9 research outputs found
Adaptasi Perilaku Petani Padi Daerah Pinggiran Kota di Era Covid-19 Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Usahatani (Studi Kasus: Desa Sukabakti, Kecamatan Tambelang, Kabupaten Bekasi)
Covid-19 has an impact on the agricultural sector and farmers so that it affects their cultivation, marketing and income processes, thereby changing farmers' behaviour to survive and maintain the availability of staple food. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of rice farmers and analyse the adaptation of suburban farmers' behaviour and their influence on farming during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is using qualitative research with a case study approach at Sukabakti Village, Bekasi Regency. The sample selection using snowball sampling method. The results of study showed that the Covid-19 pandemic has an influence on rice farmers in the suburbs of Bekasi and Jakarta. In rice farming farmers have a considerable influence on grain sales, labor and distribution of fertilizer subsidies, caused by the lack of knowledge of farmers in marketing grain so that farmers are difficult and often suffer losses due to grain that is valued quite low. Based on this influence, farmers make several adaptations so that they can to survive during Covid-19. Adaptations are reduction of labor into family labor, reduction of sales on rice grain, doing side work as traders, reduction of fertilizer dose, receiving government support
Strategi Adaptasi Petani Padi Organik di Era Covid-19 (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Tani Cidahu, Desa Mekarwangi Kecamatan Cisayong Kabupaten Tasikmalaya)
Cidahu farmer group is a farmer group that started cultivating organic rice since 2005. Poktan Cidahu has a partnership with Gapoktan Simpatik as a formal institution that houses farmers in marketing organic rice production for domestic and export markets. Changes in demand from Simpatik Farmers Association to Farmers in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic led to several changes in farming activities and actions to fulfill the needs of farmer households. The purpose of this study is to describe the adaptation strategies carried out by organic rice farmers in the Covid-19 era. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach in the Cidahu Farmer Group. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, online interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this study used data collection techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that farmers are making efforts to make adjustments to the changes caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic by implementing active, passive, network and field activity strategies. Based on this research, according to farmers, by implementing this strategy, they are able to minimize farmers from exceeding subsistence limits, be able to fulfill household needs and adapt to the situation amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Upaya-upaya Petani Padi Sekitar Daerah Pariwisata Pangandaran di Era Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Desa Cibenda, Kecamatan Parigi, Kabupaten Pangandaran)
Tourism has a significant share in the contribution of the country's economy, tourism contributes to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The covid-19 pandemic has forced all tourism in Indonesia to be closed to avoid the spread of the corona virus. The closure of tourism was carried out by the Pangandaran Regency government, this effort was made to anticipate the spread of the corona virus in Pangandaran Regency. The research objective was to determine the effect of covid-19 on rice farmers around the Pangandaran tourism area and to determine the efforts of rice farmers around the Pangandaran tourism area in the covid-19 era. The research design used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. Retrieval of data using the interview method directly to informants. The results showed that Covid-19 had an effect on rice farmers around the Pangandaran tourism area. In rice farming, farmers experience the greatest influence on labor, distribution of fertilizer and rice marketing, this is because hotels, restaurants and restaurants are closed, resulting in difficulties in marketing rice. With this influence, farmers make several efforts to meet their daily needs. The efforts of rice farmers around the Pangandaran tourism area in the Covid-19 era are efforts made by the government and efforts made by the farmers themselves. Efforts made by the government 1) direct cash assistance, 2) basic food assistance and efforts made by the farmers themselves, namely 1) reduction of labor, 2) using family labor, 3) reducing fertilizer doses, 4) borrow moneyfrom neighbors or non-banks, 5) reducing rice sales, 6) planting other crops with reduced sales volume
Persepsi Petani terhadap Usahatani Stevia (Studi Kasus di Desa Mekarsari, Kecamatan Cikajang, Kabupaten Garut)
