51,975 research outputs found

    Scaling Between Periodic Anderson and Kondo Lattice Models

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    Continuous-Time Quantum Monte Carlo (CT-QMC) method combined with Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) is used to calculate both Periodic Anderson Model (PAM) and Kondo Lattice Model (KLM). Different parameter sets of both models are connected by the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. For degeneracy N=2, a special particle-hole symmetric case of PAM at half filling which always fixes one electron per impurity site is compared with the results of the KLM. We find a good mapping between PAM and KLM in the limit of large on-site Hubbard interaction U for different properties like self-energy, quasiparticle residue and susceptibility. This allows us to extract quasiparticle mass renormalizations for the f electrons directly from KLM. The method is further applied to higher degenerate case and to realsitic heavy fermion system CeRhIn5 in which the estimate of the Sommerfeld coefficient is proven to be close to the experimental value

    Entanglement changing power of two-qubit unitary operations

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    We consider a two-qubit unitary operation along with arbitrary local unitary operations acts on a two-qubit pure state, whose entanglement is C_0. We give the conditions that the final state can be maximally entangled and be non-entangled. When the final state can not be maximally entangled, we give the maximal entanglement C_max it can reach. When the final state can not be non-entangled, we give the minimal entanglement C_min it can reach. We think C_max and C_min represent the entanglement changing power of two-qubit unitary operations. According to this power we define an order of gates.Comment: 11 page

    Phase equilibrium in two orbital model under magnetic field

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    The phase equilibrium in manganites under magnetic field is studied using a two orbital model, based on the equivalent chemical potential principle for the competitive phases. We focus on the magnetic field induced melting process of CE phase in half-doped manganites. It is predicted that the homogenous CE phase begins to decompose into coexisting ferromagnetic phase and CE phase once the magnetic field exceeds the threshold field. In a more quantitative way, the volume fractions of the two competitive phases in the phase separation regime are evaluated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Algebraic approach to the Hulthen potential

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    In this paper the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions are calculated for Hulthen potential. Then we obtain the ladder operators and show that these operators satisfy SU(2) commutation relation.Comment: 8 Pages, 1 Tabl

    Nonlinear Basis Pursuit

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    In compressive sensing, the basis pursuit algorithm aims to find the sparsest solution to an underdetermined linear equation system. In this paper, we generalize basis pursuit to finding the sparsest solution to higher order nonlinear systems of equations, called nonlinear basis pursuit. In contrast to the existing nonlinear compressive sensing methods, the new algorithm that solves the nonlinear basis pursuit problem is convex and not greedy. The novel algorithm enables the compressive sensing approach to be used for a broader range of applications where there are nonlinear relationships between the measurements and the unknowns

    Heavy and Light Quarks with Lattice Chiral Fermions

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    The feasibility of using lattice chiral fermions which are free of O(a)O(a) errors for both the heavy and light quarks is examined. The fact that the effective quark propagators in these fermions have the same form as that in the continuum with the quark mass being only an additive parameter to a chirally symmetric antihermitian Dirac operator is highlighted. This implies that there is no distinction between the heavy and light quarks and no mass dependent tuning of the action or operators as long as the discretization error O(m2a2)O(m^2 a^2) is negligible. Using the overlap fermion, we find that the O(m2a2)O(m^2a^2) (and O(ma2)O(ma^2)) errors in the dispersion relations of the pseudoscalar and vector mesons and the renormalization of the axial-vector current and scalar density are small. This suggests that the applicable range of mama may be extended to 0.56\sim 0.56 with only 5% error, which is a factor of 2.4\sim 2.4 larger than that of the improved Wilson action. We show that the generalized Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation with unequal masses can be utilized to determine the finite mama errors in the renormalization of the matrix elements for the heavy-light decay constants and semileptonic decay constants of the B/D meson.Comment: final version to appear in Int. Jou. Mod. Phys.

    Quantum criticality and nodal superconductivity in the FeAs-based superconductor KFe2As2

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    The in-plane resistivity ρ\rho and thermal conductivity κ\kappa of FeAs-based superconductor KFe2_2As2_2 single crystal were measured down to 50 mK. We observe non-Fermi-liquid behavior ρ(T)T1.5\rho(T) \sim T^{1.5} at Hc2H_{c_2} = 5 T, and the development of a Fermi liquid state with ρ(T)T2\rho(T) \sim T^2 when further increasing field. This suggests a field-induced quantum critical point, occurring at the superconducting upper critical field Hc2H_{c_2}. In zero field there is a large residual linear term κ0/T\kappa_0/T, and the field dependence of κ0/T\kappa_0/T mimics that in d-wave cuprate superconductors. This indicates that the superconducting gaps in KFe2_2As2_2 have nodes, likely d-wave symmetry. Such a nodal superconductivity is attributed to the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations near the quantum critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - replaces arXiv:0909.485