2,499 research outputs found
Sublimation of ice particles from rocket exhausts in the upper atmosphere
The process of sublimation of ice particles from a rocket exhaust in the upper atmosphere is examined. Heating by solar radiation and losses of energy by means thermal radiation and sublimation are taken into account in the thermal balance of the ice particles. The time dependences of size and temperature of the ice particles are obtained. An estimation of water vapor concentration around the rocket trajectory is made. The process of sublimation of the rocket exhaust ice particles may be important for the interpretation of optical phenomena in the upper atmosphere connected with rocket launches and for propagation of disturbances at a large distance from the rocket
Suggestopedic mobile language learning
The use of suggestopedic teaching methods has been shown to be effective in the domain of language learning. Suggestopaedia is a classroom teaching method that employs certain strategies to enable learners to relax in order to enable more effective learning both consciously and subconsciously. The use of mobile technologies to support language learning has also become very useful and popular. This paper proposes the amalgamation of the two approaches to enable a mobile suggestopedic platform and demonstrates empirical evidence linked to the success of this approach on languge learning. The design of a Suggestopedic mobile language learning app is discussed together with different target groups of learners that can benefit from this type of teaching. Design, development and evaluation of this app forms our future work
Investigation of defect cavities formed in three-dimensional woodpile photonic crystals
We report the optimisation of optical properties of single defects in
three-dimensional (3D) face-centred-cubic (FCC) woodpile photonic crystal (PC)
cavities by using plane-wave expansion (PWE) and finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) methods. By optimising the dimensions of a 3D woodpile PC, wide photonic
band gaps (PBG) are created. Optical cavities with resonances in the bandgap
arise when point defects are introduced in the crystal. Three types of single
defects are investigated in high refractive index contrast (Gallium
Phosphide-Air) woodpile structures and Q-factors and mode volumes ()
of the resonant cavity modes are calculated. We show that, by introducing an
air buffer around a single defect, smaller mode volumes can be obtained. We
demonstrate high Q-factors up to 700000 and cavity volumes down to
. The estimates of and are then used to
quantify the enhancement of spontaneous emission and the possibility of
achieving strong coupling with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colour centres in diamond.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure
Penatalaksanaan Pada Pasien Ulkus Kornea Dengan Prolaps Iris Oculi Sinistra
Latar Belakang. Pembentukan parut akibat ulserasi kornea adalah penyebab utama kebutaan dan ganguan penglihatan di seluruh dunia. Ulkus kornea adalah keadaan patologik kornea yang ditandai oleh adanya infiltrat supuratif disertai defek kornea bergaung, diskontinuitas jaringan kornea dapat terjadi dari epitel sampai stroma. Ulkus kornea yang sembuh akan menimbulkan kekeruhan kornea dan merupakan penyebab kebutaan nomor dua di Indonesia. Insiden ulkus kornea tahun 1993 adalah 5,3 juta per 100.000 penduduk di Indonesia, sedangkan predisposisi terjadinya ulkus kornea antara lain terjadi karena trauma, pemakaian lensa kontak, dan kadang-kadang tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah teridentifikasinya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya penyakit pasien, serta penatalaksanaan pasien secara tepat. Metode. Laporan kasus di Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek pada bulan Juli 2012 yang ditelaah berdasarkan evidence based medicine. Hasil. Tn. K, 70 tahun, dengan keluhan mata kiri tidak dapat melihat sejak 2 minggu yang lalu. Keluhan tersebut disertai dengan mata yang tampak merah, membengkak dan bagian mata kiri tampak keluar. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan Tekanan darah : 160/100mmHg, nadi: 92x/menit, frekuensi napas: 20x/menit, suhu:36,7oC. Mata: Oculi sinistra : visus: 0, palpebra superior: Hiperemis, nyeri positif, konjungtiva: mix injection, kornea: perforasi, camera oculi anterior: hipopion, iris: prolaps, pupil: sulit dinilai, lensa: sulit dinilai. Oculi dekstra : dalam batas normal. Pemeriksaan penunjang yang dilakukan didapatkan : Haemoglobin : 15,3 gr/dL, Hematokrit: 46%, Laju endap darah: 10 mm/jam, Leukosit : 10.500 ul, Trombosit : 257.000 ul. Simpulan. Ulkus kornea adalah keadaan patologik kornea yang ditandai oleh adanya infiltrat supuratif disertai defek kornea bergaung, diskontinuitas jaringan kornea dapat terjadi dari epitel sampai stroma. [Medula.2013;1:80-89
Convexity properties of the condition number II
In our previous paper [SIMAX 31 n.3 1491-1506(2010)], we studied the
condition metric in the space of maximal rank matrices. Here, we show that this
condition metric induces a Lipschitz-Riemann structure on that space. After
investigating geodesics in such a nonsmooth structure, we show that the inverse
of the smallest singular value of a matrix is a log-convex function along
geodesics (Theorem 1).