Stevia adalah sejenis tanaman perdu yang bisa dijadikan sebagai pemanis pengganti pemanis dari gula tebu. Kandungan kalori pada pemanis dari stevia adalah nol, sehingga bagus dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes. Penggunaan pemanis dari stevia bisasanya pada makanan, minuman, serta obat-obatan. Usahatani stevia di Desa Mekarsari sudah kurang lebih satu tahun dilakukan dengan kerjasama bersama dua Perusahaan, yaitu PT Tokinoto Utama yang adalah eksportir dan PT Agrojabar yang mengolah stevia menjadi stevia cair dan menjual stevia olahan ke Perusahaan lain. Tim Perusahan dari Jepang mengatakan bahwa kualitas tanaman stevia di Desa Mekarsari Kecamatan Cikajang ini merupakan salah satu kualitas terbaik di dunia. Saat ini sudah ada 6 petani penggarap dan 30 buruh tani yang terlibat dalamusahatani stevia. Sejak awal tahun 2018, pembukaan lahan Pamegatan yang sebelumnya dikuasai masyarakat sedang diusahakan untuk dibuka sebesar 100 hektar yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk perluasan stevia di Desa Mekarsari. Usaha perluasan itu nantinya akan dilakukan kerjasama dengan petani penggarap dan buruh tani di Desa Mekarsari. Penelitian ini akan melihat karakteristik petani, bagaimana persepsi petani di Desa Mekarsari, serta usahatani stevia selama satu tahun agar nantinya bisa diketahui apakah usahatani stevia di Desa Mekarsari baik atau dan apakah usahatani stevia lebih baik dilanjutkan atau tidak jika dilihat dari persepsi petani penggarap dan buruh tani. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode statistika deskriptif dengan alat bantu analisis nilai rataan skor yang dipresentasikan dengan tabulasi silang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usahatani stevia sudah menguntungkan selama satu tahun, serta persepsi petani di Desa Mekarsari mayoritas baik terhadap usahatani stevia dilihat dari semua karakteristik petani
Pandemi Covid-19: Keterpurukan dan Kebangkitan Pertanian Strategi Mempertahankan Ketersediaan Pangan Pokok Rumah Tangga Petani Padi pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus: Desa Pelem, Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah)
Food security in a household can be measured with stability and security of an availability household staple food. COVID-19 has an impact on the agricultural sector and farmers, thus affecting their income and automatically affecting their household food availability. To avoid the crisis caused by this pandemic, small farmers must carry out unusual strategies to maintain food availability in their households. The aim of this study is to determine how Covid-19 impacted rice farmer's household food availability and their strategies to cope with this uncertain situation. This research is using qualitative research with a case study approach at Pelem Village, Grobogan, Central Java. The sample selection using purposive and snowball sampling method. The results of this research showed contradicting responses based on the farmer's status (agriculture as the main job or just a side job) and their access to another source of income that affected how Covid-19 Impacted their activities and rejected that Covid-19 Impacted their activities. In this study, it is shown that the cultural factors of farmers who live simply and who plant food commodities are more resistant than the other farmers who plant other types of commodity and lower class income society in the city. Their strategies include selling a larger proportion of their yields because the harvest prices decreased, taking side jobs outside the agriculture sector, taking more from their own stocks and local granary and also received assistance from the government such as (BST,BPNT,JPS)
Motivasi Petani dalam Usahatani Padi Sawah Masa Kini (Studi Kasus di Desa Sukaharja dan Desa Sukamulih Kecamatan Sariwangi Kabupaten Tasikmalaya)
Historically, Tasikmalaya Regency is the embryo of the development of lowland rice in eastern Indonesia. Since the 7th century, rice culture has been institutionalized in the lake community, strengthened by the printing of the first rice fields in Sukapura in the 17th century by Regent Wiradadahan. In its development (at the present time), paddy fields continue to decrease, most recently in 2018 an area of 4023 hectares has been converted. However, the number of farmer households using agricultural land, increased by 3.02% and RTP Gurem increased by 3.88%, even the number of farmers increased by 49.60%. This phenomenon indicates the dependence of the Tasikmalaya community on the rice field farming sector. The question is what is the motivation of farmers in lowland rice farming. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of farmers in lowland rice farming. This research used a qualitative method with a case study technique. The technique of determining informants was carried out deliberately. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews, observation and FGD. Data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The result of their research on their motivation to do business is social motivation to maintain self-existence, without neglecting economic motivation