13 research outputs found

    Sulfasalazine prevents lung injury due to intra-abdominal sepsis in rats: possible role of Nrf2 and angiopoietin-2

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of sulfasalazine in preventing and treating intra-abdominal sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in a rat model. Forty male Wistar albino rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into four equal groups, and sepsis was induced in 30 rats by intraperitoneal administration of a fecal saline solution prepared from rat feces. Group 1: normal control (n=10) [non-surgical], Group 2: fecal intraperitoneal injection (FIP) (n=10) [untreated septic group], Group 3: FIP+saline (placebo) (n=10) [saline administered intraperitoneally], Group 4 (n=10): FIP+sulfasalazine [250 mg/kg per day administered intraperitoneally]. Computed tomography was performed and blood samples were collected for biochemical and blood gas analysis. The lungs were removed for histopathological studies. Statistically significant reductions in interleukin (IL)-6, IL1-β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, malondialdehyde (MDA), and angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2) levels were observed in the sulfasalazine group compared to the FIP+saline group (P<0.001). Nrf2 levels were significantly higher in the sulfasalazine-treated group than in the FIP and FIP+saline groups (P<0.01). Lung tissue scores were significantly reduced in the sulfasalazine group compared to the other sepsis groups. The Hounsfield unit (HU) value was significantly lower in the sulfasalazine group than in the FIP+saline group (P<0.001). PaO2 values were significantly higher in the sulfasalazine-treated group than in the FIP+saline-treated group (P<0.05). Sulfasalazine was shown to be effective in preventing and treating ARDS

    Investigation of acute effects of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort-Kantaron) treatment in experimental thermal burns and comparison with silver sulfadiazine treatment [Deneysel haşlama tipi yanıklarda Hypericum perforatum (Kantaron) tedavisinin akut etkilerinin araştırılması ve gümüş sülfadiazin tedavisiyle karşılaştırılması]

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    PubMed ID: 26388268BACKGROUND: Hypericum perforatum (HP) (St. John’s Wort-Kantaron) has been used widely for the treatment of burn injuries for many years in traditional Turkish medicine. The aim of study was to investigate HP treatment in experimental thermal burns and compare it with silver sulfadiazine (SS) treatment. METHODS: Thirty-five rats were randomly assigned to one of the five groups, 7 rats in each. A second-degree thermal burn was created on the dorsal sites of rats by exposing an area of 4×4 cm to 100 °C boiled water for 10 seconds. All groups were provided with irrigation for three (3) minutes with 50 cc saline solution (SS). Group 1 (Control Group) was not administered any treatment. Group 2 (Burn Control Group) was administered only irrigation, Group 3 (topical silver sulfadiazine [SS]) was administered SS twice a day, Group 4 (the Topical HP Group) was administered HP four times a day (every six hours), Group 5 (treatment with agent -gel-) was administeredother topical material used for the preparation of HP four times a day (every six hours). Wound site healing on the skin was histopathologically evaluated. RESULTS: It was found that collagen discoloration of the HP treatment group was localized in the lower part of the epidermal layer and did not go up to the depth of dermis compared to the other groups, and epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands remained protected compared to the groups administered burn, gel and SS in every hour of the experiment and it was the group closest to the control group structurally. It was determined that the epidermal thickness and the number of vessels of the HP Group were significantly higher compared to the other groups (p0.05). The number of degenerated hair follicles in the HP Group was significantly less than the other groups (p 0.05). CONCLUSION: Administration of HP four times a day within the first 24 hours is clearly effective in wound healing in the experimental thermal second degree burn modality and is significantly superior to SS treatment. © 2015 TJTES

    The effects of ovariectomy on the submandibular gland in young female adult rats

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    Aim: The salivary gland is one of the target tissues of estrogen. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of ovariectomy on the stimulated salivary flow rate and morphology of the submandibular gland in sexually mature young rats. Material and Methods: 72 Female Wistar albino rats of 15 weeks of age were used in this study. Submandibular ducts were cannulated intraorally with polyethylene tubes and stimulated salivary flow rates were determined at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th weeks after the ovariectomy. Histological sections of the submandibular glands were stained and assessed under a light microscope. The diameters of the acinar cells and parenchyma/stroma ratio were calculated using a software system. Results: The stimulated submandibular flow rate was found to be significantly decreased at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th weeks after the ovariectomy. A decrease in the parenchymal structures and acinar cells, an increase in the interstitial connective tissue and fatty degeneration of the gland were observed. Conclusion: Ovariectomy leads to a decrease in stimulated submandibular salivary flow rate. The changes in gland morphology may be responsible for the decrease in salivary flow rate in young adult rats.Amaç:Tükürük bezi östrojenin hedef dokularından birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı cinsel yönden yetişkin genç sıçanlarda submandibular bezin morfolojisi ve uyarılmış tükürük akış hızının üzerine overektominin etkilerini incelemektir. Yöntem ve Gereç: Bu çalışmada 15 haftalık 72 dişi Wistar albino sıçanı kullanılmıştır. Submandibular kanallar polietilen tüplerle intraoral olarak kanule edilmiştir ve overektomiden 1, 2, 4, 8. 12. ve 16. hafta sonra uyarılmış tükürük akış hızı tayin edilmiştir. Submandibular bezlerin histolojik kesitleri boyanmış ve ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirilmiştir. Asiner hücrelerin çapları ve parankima/stroma oranı bilgisayar yazılımı kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Uyarılmış submandibular akış hızının overektomiden 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 ve 16 hafta sonra belirgin derecede azalmış olduğu bulunmuştur. Parankimal yapılarda ve asiner hücrelerdeki azalma, intertisyel bağ dokusu ve bezlerin yağlı dejenerasyonunda artış gözlenmiştir. Sonuç: Overektomi, submandibular tükürük akış hızında bir düşüşe neden olmaktadır. Bez morfolojisindeki değişiklikler genç yetişkin sıçanlarda tükürük akış hızındaki düşüşten sorumlu olabilir

