60 research outputs found


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    It was examined a new method for correction of hepatic failure by transplantation of liver support biounit (liver cells, immobilized on biocompatible and biodegradable 3D-matrixes ElastoPOB®) into small intestine mesentery. It was determined that after modeling of acute hepatic failure on dogs by 65–70% liver resection) and transplantation liver support biounit the restoration of disturbed biochemical indecies (such as total protein, lactate, cytolytic ensymes-ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, fibrinogen, protrombine index and others) took place more rapidly on 9–14th day instead of 18th day in control. It was made a preposition about efficiency of the suggested method for correction both acute hepatic failure because even 90 days after transplantation of liver support biounit alive hepatocytes and neogenic plethoric vessels, growing through matrix were revealed

    Levels of omega-3 fatty acid in serum phospholipids and depression in patients with lung cancer

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    Previous studies suggested that omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) have therapeutic effects against depression, but there is no evidence in the oncological setting. Our preliminary study reported the association between lower omega-3 FA intake and occurrence of depression in lung cancer patients. To explore the association further, the present study examined whether depression was associated with lower levels of omega-3 FAs in serum phospholipids. A total of 717 subjects in the Lung Cancer Database Project were divided into three groups by two cutoff points of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale depression subscale (HADS-D). In all, 81 subjects of the nondepression and minor depression groups (HADS-D<5 and 5⩽HADS-D⩽10, respectively) were selected to match with 81 subjects of the major depression group (HADS-D>10) for age, gender, clinical stage, and performance status. Fatty acids were assayed by gas chromatography and compared among the three matched groups. There were no differences between the major depression group and nondepression group in any FAs. The minor depression group had higher mean levels of docosahexaenoic acid (mean±s.d. (%), nondepression: 7.40±1.54; minor depression: 7.90±1.40; major depression: 7.25±1.52, P=0.017). These results suggested that serum FAs are associated with minor, but not major, depression in lung cancer patients

    Сравнительный анализ секреторной способности островков Лангерганса, культивированных с биополимерным коллагенсодержащим гидрогелем и тканеспецифическим матриксом

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    Introduction. Creation of a biomedical cell product – a bioengineered pancreatic construct – is hampered by problems associated with maintaining the viability of functionally active isolated islets of Langerhans (ILs). Both biopolymer and tissue-specific scaffolds can contribute to maintaining the structure and function of isolated ILs in vitro and in vivo. The most preferred tissue-specific scaffolds for cells can be obtained via decellularized pancreas matrix scaffold (DP matrix scaffold). Objective: to conduct a comparative analysis of the secretory function of isolated ILs of rats cultured in biopolymer-based collagen-containing hydrogel (BCH) and tissue-specific DP matrix scaffold, respectively. Materials and methods. ILs from rat pancreas was isolated using classical collagenase technique with some modifications. ILs were cultured in BCH and tissue-specific scaffold under standard conditions. Tissue-specific DP matrix scaffold was obtained through decellularization of rat pancreas. The DP matrix scaffold was examined for cytotoxicity and DNA presence; it was subjected to morphological study. The secretory function of ILs was studied through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. The secretory function of islets cultured in BCH and DP scaffolds is significantly higher than in the monoculture of islets. The advantage of using tissue-specific DP matrix scaffolds when creating bioengineered constructs of the pancreas over BCH matrix scaffolds was identified. Conclusion. BCH and tissue-specific DP scaffolds contribute not only to preserving the viability of isolated ILs, but also to prolonging their secretory capacity for 10 days, compared with ILs monoculture.Введение. Созданию биомедицинского клеточного продукта – биоинженерной конструкции поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) – препятствуют проблемы, связанные с поддержанием жизнеспособности функционально активных изолированных островков Лангерганса (ОЛ). Сохранению структуры и функции изолированных ОЛ в условиях in vitro и in vivo могут способствовать как биополимерные, так и тканеспецифические матриксы. Наиболее предпочтительные для клеток тканеспецифические матриксы могут быть получены в результате децеллюляризации поджелудочной железы (ДПЖ-матрикс). Цель. Провести сравнительный анализ секреторной функции изолированных ОЛ крысы, культивированных в присутствии биополимерного коллагенсодержащего гидрогеля (БМКГ) и тканеспецифического ДПЖ-матрикса соответственно. Материалы и методы. ОЛ из ПЖ крысы выделяли, используя классическую коллагеназную технику с некоторыми модификациями. ОЛ культивировали в присутствии БМКГ- и тканеспецифического матрикса в стандартных условиях. Тканеспецифический ДПЖ-матрикс получали в результате децеллюляризации ПЖ крысы. ДПЖ-матрикс был исследован на цитотоксичность, присутствие ДНК и подвергнут морфологическому изучению. Секреторную функцию ОЛ исследовали методом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). Результаты. Было показано, что секреторная функция островков, культивированных в присутствии БМКГи ДПЖ-матрикса, значительно выше, чем в монокультуре островков. Выявлено преимущество применения тканеспецифического ДПЖ-матрикса при создании биоинженерной конструкции ПЖ по сравнению с БМКГ-матриксом. Заключение. БМКГ и тканеспецифический ДПЖ-матриксы способствуют не только сохранению жизнеспособности изолированных ОЛ, но и пролонгированию их секреторной способности в течение 10 дней, по сравнению с монокультурой ОЛ

