2,061 research outputs found

    Targeted Excited State Algorithms

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    To overcome the limitations of the traditional state-averaging approaches in excited state calculations, where one solves for and represents all states between the ground state and excited state of interest, we have investigated a number of new excited state algorithms. Building on the work of van der Vorst and Sleijpen (SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 17, 401 (1996)), we have implemented Harmonic Davidson and State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithms within the context of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). We have assessed their accuracy and stability of convergence in complete active space DMRG calculations on the low-lying excited states in the acenes ranging from naphthalene to pentacene. We find that both algorithms offer increased accuracy over the traditional State-Averaged Davidson approach, and in particular, the State-Averaged Harmonic Davidson algorithm offers an optimal combination of accuracy and stability in convergence

    Seeing many-body effects in single- and few-layer graphene: Observation of two-dimensional saddle-point excitons

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    Significant excitonic effects were observed in graphene by measuring its optical conductivity in a broad spectral range including the two-dimensional {\pi}-band saddle-point singularities in the electronic structure. The strong electron-hole interactions manifest themselves in an asymmetric resonance peaked at 4.62 eV, which is red-shifted by nearly 600 meV from the value predicted by ab-initio GW calculations for the band-to-band transitions. The observed excitonic resonance is explained within a phenomenological model as a Fano interference of a strongly coupled excitonic state and a band continuum. Our experiment also showed a weak dependence of the excitonic resonance in few-layer graphene on layer thickness. This result reflects the effective cancellation of the increasingly screened repulsive electron-electron (e-e) and attractive electron-hole (e-h) interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, In PR

    A network-based regression approach for identifying subject-specific driver mutations

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    In cancer genomics, it is of great importance to distinguish driver mutations, which contribute to cancer progression, from causally neutral passenger mutations. We propose a random-effect regression approach to estimate the effects of mutations on the expressions of genes in tumor samples, where the estimation is assisted by a prespecified gene network. The model allows the mutation effects to vary across subjects. We develop a subject-specific mutation score to quantify the effect of a mutation on the expressions of its downstream genes, so mutations with large scores can be prioritized as drivers. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methods by simulation studies and provide an application to a breast cancer genomics study.Comment: 23 pages; 9 figure


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    Although social work can trace the roots of its establishment as a profession to religion/spirituality, the relationship between social work and religion/spirituality has deteriorated due to the former’s professionalisation and secularisation. Nevertheless, religious/spiritual values are important for many social work services and for the practice of the profession. It is, hence, worth demarcating the role of religion/spirituality for frontline social workers. In the current qualitative study, repeated interviews were conducted with 11 Chinese social workers from diverse social work settings. It was noted that Eastern and Western religion/spirituality can instil meaning and value in the profession’s nature.Iako se uspostavljanje socijalnog rada kao profesije temelji na religIoznosti/duhovnosti, odnos između socijalnog rada i religioznosti/duhovnosti narušen je zbog profesionalizacije i sekularizacije socijalnog rada. Usprkos tome, religiozne/duhovne vrijednosti važne su za mnoge usluge socijalnog rada i za praksu socijalnog rada kao profesije. Stoga je važno utvrditi ulogu religioznosti/duhovnosti za najizloženije socijalne radnike. U ovom kvalitativnom istraživanju provedeni su ponovljeni razgovori s 11 kineskih socijalnih radnika iz različitih područja socijalnog rada. Uočeno je da istočnjačka i zapadnjačka religioznost/duhovnost mogu unijeti značenje i vrijednost u prirodu profesije

    Can Strong Gravitational Lensing Constrain Dark Energy?

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    We discuss the ratio of the angular diameter distances from the source to the lens, DdsD_{ds}, and to the observer at present, DsD_{s}, for various dark energy models. It is well known that the difference of DsD_ss between the models is apparent and this quantity is used for the analysis of Type Ia supernovae. However we investigate the difference between the ratio of the angular diameter distances for a cosmological constant, (Dds/Ds)Λ(D_{ds}/D_{s})^{\Lambda} and that for other dark energy models, (Dds/Ds)other(D_{ds}/D_{s})^{\rm{other}} in this paper. It has been known that there is lens model degeneracy in using strong gravitational lensing. Thus, we investigate the model independent observable quantity, Einstein radius (θE\theta_E), which is proportional to both Dds/DsD_{ds}/D_s and velocity dispersion squared, σv2\sigma_v^2. Dds/DsD_{ds}/D_s values depend on the parameters of each dark energy model individually. However, (Dds/Ds)Λ(Dds/Ds)other(D_{ds}/D_s)^{\Lambda} - (D_{ds}/D_{s})^{\rm{other}} for the various dark energy models, is well within the error of σv\sigma_v for most of the parameter spaces of the dark energy models. Thus, a single strong gravitational lensing by use of the Einstein radius may not be a proper method to investigate the property of dark energy. However, better understanding to the mass profile of clusters in the future or other methods related to arc statistics rather than the distances may be used for constraints on dark energy.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in PR

    Orbifold Family Unification

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    We study the possibility of complete family unification in higher-dimensional space-time. Three families of matters in SU(5) grand unified theory are derived from a single bulk multiplet of SU(N) gauge group (N >= 9) in the framework of S^1/Z_2 orbifold models. In the case of the direct orbifold breaking down to the standard model gauge group, there are models in which bulk fields from a single multiplet and a few brane fields compose three families of quarks and leptons.Comment: Comments added, version to appear in Physical Review D (v3); References added (v2); 19 pages (v1