12,089 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Linear Genetic Programming with Stochastic Context-Free Grammar for solving Symbolic Regression problems

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    Traditional Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) algorithms are based only on the selection mechanism to guide the search. Genetic operators combine or mutate random portions of the individuals, without knowing if the result will lead to a fitter individual. Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Programming (PMB-GP) methods were proposed to overcome this issue through a probability model that captures the structure of the fit individuals and use it to sample new individuals. This work proposes the use of LGP with a Stochastic Context-Free Grammar (SCFG), that has a probability distribution that is updated according to selected individuals. We proposed a method for adapting the grammar into the linear representation of LGP. Tests performed with the proposed probabilistic method, and with two hybrid approaches, on several symbolic regression benchmark problems show that the results are statistically better than the obtained by the traditional LGP.Comment: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2017, Berlin, German

    Lessons from Non-Abelian Plasma Instabilities in Two Spatial Dimensions

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    Plasma instabilities can play a fundamental role in quark-gluon plasma equilibration in the high energy (weak coupling) limit. Early simulations of the evolution of plasma instabilities in non-abelian gauge theory, performed in one spatial dimension, found behavior qualitatively similar to traditional QED plasmas. Later simulations of the fully three-dimensional theory found different behavior, unlike traditional QED plasmas. To shed light on the origin of this difference, we study the intermediate case of two spatial dimensions. Depending on how the "two-dimensional'' theory is formulated, we can obtain either behavior.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Seeing many-body effects in single- and few-layer graphene: Observation of two-dimensional saddle-point excitons

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    Significant excitonic effects were observed in graphene by measuring its optical conductivity in a broad spectral range including the two-dimensional {\pi}-band saddle-point singularities in the electronic structure. The strong electron-hole interactions manifest themselves in an asymmetric resonance peaked at 4.62 eV, which is red-shifted by nearly 600 meV from the value predicted by ab-initio GW calculations for the band-to-band transitions. The observed excitonic resonance is explained within a phenomenological model as a Fano interference of a strongly coupled excitonic state and a band continuum. Our experiment also showed a weak dependence of the excitonic resonance in few-layer graphene on layer thickness. This result reflects the effective cancellation of the increasingly screened repulsive electron-electron (e-e) and attractive electron-hole (e-h) interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, In PR

    Diffusion in a multi-component Lattice Boltzmann Equation model

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    Diffusion phenomena in a multiple component lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) model are discussed in detail. The mass fluxes associated with different mechanical driving forces are obtained using a Chapman-Enskog analysis. This model is found to have correct diffusion behavior and the multiple diffusion coefficients are obtained analytically. The analytical results are further confirmed by numerical simulations in a few solvable limiting cases. The LBE model is established as a useful computational tool for the simulation of mass transfer in fluid systems with external forces.Comment: To appear in Aug 1 issue of PR

    The Norm of the Learning-Disability Checklist for Elementary and Middle School Children (in Chinese)

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    The Learning-Disabilities Checklist for Elementary and Middle School Children was administered to 1067 subjects in Shanghai. The data analyses brought us the following: 1) The mean and standard deviation of each variable of raw data; 2) There were significant age differences and sex differences for each variable; 3) The reliability and validity of this test was up to the criteria of psychometrology; 4) A Shanghai norm was made

    Dificultades y posibilidades del algoritmo de optimización de enjambre de partículas para la planificación contemporánea espacial del bosque

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    We describe here an example of applying particle swarm optimization (PSO) — a population-based heuristic technique — to maximize the net present value of a contemporary southern United States forest plan that includes spatial constraints (green-up and adjacency) and wood flow constraints. When initiated with randomly defined feasible initial conditions, and tuned with some appropriate modifications, the PSO algorithm gradually converged upon its final solution and provided reasonable objective function values. However, only 86% of the global optimal value could be achieved using the modified PSO heuristic. The results of this study suggest that under random-start initial population conditions the PSO heuristic may have rather limited application to forest planning problems with economic objectives, wood-flow constraints, and spatial considerations. Pitfalls include the need to modify the structure of PSO to both address spatial constraints and to repair particles, and the need to modify some of the basic assumptions of PSO to better address contemporary forest planning problems. Our results, and hence our contributions, are contrary to earlier work that illustrated the impressive potential of PSO when applied to stand-level forest planning problems or when applied to a high quality initial population.Se describe aquí un ejemplo de la aplicación de la optimización de enjambre de partículas (PSO) — una técnica heurística basada en la población — para maximizar el valor presente neto de un moderno plan de gestión del bosque del sur de los Estados Unidos, que incluye limitaciones espaciales y restricciones del flujo de madera. Cuando se inicia con condiciones iniciales factibles definidas aleatoriamente, y en sintonía con algunas modificaciones adecuadas, el algoritmo PSO converge gradualmente sobre su solución final y suministra los valores de la función objetivo. Sin embargo, sólo el 86% del valor global óptimo podría lograrse usando la heurística PSO modificada. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que bajo condiciones de arranque aleatorio de la población inicial, la heurística PSO puede tener una aplicación más bien limitada a los problemas de planificación forestal con objetivos económicos, restricciones de flujo de madera y consideraciones espaciales. Las dificultadas incluyen la necesidad de modificar la estructura de PSO para abordar tanto las limitaciones espaciales como para reparar las partículas, y la necesidad de modificar algunos de los supuestos básicos de PSO para abordar mejor los problemas contemporáneos de la planificación forestal. Nuestros resultados, y por lo tanto nuestra aportación, son contrarios a trabajos anteriores que ilustran el impresionante potencial de PSO cuando se aplica a problemas de planificación forestal a nivel de rodal o cuando se aplica a una población de calidad inicial alta

