31,632 research outputs found

    Neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis and the site of the r process

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    If the r process occurs deep within a type II supernova, probably the most popular of the proposed sites, abundances of r-process elements may be altered by the intense neutrino flux. We point out that the effects would be especially pronounced for eight isotopes that can be efficiently synthesized by the neutrino reactions following r-process freeze-out. We show that the observed abundances of these isotopes are entirely consistent with neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis, strongly arguing for a supernova r-process site. The deduced neutrino fluences place stringent constraints on the freeze-out radius and dynamic time scale of the r process

    Extended skyrmion lattice scattering and long-time memory in the chiral magnet Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xSi

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    Small angle neutron scattering measurements on a bulk single crystal of the doped chiral magnet Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_xSi with xx=0.3 reveal a pronounced effect of the magnetic history and cooling rates on the magnetic phase diagram. The extracted phase diagrams are qualitatively different for zero and field cooling and reveal a metastable skyrmion lattice phase outside the A-phase for the latter case. These thermodynamically metastable skyrmion lattice correlations coexist with the conical phase and can be enhanced by increasing the cooling rate. They appear in a wide region of the phase diagram at temperatures below the AA-phase but also at fields considerably smaller or higher than the fields required to stabilize the A-phase

    Achieving ground-state polar molecular condensates by chainwise atom-molecule adiabatic passage

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    We generalize the idea of chainwise stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) [Kuznetsova \textit{et al.} Phys. Rev. A \textbf{78}, 021402(R) (2008)] to a photoassociation-based chainwise atom-molecule system, with the goal of directly converting two-species atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) into a ground polar molecular BEC. We pay particular attention to the intermediate Raman laser fields, a control knob inaccessible to the usual three-level model. We find that an appropriate exploration of both the intermediate laser fields and the stability property of the atom-molecule STIRAP can greatly reduce the power demand on the photoassociation laser, a key concern for STIRAPs starting from free atoms due to the small Franck-Condon factor in the free-bound transition.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phy. Rev.

    Coordinating reforms in transition economies

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    We establish a theory to analyze how initial conditions of organizational differences in transition economies affect reform strategies, especially the 'big-bang' approach in Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union economies as the U-form and the 'experimental' approach in China as the M-form. We model the coordination of specialized tasks inside an organization as 'attribute matching' and compare organizational forms (U-form and M-form) in coordinating reforms. Organizational forms affect the information structure of an organization and thus the way to coordinate reforms. Compared to the U-form, the M-form organization achieves better coordination but suffers from higher costs due to a lack of scale economies. The M-form has a distinctive advantage in carrying out experimentation that it is more flexible in reforms.postprin

    A Wideband Multilayer Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Array

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    © 2017 IEEE. In this paper, a wideband 2 × 2 multilayer substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based cavity-backed slot array is proposed. The array element is constructed by stacking five layers of SIW cavity-backed slots and has a wide impedance bandwidth from 18 to 30 GHz. Two different feed networks based on probe coupling and slot coupling are introduced to maintain the wideband characteristic of the proposed element when employed in an array. Two 2 × 2 arrays fed by the proposed feed networks are designed, fabricated, and tested. The measured results show that both the arrays employing probe coupling and slot coupling feed networks have a wide impedance bandwidth over 30%. Within the obtained operation bands, good radiation performance is achieved. Moreover, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed two feed networks are discussed
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