    Prospects in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

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    Tendencies in five main branches of atomic spectrometry (absorption, emission, mass, fluorescence and ionization spectrometry) are considered. The first three techniques are the most widespread and universal, with the best sensitivity attributed to atomic mass spectrometry. In the direct elemental analysis of solid samples, the leading roles are now conquered by laser-induced breakdown and laser ablation mass spectrometry, and the related techniques with transfer of the laser ablation products into inductively-coupled plasma. Advances in design of diode lasers and optical parametric oscillators promote developments in fluorescence and ionization spectrometry and also in absorption techniques where uses of optical cavities for increased effective absorption pathlength are expected to expand. Prospects for analytical instrumentation are seen in higher productivity, portability, miniaturization, incorporation of advanced software, automated sample preparation and transition to the multifunctional modular architecture. Steady progress and growth in applications of plasma- and laser-based methods are observed. An interest towards the absolute (standardless) analysis has revived, particularly in the emission spectrometry.Comment: Proofread copy with an added full reference list of 279 citations. A pdf version of the final published review may be requested from Alexander Bol'shakov <[email protected]


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    It was examined a new method for correction of hepatic failure by transplantation of liver support biounit (liver cells, immobilized on biocompatible and biodegradable 3D-matrixes ElastoPOB®) into small intestine mesentery. It was determined that after modeling of acute hepatic failure on dogs by 65–70% liver resection) and transplantation liver support biounit the restoration of disturbed biochemical indecies (such as total protein, lactate, cytolytic ensymes-ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, fibrinogen, protrombine index and others) took place more rapidly on 9–14th day instead of 18th day in control. It was made a preposition about efficiency of the suggested method for correction both acute hepatic failure because even 90 days after transplantation of liver support biounit alive hepatocytes and neogenic plethoric vessels, growing through matrix were revealed. В работе предложен и изучен новый способ коррекции печеночной недостаточности путем трансплан- тации в брыжейку тонкой кишки биомодуля (клетки печени, иммобилизованные на биосовместимом и биодеградируемом 3-мерном матриксе ЭластоПОБ®) – «вспомогательная печень». Установлено, что в опытах с моделированием острой печеночной недостаточности у собак (резекция 65–70% ткани печени) и трансплантацией биомодуля на 9–14-й день происходит восстановление нарушенных биохимических показателей (содержание общего белка, лактата, ферментов цитолиза, протромбинового индекса и дру- гих коагулогических показателей). Выявление живых клеток с фенотипом гепатоцитов и новообразован- ных полнокровных сосудов в деградируемом матриксе через 90 суток после трансплантации биомодулей позволяет предполагать эффективность предложенного метода для коррекции острой печеночной недо- статочности.