    A Sensitivity Analysis of the SPACSYS Model

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    A sensitivity analysis is critical for determining the relative importance of model parameters to their influence on the simulated outputs from a process-based model. In this study, a sensitivity analysis for the SPACSYS model, first published in Ecological Modelling (Wu, et al., 2007), was conducted with respect to changes in 61 input parameters and their influence on 27 output variables. Parameter sensitivity was conducted in a 'one at a time' manner and objectively assessed through a single statistical diagnostic (normalized root mean square deviation) which ranked parameters according to their influence of each output variable in turn. A winter wheat field experiment provided the case study data. Two sets of weather elements to represent different climatic conditions and four different soil types were specified, where results indicated little influence on these specifications for the identification of the most sensitive parameters. Soil conditions and management were found to affect the ranking of parameter sensitivities more strongly than weather conditions for the selected outputs. Parameters related to drainage were strongly influential for simulations of soil water dynamics, yield and biomass of wheat, runoff, and leaching from soil during individual and consecutive growing years. Wheat yield and biomass simulations were sensitive to the 'ammonium immobilised fraction' parameter that related to soil mineralization and immobilisation. Simulations of CO2 release from the soil and soil nutrient pool changes were most sensitive to external nutrient inputs and the process of denitrification, mineralization, and decomposition. This study provides important evidence of which SPACSYS parameters require the most care in their specification. Moving forward, this evidence can help direct efficient sampling and lab analyses for increased accuracy of such parameters. Results provide a useful reference for model users on which parameters are most influential for different simulation goals, which in turn provides better informed decision making for farmers and government policy alike

    A Lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of liquid-vapor thermal flows

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    We present a novel lattice Boltzmann method that has a capability of simulating thermodynamic multiphase flows. This approach is fully thermodynamically consistent at the macroscopic level. Using this new method, a liquid-vapor boiling process, including liquid-vapor formation and coalescence together with a full coupling of temperature, is simulated for the first time.Comment: one gzipped tar file, 19 pages, 4 figure

    Fabrication and superconductivity of NaxTaS2 crystals

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    In this paper we report the growth and superconductivity of NaxTaS2Na_xTaS_2 crystals. The structural data deduced from X-ray diffraction pattern shows that the sample has the same structure as 2HTaS22H-TaS_2. A series of crystals with different superconducting transition temperatures (TcT_c) ranging from 2.5 K to 4.4 K were obtained. It is found that the TcT_c rises with the increase of NaNa content determined by Energy-Dispersive x-ray microanalysis(EDX) of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) on these crystals. Compared with the resistivity curve of un-intercalated sample 2HTaS22H-TaS_2 (TcT_c = 0.8 K, TCDWT_{CDW} \approx 70 K), no signal of charge density wave (CDW) was observed in samples Na0.1TaS2Na_{0.1}TaS_2 and Na0.05TaS2Na_{0.05}TaS_2. However, in some samples with lower TcT_c, the CDW appears again at about 65 K. Comparison between the anisotropic resistivity indicates that the anisotropy becomes smaller in samples with more NaNa intercalation (albeit a weak semiconducting behavior along c-axis) and thus higher TcT_c. It is thus concluded that there is a competition between the superconductivity and the CDW. With the increase of sodium content, the rise of TcT_c in NaxTaS2Na_xTaS_2 is caused mainly by the suppression to the CDW in 2HTaS22H-TaS_2, and the conventional rigid band model for layered dichalcogenide may be inadequate to explain the changes induced by the slight intercalation of sodium in 2HTaS22H-TaS_2.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figures, To appear in Physical Review