27 research outputs found

    Uncertainty relations in curved spaces

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    Uncertainty relations for particle motion in curved spaces are discussed. The relations are shown to be topologically invariant. New coordinate system on a sphere appropriate to the problem is proposed. The case of a sphere is considered in details. The investigation can be of interest for string and brane theory, solid state physics (quantum wires) and quantum optics.Comment: published version; phase space structure discussion adde


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    The identification of women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer plays a key role in chemoprevention of breast cancer selective estrogen receptor modulators. purpose: To study specific immune responses to chemical carcinogens and sex steroid hormones associated with breast cancer in postmenopausal women. material and methods. Serum IgA-antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone were studied in 203 non-smoking healthy women and 469 non-smoking breast cancer patients (125 with ER– and 344 with ER+) using semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay. results. The low levels of all three antibodies were revealed in 53.2 % of healthy donors, in 47.2 % of breast cancer patients with ER– and in 40.7 % of patients with ER+. The high levels of all three antibodies were found in 12.3 %, 18.4 % and 26.5 % of cases, respectively. In the studied groups, the levels of antibodies to estradiol and progesterone were correlated with the levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene (rs=0.54–0.7, p<0.0001). Conclusion. Immunoassay of antibodies to exogenous and endogenous antigens could be useful for determining risk of developing ER+ breast cancer and preventing administration of tamoxifen and others selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Active immunization against exogenous chemical carcinogens could increase the levels of antibodies to endogenous steroids, thus stimulating breast cancer.Выявление женщин с высоким риском возникновения рака молочной железы является ключевым звеном в химиопрофилактике этого заболевания селективными модуляторами эстрогеновых рецепторов. Цель исследования – изучить специфические иммунные реакции на химические канцерогены и половые стероидные гормоны, ассоциированные с раком молочной железы, у женщин в постменопаузе. материал и методы. С помощью полуколичественного иммуноферментного анализа были изучены сывороточные антитела класса А, специфичные к бензо[a]пирену, эстрадиолу и прогестерону, у 203 здоровых некурящих женщин и 469 некурящих больных раком молочной железы (125 женщин с ER– и 344 с ER+  статусом опухоли). результаты. Низкие уровни всех трех антител были обнаружены у53,2 % здоровых женщин, 47,2 % больных раком молочной железы с ER– статусом опухоли и 40,7 % с ER+. Высокие уровни всех трех антител встречались в 12,3 %, 18,4 %, 26,5 % случаев соответственно. Во всех группах уровни антител к эстрадиолу и прогестерону коррелировали с уровнями антител к бензо[a]пирену (rs=0,54–0,7, p<0,0001). Заключение. Иммуноанализ антител к экзогенным и эндогенным веществам может быть полезным для определения риска возникновения ER+ рака молочной железы и превентивного назначения тамоксифена и других селективных модуляторов эстрогеновых рецепторов. Активная иммунизация против экзогенных химических канцерогенов может увеличивать уровни антител к эндогенным стероидам и таким образом стимулировать рак молочной железы


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    The identification of women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer plays a key role in chemoprevention of breast cancer selective estrogen receptor modulators. purpose: To study specific immune responses to chemical carcinogens and sex steroid hormones associated with breast cancer in postmenopausal women. material and methods. Serum IgA-antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone were studied in 203 non-smoking healthy women and 469 non-smoking breast cancer patients (125 with ER– and 344 with ER+) using semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay. results. The low levels of all three antibodies were revealed in 53.2 % of healthy donors, in 47.2 % of breast cancer patients with ER– and in 40.7 % of patients with ER+. The high levels of all three antibodies were found in 12.3 %, 18.4 % and 26.5 % of cases, respectively. In the studied groups, the levels of antibodies to estradiol and progesterone were correlated with the levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene (rs=0.54–0.7, p<0.0001). Conclusion. Immunoassay of antibodies to exogenous and endogenous antigens could be useful for determining risk of developing ER+ breast cancer and preventing administration of tamoxifen and others selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Active immunization against exogenous chemical carcinogens could increase the levels of antibodies to endogenous steroids, thus stimulating breast cancer

    Effect of anti-antibodies to estradiol and progesterone on the concentration of hormones in the blood serum of healthy women and breast cancer patients

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    The relationship between autoantibodies specific to estradiol (Es)/ progesterone (Pg) and the concentrations of these hormones in the blood serum of healthy women and breast cancer patients has been previously revealed.Purpose: to study the association between anti-idiotypic antibodies to Es and Pg and the concentrations of these hormones in postmenopausal healthy women and breast cancer patients.Material and Methods. The levels of Es and Pg in the blood serum of 206 healthy women and 480 breast cancer patients were studied using competitive enzyme immunoassay. The levels of autoantibodies to Es and Pg and appropriate antiidiotypic antibodies in the same serums were studied using non-competitive enzyme immunoassay.Results. The high personal ratio of hormones (Pg/Es >4.0) was associated with the low breast cancer risk (OR=0.3; р<0.0001), high individual ratio of specific antibodies (IgA-Pg1/IgA-Es1>1.0; р=0.004) and high individual ratio of anti-idiotypic antibodies (IgG-Pg2/IgG-Es2>1.0; p<0.001) in healthy women, but not in breast cancer patients.Conclusion. The association between anti-idiotypic antibodies of G class specific to Es/ Pg and hormonal status was revealed in healthy women but not in breast cancer patients. Further studies on the mechanisms of immunoregulation of carcinogenesis are needed

    Immunoassayofantibodies to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone fordeterminationofpersonal lung cancer riskinmen

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    A personalized lung cancer risk assessment is important for disease prevention.The aim of the studywas to estimate a significance of immunoanalysis of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone for lung cancer risk prediction in men with respect to age and smoking.Material and methods. Serum antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone in the blood serum of 620 healthy men (279 smokers) and 827 lung cancer patients (627 smokers) were studied using semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay.Results. The high lung cancer risk was observed in smokers aged over 55 years: oR=15.4 (11.5–20.8 95 % ci). the lung cancer risk in this group of patients was significantly lower when their levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene and to estradiol were lower than those to progesterone: oR=3.2 (2.0–5.0). the lung cancer risk was higher when the personal levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene and to estradiol were higher than the levels of antibodies to progesterone: oR=20.0 (10.5–38.1).Conclusion. The immunoassay of the blood serum antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone could be useful for determination of the lung cancer risk in men