15 research outputs found

    Central Structural Parameters of Early-Type Galaxies as Viewed with HST/NICMOS

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    We present surface photometry for the central regions of a sample of 33 early-type (E, S0, and S0/a) galaxies observed at 1.6 microns (H band) using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We employ a new technique of two-dimensional fitting to extract quantitative parameters for the bulge light distribution and nuclear point sources, taking into consideration the effects of the point-spread function. Parameterizing the bulge profile with a ``Nuker'' law, we confirm that the central surface-brightness distributions largely fall into two categories, each of which correlates with the global properties of the galaxies. ``Core'' galaxies tend to be luminous ellipticals with boxy or pure elliptical isophotes, whereas ``power-law'' galaxies are preferentially lower luminosity systems with disky isophotes. Unlike most previous studies, however, we do not find a clear gap in the distribution of inner cusp slopes; several objects have inner cusp slopes (0.3 < gamma < 0.5) which straddle the regimes conventionally defined for core and power-law type galaxies. The nature of these intermediate objects is unclear. We draw attention to two objects in the sample which appear to be promising cases of galaxies with isothermal cores that are not the brightest members of a cluster. Unresolved nuclear point sources are found in about 50% of the sample galaxies, roughly independent of profile type, with magnitudes in the range m^{nuc}_H = 12.8 to 17.4 mag, which correspond to M_H^{nuc} = -12.8 to -18.4 mag. (Abridged)Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal. Latex, 24 pages and 17 JPEG image

    The Updated Zwicky Catalog (UZC)

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    The Zwicky Catalog of galaxies (ZC), with m_Zw<=15.5mag, has been the basis for the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) redshift surveys. To date, analyses of the ZC and redshift surveys based on it have relied on heterogeneous sets of galaxy coordinates and redshifts. Here we correct some of the inadequacies of previous catalogs by providing: (1) coordinates with <~2 arcsec errors for all of the Nuzc catalog galaxies, (2) homogeneously estimated redshifts for the majority (98%) of the data taken at the CfA (14,632 spectra), and (3) an estimate of the remaining "blunder" rate for both the CfA redshifts and for those compiled from the literature. For the reanalyzed CfA data we include a calibrated, uniformly determined error and an indication of the presence of emission lines in each spectrum. We provide redshifts for 7,257 galaxies in the CfA2 redshift survey not previously published; for another 5,625 CfA redshifts we list the remeasured or uniformly re-reduced value. Among our new measurements, Nmul are members of UZC "multiplets" associated with the original Zwicky catalog position in the coordinate range where the catalog is 98% complete. These multiplets provide new candidates for examination of tidal interactions among galaxies. All of the new redshifts correspond to UZC galaxies with properties recorded in the CfA redshift compilation known as ZCAT. About 1,000 of our new measurements were motivated either by inadequate signal-to-noise in the original spectrum or by an ambiguous identification of the galaxy associated with a ZCAT redshift. The redshift catalog we include here is ~96% complete to m_Zw<=15.5, and ~98% complete (12,925 galaxies out of a total of 13,150) for the RA(1950) ranges [20h--4h] and [8h--17h] and DEC(1950) range [-2.5d--50d]. (abridged)Comment: 34 pp, 7 figs, PASP 1999, 111, 43

    Fractal Dimensions and Scaling Laws in the Interstellar Medium and Galaxy Distributions: a new Field Theory Approach

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    We develop a field theoretical approach to the cold interstellar medium (ISM) and large structure of the universe. We show that a non-relativistic self- gravitating gas in thermal equilibrium with variable number of atoms or fragments is exactly equivalent to a field theory of a scalar field phi(x) with exponential self-interaction. We analyze this field theory perturbatively and non-perturbatively through the renormalization group(RG).We show scaling behaviour (critical) for a continuous range of the physical parameters as the temperature. We derive in this framework the scaling relation M(R) \sim R^{d_H} for the mass on a region of size R, and Delta v \sim R^\frac12(d_H -1) for the velocity dispersion. For the density-density correlations we find a power-law behaviour for large distances \sim |r_1 - r_2|^{2D - 6}.The fractal dimension D turns to be related with the critical exponent \nu by D = 1/ \nu. Mean field theory yields \nu = 1/2, D = 2. Both the Ising and the mean field values are compatible with the present ISM observational data:1.4\leq D \leq 2. We develop a field theoretical approach to the galaxy distribution considering a gas of self-gravitating masses on the FRW background, in quasi-thermal equi- librium. We show that it exhibits scaling behaviour by RG methods. The galaxy correlations are computed without assuming homogeneity. We find \sim r^{D-3} .Thetheoryallowstocomputethethreeandhigherdensitycorrelatorswithoutanyassumption.WefindthattheconnectedNpointsdensityscalesasr1N(D3),when. The theory allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any assumption.We find that the connected N-points density scales as r_1^{N(D-3)}, when r_1 >> r_i

    Dementia resources in Argentina: policy, services, and statistics overview-up to date

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    Argentina, the second largest country in South America, has traditionally been involved in caring for elderly. In 1971 the National Government created the Institute for the Elderly to take care of the social and medical needs of retired people with the program PAMI. This review has updated the local resources of dementia and the challenges that these face with regard to the issues associated with cognitive impairment in elderly people. Health care is shared between the public and private sectors. The distribution of resources and specialists (neurologists, psychiatrist, and geriatricians) is unequal most located in large cities. Facilities for accurate diagnosis are scarce; most of the memory clinics are in big cities like Buenos Aires, Rosario, and Cordoba. Early diagnosis is another challenge with the incorporation of the biomarkers of Alzheimer’s diseases (MRI scan, FDG-PET, amyloid-PET, and Aβ42, tau, and f-tau in cerebrospinal fluid). However the availability is limited to one center in Buenos Aires (FLENI Neurological Institute). ALMA (Association against Alzheimer’s Disease), a member of Alzheimer Disease International, is the local voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care and family support. In 2011, the Argentine Neurological Society launched the first dementia guideline for diagnosis and treatment. Although we have a long road ahead, the first steps taken by the organization of a dementia national plan constitute a hopeful challenge.Fil: Bagnati, Pablo Miguel. Fundación para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas "Raúl Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Román, Fabián. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud; ArgentinaFil: Bonafina, Marcela. Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychology; Estados UnidosFil: Blake, Andrew. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud; ArgentinaFil: Allegri, Ricardo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas "Raúl Carrea"; Argentin