We also show that a similar result holds for the solution variety of linear
systems (Theorem 31).
Some of our intermediate results, such as Theorem 12, on the second covariant
derivative or Hessian of a function with symmetries on a manifold, and Theorem
29 on piecewise self-convex functions, are of independent interest.
Those results were motivated by our investigations on the com- plexity of
path-following algorithms for solving polynomial systems.Comment: Revised versio
Development of a Classical Force Field for the Oxidised Si Surface: Application to Hydrophilic Wafer Bonding
We have developed a classical two- and three-body interaction potential to
simulate the hydroxylated, natively oxidised Si surface in contact with water
solutions, based on the combination and extension of the Stillinger-Weber
potential and of a potential originally developed to simulate SiO2 polymorphs.
The potential parameters are chosen to reproduce the structure, charge
distribution, tensile surface stress and interactions with single water
molecules of a natively oxidised Si surface model previously obtained by means
of accurate density functional theory simulations. We have applied the
potential to the case of hydrophilic silicon wafer bonding at room temperature,
revealing maximum room temperature work of adhesion values for natively
oxidised and amorphous silica surfaces of 97 mJ/m2 and 90mJ/m2, respectively,
at a water adsorption coverage of approximately 1 monolayer. The difference
arises from the stronger interaction of the natively oxidised surface with
liquid water, resulting in a higher heat of immersion (203 mJ/m2 vs. 166
mJ/m2), and may be explained in terms of the more pronounced water structuring
close to the surface in alternating layers of larger and smaller density with
respect to the liquid bulk. The computed force-displacement bonding curves may
be a useful input for cohesive zone models where both the topographic details
of the surfaces and the dependence of the attractive force on the initial
surface separation and wetting can be taken into account
Onset of a boson mode at superconducting critical point of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy
The thermal conductivity of underdoped \Y was measured in the limit as a function of hole concentration across the superconducting
critical point at = 5.0%. ``Time doping'' was used to resolve the
evolution of bosonic and fermionic contributions with high accuracy. For , we observe an additional contribution to
which we attribute to the boson excitations of a phase with long-range spin or
charge order. Fermionic transport, manifest as a linear term in , is
seen to persist unaltered through , showing that the state just below
is a thermal metal. In this state, the electrical resistivity varies
as log and the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated
Microscopic Description of Band Structure at Very Extended Shapes in the A ~ 110 Mass Region
Recent experiments have confirmed the existence of rotational bands in the A
\~ 110 mass region with very extended shapes lying between super- and
hyper-deformation. Using the projected shell model, we make a first attempt to
describe quantitatively such a band structure in 108Cd. Excellent agreement is
achieved in the dynamic moment of inertia J(2) calculation. This allows us to
suggest the spin values for the energy levels, which are experimentally
unknown. It is found that at this large deformation, the sharply down-sloping
orbitals in the proton i_{13/2} subshell are responsible for the irregularity
in the experimental J(2), and the wave functions of the observed states have a
dominant component of two-quasiparticles from these orbitals. Measurement of
transition quadrupole moments and g-factors will test these findings, and thus
can provide a deeper understanding of the band structure at very extended
shapes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, final version accepted by Phys. Rev. C as a
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