755 research outputs found

    The Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in the whole space: II, Global existence for hard potential

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    As a continuation of our series works on the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff assumption, in this part, the global existence of solution to the Cauchy problem in the whole space is proved in some suitable weighted Sobolev spaces for hard potential when the solution is a small perturbation of a global equilibrium

    Anti-deuteron beam study at J-PARC HEF K1.8 beam line

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    We performed a d\overline{d} beam study at the K1.8 beam line of J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. 1.8 GeV/cc d\overline{d} beam yield was measured to be 0.30 ±\pm 0.04 counts/spill for 30 GeV 70 ×1012\times 10^{12} protons/spill irradiated on a 66 mm thick of gold target with the vertical slit opening widths of 2.2 mm, 5 mm and 5 mm for intermediate focus (IFV), mass slit 1 (MS1) and 2 (MS2), respectively. Corresponding p\overline{p} beam yield is roughly estimated to be \sim 0.3 Mcounts/spill for the same slit condition. Then, the d/p\overline{d}/\overline{p} production ratio at extraction angle of 6 degrees is estimated to be 106\sim 10^{-6}. This is the first time measurement of the d\overline{d} beam yield and d/p\overline{d}/\overline{p} production ratio at J-PARC. Further beam line tuning may increase the d\overline{d} beam yield.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, J-PARC HEF K1.8 beam line group technical repor

    Regularizing effect and local existence for non-cutoff Boltzmann equation

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    The Boltzmann equation without Grad's angular cutoff assumption is believed to have regularizing effect on the solution because of the non-integrable angular singularity of the cross-section. However, even though so far this has been justified satisfactorily for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation, it is still basically unsolved for the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation. In this paper, by sharpening the coercivity and upper bound estimates for the collision operator, establishing the hypo-ellipticity of the Boltzmann operator based on a generalized version of the uncertainty principle, and analyzing the commutators between the collision operator and some weighted pseudo differential operators, we prove the regularizing effect in all (time, space and velocity) variables on solutions when some mild regularity is imposed on these solutions. For completeness, we also show that when the initial data has this mild regularity and Maxwellian type decay in velocity variable, there exists a unique local solution with the same regularity, so that this solution enjoys the CC^\infty regularity for positive time

    Optimal time decay of the non cut-off Boltzmann equation in the whole space

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    In this paper we study the large-time behavior of perturbative classical solutions to the hard and soft potential Boltzmann equation without the angular cut-off assumption in the whole space \threed_x with \DgE. We use the existence theory of global in time nearby Maxwellian solutions from \cite{gsNonCutA,gsNonCut0}. It has been a longstanding open problem to determine the large time decay rates for the soft potential Boltzmann equation in the whole space, with or without the angular cut-off assumption \cite{MR677262,MR2847536}. For perturbative initial data, we prove that solutions converge to the global Maxwellian with the optimal large-time decay rate of O(t^{-\frac{\Ndim}{2}+\frac{\Ndim}{2r}}) in the L^2_\vel(L^r_x)-norm for any 2r2\leq r\leq \infty.Comment: 31 pages, final version to appear in KR

    Global existence and full regularity of the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff

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    We prove the global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions around an equilibrium to the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in some Sobolev spaces. In addition, the solutions thus obtained are shown to be non-negative and CC^\infty in all variables for any positive time. In this paper, we study the Maxwellian molecule type collision operator with mild singularity. One of the key observations is the introduction of a new important norm related to the singular behavior of the cross section in the collision operator. This norm captures the essential properties of the singularity and yields precisely the dissipation of the linearized collision operator through the celebrated H-theorem

    Study of pure annihilation type decays BDsKB \to D_s^{*} K

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    In this work, we calculate the rare decays B0DsK+B^0 \to D_s^{*-} K^+ and B+Ds+Kˉ0B^+ \to D_s^{*+} \bar{K}^0 in perturbative QCD approach with Sudakov resummation. We give the branching ratio of 10510^{-5} for B0DsK+B^0 \to D_s^{*-}K^+, which will be tested soon in BB factories. The decay B+Ds+Kˉ0B^+ \to D_s^{*+} \bar{K}^0 has a very small branching ratio at O(108){\cal O}(10^{-8}), due to the suppression from CKM matrix elements VubVcd|V_{ub}^* V_{cd}|. It may be sensitive to new physics contributions.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Distributional and classical solutions to the Cauchy Boltzmann problem for soft potentials with integrable angular cross section

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    This paper focuses on the study of existence and uniqueness of distributional and classical solutions to the Cauchy Boltzmann problem for the soft potential case assuming Sn1S^{n-1} integrability of the angular part of the collision kernel (Grad cut-off assumption). For this purpose we revisit the Kaniel--Shinbrot iteration technique to present an elementary proof of existence and uniqueness results that includes large data near a local Maxwellian regime with possibly infinite initial mass. We study the propagation of regularity using a recent estimate for the positive collision operator given in [3], by E. Carneiro and the authors, that permits to study such propagation without additional conditions on the collision kernel. Finally, an LpL^{p}-stability result (with 1p1\leq p\leq\infty) is presented assuming the aforementioned condition.Comment: 19 page

    On the speed of approach to equilibrium for a collisionless gas

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    We investigate the speed of approach to Maxwellian equilibrium for a collisionless gas enclosed in a vessel whose wall are kept at a uniform, constant temperature, assuming diffuse reflection of gas molecules on the vessel wall. We establish lower bounds for potential decay rates assuming uniform LpL^p bounds on the initial distribution function. We also obtain a decay estimate in the spherically symmetric case. We discuss with particular care the influence of low-speed particles on thermalization by the wall.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; submitted to Kinetic and Related Model