmic terms are important in that regime. These contributions are evaluated from an effective interaction that includes the same set of diagrams as those that give the leading logarithmic terms in the renormalization group approach. Comments on the third law of thermodynamics as well as reasons for the failure of approaches that work in higher dimensions are given.Comment: 21 pages, latex including 5 eps figure

    Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    This work revisits the physics giving rise to the carbon nanotubes phonon bands in the mid- infrared. Our measurements of doped and undoped samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy show that the phonon bands exhibit an asymmetric lineshape and that their effective cross-section is enhanced upon doping. We relate these observations to electron-phonon coupling or, more specifically, to a Fano resonance phenomenon. We note that only the dopant-induced intraband continuum couples to the phonon modes and that defects induced in the sidewall increase the resonance probabilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 1 Supplementary Information File (in pdf

    Theory of single-particle properties of the Hubbard model

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    It is shown that it is possible to quantitatively explain quantum Monte Carlo results for the Green's function of the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the weak to intermediate coupling regime. The analytic approach includes vertex corrections in a paramagnon-like self-energy. All parameters are determined self-consistently. This approach clearly shows that in two dimensions Fermi-liquid quasiparticles disappear in the paramagnetic state when the antiferromagnetic correlation length becomes larger than the electronic thermal de Broglie wavelength.Comment: 5 pages, latex, uuencoded figures, REVTEX Also available by direct request to [email protected]

    Neel order, ring exchange and charge fluctuations in the half-filled Hubbard model

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    We investigate the ground state properties of the two dimensional half-filled one band Hubbard model in the strong (large-U) to intermediate coupling limit ({\it i.e.} away from the strict Heisenberg limit) using an effective spin-only low-energy theory that includes nearest-neighbor exchange, ring exchange, and all other spin interactions to order t(t/U)^3. We show that the operator for the staggered magnetization, transformed for use in the effective theory, differs from that for the order parameter of the spin model by a renormalization factor accounting for the increased charge fluctuations as t/U is increased from the t/U -> 0 Heisenberg limit. These charge fluctuations lead to an increase of the quantum fluctuations over and above those for an S=1/2 antiferromagnet. The renormalization factor ensures that the zero temperature staggered moment for the Hubbard model is a monotonously decreasing function of t/U, despite the fact that the moment of the spin Hamiltonien, which depends on transverse spin fluctuations only, in an increasing function of t/U. We also comment on quantitative aspects of the t/U and 1/S expansions.Comment: 9 pages - 3 figures - References and details to help the reader adde

    Variability of potato petiole nitrogen in response to nitrogen fertilizer, implications for variable management

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    Non-Peer ReviewedRecent increases in the cost of fertilizer nitrogen have prompted producers to assess the potential to vary inputs in space and time to produce the highest marketable yield of potatoes. A study was conducted from 2005 to 2007 near Brandon, Manitoba Canada, to assess the spatial variability of potato yield in upper, middle and lower landforms on a sandy loam soil in response to a range of nitrogen fertilizer rates and split application. Petiole nitrogen, determined late in the growing season, was correlated with potato yield and was used to assess nitrogen sufficiency through the growing season. Petiole nitrogen varied with time during the growing season, from uniform levels in June across all fertilizer treatments, to those which varied with fertilizer treatment in July and August. Furthermore potato petiole nitrogen was higher in lower landforms during July and August, where higher total and marketable yields were recorded. The potential for split application of nitrogen in potatoes based on management zones or sensor readings will have to be carefully assessed to account for temporal and spatial variability

    Magnetic and pair correlations of the Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    A combination of analytical approaches and quantum Monte Carlo simulations is used to study both magnetic and pairing correlations for a version of the Hubbard model that includes second-neighbor hopping t′=−0.35tt^{\prime }=-0.35t as a model for high-temperature superconductors. Magnetic properties are analyzed using the Two-Particle Self-Consistent approach. The maximum in magnetic susceptibility as a function of doping appears both at finite % t^{\prime } and at t′=0t^{\prime }=0 but for two totally different physical reasons. When t′=0t^{\prime }=0, it is induced by antiferromagnetic correlations while at t′=−0.35tt^{\prime }=-0.35t it is a band structure effect amplified by interactions. Finally, pairing fluctuations are compared with % T -matrix results to disentangle the effects of van Hove singularity and of nesting on superconducting correlations. The addition of antiferromagnetic fluctuations increases slightly the dd-wave superconducting correlations despite the presence of a van Hove singularity which tends to decrease them in the repulsive model. Some aspects of the phase diagram and some subtleties of finite-size scaling in Monte Carlo simulations, such as inverted finite-size dependence, are also discussed.Comment: Revtex, 8 pages + 15 uuencoded postcript figure

    Geographic variation in the foraging behaviour, diet and chick growth of rockhopper penguins

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