    The healing effects of hyperium perforatum (St. john’s wort) on experimental alkaline corrosive eosephageal and stomach burns [Deneysel alkali koroziv ösefageal ve mide yanıklarında hyperium perforatum’un (Sarı kantaron) iyileştirici etkisi]

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    PubMed: 324369852-s2.0-85085158045BACKGROUND: The most frequent etiologic cause is alkaline substances. We investigated the protective effects of the plant St. John ‘s Wort (Hypericum perforatum). METHODS: We included 42 Wistar albino rats weighing between 200–300 grams and divided into six groups as Group 1: Con-trol, Group 2: Burn+Saline (BS), Group 3: Burn+St. John’s Wort (BSJW), Group 4: Burn+Plasebo (BP), Group 5: St. John’s Wort (SJW), Group 6: Placebo (P). After 15 days of treatment, esophagus, stomach and liver tissue samples were derived by dissection for histopathologic and biochemical markers. The cytotoxic effects of formulation on fibroblasts is evaluated in vitro on human dermoblast fibroblast line (HDFa, Gibco Invitrogen cell culture, C-013-5C). RESULTS: The weight of the rats increased in Group 1, 3, 4, 6, decreased in Group 2 and did not change in Group 5. In the BSJW group, submucosal collagen accumulation, muscularis mucosa damage, tunica muscularis damage and collagen accumulation in esophagus were similar to the control group but lesser than BS and placebo group. In the stomach, mucosal damage, gastric gland dilatation, submucosal polymorphonuclear infiltration were similar to the control group and lesser than the BS group. The lethal concentration of SJW was 2.58 gr/mL. CONCLUSION: SJW substrate is effective in protecting the esophagus and stomach in mild to moderate alcali corrosive burns in the subacute period. We should keep in mind the protective effects of STW substrate in alkaline corrosive burns of the gastrointestinal system. © 2020, Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. All rights reserved.Ege Üniversitesi: 2013TIP-079This experimental study is performed after the ethical approvement from Dokuz Eylul University Medicine Faculty, Animal Ethics Committee with the protocol number of 65/2013; the survey is performed according to “The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals-Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources Commission on Life Sciences National Research Council, USA”. The experimental part of the study is carried out in Dokuz Eylul University Multidisciplinary Experimental Research and Animal Laboratory; histopathological analyses were carried out in Ege University, Faculty of Medicine Division of Histology and Embryology; biochemical analyses were carried out in Ege University Science Faculty, Department of Biology and AREL Laboratory. The study is supported by Ege University Scientific Research Project Fund as project 2013TIP-079

    Investigation of the neuroprotective effect of Granisetron through SV2A and 5-HT3 modulation in a radiation-induced brain injury rat model

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    Background: The development of neurotoxicity in healthy, non-targeted brain tissue exposed to radiation during cranial radiotherapy (RT) is the most frequent event of radiation-induced adverse effects. The 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonists may also have a range of neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antiphlogistic properties in addition to their anti-emetic effects. Materials and Methods: Study groups were formed in the following ways: Group 2: Irradiation (IR)only (IR+Saline); Group 1: Normal control (orally fed control); Group 3: IR+Granisetron (IR+Granisetron): whole-brain IR and Granisetron 1 mg/kg/day (Merck) administered orally. 15 days of all therapies were given. The 15 days were completed with behavioral testing. In the entire brain IR-only (placebo) group, a substantial deterioration was seen in all studied marker levels and behavioral test results. Results: Compared to the IR-only group, all of these biochemical indicators significantly improved in the granisetron group (IR+Granisetron), and levels of the control group returned to normal. In behavioral test analyses, a substantial decline in the open field and passive avoidance learning social recognition tests was seen in the IR-only group compared to the healthy control group, whereas an improvement was seen in the IR+Granisetron group. In addition, the IR-only group showed a reduction in hippocampus neurons and Purkinje neurons as well as an increase in hippocampal gliosis, whereas the IR+Granisetron group showed an improvement and a return to the normal control group counts. Conclusion: In summary, we discovered that granisetron had neuroprotective properties in a rat model of radiation-induced brain damage

    Effects of ozone treatment to the levels of neurodegeneration biomarkers after rotenone induced rat model of Parkinson's disease

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    The study investigated the effects of ozone treatment on the neurodegeneration of stereotaxic rotenone-induced parkinson's disease (PD) model. The model was confirmed using the apomorphine rotation test. α-synuclein, amyloid-β, Tau, phosphorylated Tau, as well as tyrosine hydroxylase(+), nNOS(+), and glial cell counts were used to evaluate neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area. The experiment involved 48 Sprague-Dawley rats divided into four groups: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), DMSO with ozone (O), DMSO/rotenone (R), and D/R/O. Ozone treatment significantly improved tissue α-synuclein level and TH+, nNOS+, and glial cell counts compared to the rotenone-only group. The study suggests that ozone treatment may have beneficial effects on PD biomarkers in the rotenone model. Further studies on ozone dosage, duration, and administration methods in humans could provide more evidence for its potential use in Parkinson's disease treatment. © 2023 Elsevier B.V.Authors are thankful by support of Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination (TGA-2019-20564).TGA-2019-2056