302 research outputs found
Pair production of charged Higgs scalars from electroweak gauge boson fusion
We compute the contribution to charged Higgs boson pair production at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) due to the scattering of two electroweak (EW) gauge
bosons, these being in turn generated via bremsstrahlung off incoming quarks: q
q --> q q V^*V^* --> q q H^+H^- (V=gamma,Z,W^{+/-}). We verify that the
production cross section of this mode is tan beta independent and show that it
is smaller than that of H^+H^- production via q q-initiated processes but
generally larger than that of the loop-induced channel gg --> H^+H^-. Pair
production of charged Higgs bosons is crucial in order to test EW symmetry
breaking scenarios beyond the Standard Model (SM). We show that the detection
of these kind of processes at the standard LHC is however problematic, because
of their poor production rates and the large backgrounds.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 8 figures (largely revised version to appear in JPG
A Gribov equation for the photon Green's function
We present a derivation of the Gribov equation for the gluon/photon Green's
function D(q). Our derivation is based on the second derivative of the
gauge-invariant quantity Tr ln D(q), which we interpret as the gauge-boson
`self-loop'. By considering the higher-order corrections to this quantity, we
are able to obtain a Gribov equation which sums the logarithmically enhanced
corrections. By solving this equation, we obtain the non-perturbative running
coupling in both QCD and QED. In the case of QCD, alpha_S has a singularity in
the space-like region corresponding to super-criticality, which is argued to be
resolved in Gribov's light-quark confinement scenario. For the QED coupling in
the UV limit, we obtain a \propto Q^2 behaviour for space-like Q^2=-q^2. This
implies the decoupling of the photon and an NJLVL-type effective theory in the
UV limit.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
Does the `Higgs' have Spin Zero?
The Higgs boson is predicted to have spin zero. The ATLAS and CMS experiments
have recently reported of an excess of events with mass ~ 125 GeV that has some
of the characteristics expected for a Higgs boson. We address the questions
whether there is already any evidence that this excess has spin zero, and how
this possibility could be confirmed in the near future. The excess observed in
the gamma gamma final state could not have spin one, leaving zero and two as
open possibilities. We calculate the angular distribution of gamma gamma pairs
from the decays of a spin-two boson produced in gluon-gluon collisions, showing
that is unique and distinct from the spin-zero case. We also calculate the
distributions for lepton pairs that would be produced in the W W* decays of a
spin-two boson, which are very different from those in Higgs decays, and note
that the kinematics of the event selection used to produce the excess observed
in the W W* final state have reduced efficiency for spin two.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, Version accepted for publication in JHEP,
includes additional plots of dilepton mass distribution
A Fast Track towards the `Higgs' Spin and Parity
The LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS have discovered a new boson that resembles
the long-sought Higgs boson: it cannot have spin one, and has couplings to
other particles that increase with their masses, but the spin and parity remain
to be determined. We show here that the `Higgs' + gauge boson invariant-mass
distribution in `Higgs'-strahlung events at the Tevatron or the LHC would be
very different under the J^P = 0+, 0- and 2+ hypotheses, and could provide a
fast-track indicator of the `Higgs' spin and parity. Our analysis is based on
simulations of the experimental event selections and cuts using PYTHIA and
Delphes, and incorporates statistical samples of `toy' experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 9 pdf figure
Summary of the SUSY Working Group of the 1999 Les Houches Workshop
The results obtained by the Working Group on Supersymmetry at the 1999 Les
Houches Workshop on Collider Physics are summarized. Separate chapters treat
"general" supersymmetry, R-parity violation, gauge mediated supersymmetry
breaking, and anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking.Comment: LaTeX, 110 pages with numerous .ps and .eps files. proc.tex is main
tex fil
The Japanese model in retrospective : industrial strategies, corporate Japan and the 'hollowing out' of Japanese industry
This article provides a retrospective look at the Japanese model of industrial development. This model combined an institutional approach to production based around the Japanese Firm (Aoki's, J-mode) and strategic state intervention in industry by the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). For a long period, the alignment of state and corporate interests appeared to match the wider public interest as the Japanese economy prospered. However, since the early 1990s, the global ambitions of the corporate sector have contributed to a significant 'hollowing out' of Japan's industrial base. As the world today looks for a new direction in economic management, we suggest the Japanese model provides policy-makers with a salutary lesson in tying the wider public interest with those of the corporate sector
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