7,145 research outputs found

    Lasing in circuit quantum electrodynamics with strong noise

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    We study a model which can describe a superconducting single electron transistor (SSET) or a double quantum dot coupled to transmission-line oscillator. In both cases the degree of freedom is given by a charged particle, which couples strongly to the electromagnetic environment or phonons. We consider the case where a lasing condition is established and study the dependence of the average photon number in the resonator on the spectral function of the electromagnetic environment. We focus on three important cases: a strongly coupled environment with a small cut-off frequency, a structured environment peaked at a specific frequency and 1/f-noise. We find that the electromagnetic environment can have a substantial impact on the photon creation. Resonance peaks are in general broadened and additional resonances can appear

    A Numerical Model Calculation of the Flow in DeSoto Canyon in Response to Northerly Wind Bursts in Winter

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    The continental shelf currents observed at the head of DeSoto Canyon offshore of Pensacola, FL, during Nov, 1997-Feb. 1998, are studied with the aid of a Bryan-Cox model of the entire Gulf of Mexico. The basic model circulation with no winds features a Loop Current and a weak flow in DeSoto Canyon. In contrast, the model response to northerly wind bursts produces strong canyon currents. Wind-driven southward currents on the West Florida Shelf (WFS) appear to pull a strong flow around DeSoto Canyon, giving rise to a strong up-canyon flow on the west flank The wind-enhanced flow in DeSoto Canyon is reproduced with a model run that incorporates wind stresses derived from the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis winds for March 1997-April 1998. The model flow for the winter period (Nov. 1997-Feb. 1998) is compared with observed currents at three canyon-head locations in 100 m of water available from a Science Applications International Corporation mooring experiment. Model and observed velocities in the general around-canyon direction track each other reasonably well, with peaks synchronized roughly with but lagging slightly northerly wind bursts. The lag time appears consistent with the generation at Key West of first-mode continental shelf waves responsible for wind-driven alongshore currents on the WFS. Pressure gradient slightly in excess of that necessary for a geostrophic balance with the (eastward) alongshore flow appears to generate onshore flows, giving rise to midshelf upwelling after northerly wind bursts

    Dephasing at Low Temperatures

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    We discuss the significance and the calculation of dephasing at low temperatures. The particle is moving diffusively due to a static disorder configuration, while the interference between classical paths is suppressed due to the interaction with a dynamical environment. At high temperatures we may use the `white noise approximation' (WNA), while at low temperatures we distinguish the contribution of `zero point fluctuations' (ZPF) from the `thermal noise contribution' (TNC). We study the limitations of the above semiclassical approach and suggest the required modifications. In particular we find that the ZPF contribution becomes irrelevant for thermal motion.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, clearer presentatio

    Quantal Brownian Motion - Dephasing and Dissipation

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    We analyze quantal Brownian motion in dd dimensions using the unified model for diffusion localization and dissipation, and Feynman-Vernon formalism. At high temperatures the propagator possess a Markovian property and we can write down an equivalent Master equation. Unlike the case of the Zwanzig-Caldeira-Leggett model, genuine quantum mechanical effects manifest themselves due to the disordered nature of the environment. Using Wigner picture of the dynamics we distinguish between two different mechanisms for destruction of coherence. The analysis of dephasing is extended to the low temperature regime by using a semiclassical strategy. Various results are derived for ballistic, chaotic, diffusive, both ergodic and non-ergodic motion. We also analyze loss of coherence at the limit of zero temperature and clarify the limitations of the semiclassical approach. The condition for having coherent effect due to scattering by low-frequency fluctuations is also pointed out. It is interesting that the dephasing rate can be either larger or smaller than the dissipation rate, depending on the physical circumstances.Comment: LaTex, 23 pages, 4 figures, published vesio

    Electron transport through interacting quantum dots

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    We present a detailed theoretical investigation of the effect of Coulomb interactions on electron transport through quantum dots and double barrier structures connected to a voltage source via an arbitrary linear impedance. Combining real time path integral techniques with the scattering matrix approach we derive the effective action and evaluate the current-voltage characteristics of quantum dots at sufficiently large conductances. Our analysis reveals a reach variety of different regimes which we specify in details for the case of chaotic quantum dots. At sufficiently low energies the interaction correction to the current depends logarithmically on temperature and voltage. We identify two different logarithmic regimes with the crossover between them occurring at energies of order of the inverse dwell time of electrons in the dot. We also analyze the frequency-dependent shot noise in chaotic quantum dots and elucidate its direct relation to interaction effects in mesoscopic electron transport.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. References added, discussion slightly extende

    Broadband squeezed light from phase-locked single-mode sub-Poissonian lasers

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    We consider sub-Poissonian single-mode laser with external synchronization and analyze its applicability to the problems of quantum information. Using Heisenberg-Langevin theory we calculate the quadrature variances of the field emitted by this laser. It is shown that such systems can demonstrate strong quadrature squeezing. Taking into account that the emitted field is temporally multi-mode the application of such sources to multichannel quantum teleportation and dense coding protocols is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Interaction-Induced Quantum Dephasing in Mesoscopic Rings

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    Combining nonperturbative techniques with Monte Carlo simulations we demonstrate that quantum coherence effects for a particle on a ring are suppressed beyond a finite length LĎ•L_{\phi} even at zero temperature if the particle is coupled to a diffusive electron gas by means of long range Coulomb interaction. This length is consistent with LĎ•L_{\phi} derived from weak-localization-type of analysis.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 2 figure
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