79 research outputs found

    Polar supermultiplets, Hermitian symmetric spaces and hyperkahler metrics

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    We address the construction of four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models on tangent bundles of arbitrary Hermitian symmetric spaces starting from projective superspace. Using a systematic way of solving the (infinite number of) auxiliary field equations along with the requirement of supersymmetry, we are able to derive a closed form for the Lagrangian on the tangent bundle and to dualize it to give the hyperkahler potential on the cotangent bundle. As an application, the case of the exceptional symmetric space E_6/SO(10) \times U(1) is explicitly worked out for the first time.Comment: 17 page

    The mass of the Higgs boson in the trinification subgroup of E6

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    The extension of the standard model to SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R x SU(3)_C is considered. Spontaneous symmetry breaking requires two Higgs field multiplets with a strong hierarchical structure of vacuum expectation values. These vacuum expectation values, some of them known from experiment, are used to construct invariant potentials in form of a sum of individual potentials relevant at the weak scale. As in a previous suggestion one may normalize the most important individual potentials such that their mass eigenvalues agree with their very large vacuum expectation values. In this case (for a wide class of parameters) the scalar field corresponding to the standard model Higgs turns out to have the precise mass value m_Higgs = v/sqrt(2) = 123 GeV at the weak scale. The physical mass (pole mass) is larger and found to be 125 +/- 1.4 GeV.Comment: 5 pages, version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    Non-universal gaugino masses from non-singlet F-terms in non-minimal unified models

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    In phenomenological studies of low-energy supersymmetry, running gaugino masses are often taken to be equal near the scale of apparent gauge coupling unification. However, many known mechanisms can avoid this universality, even in models with unified gauge interactions. One example is an F-term vacuum expectation value that is a singlet under the Standard Model gauge group but transforms non-trivially in the symmetric product of two adjoint representations of a group that contains the Standard Model gauge group. Here, I compute the ratios of gaugino masses that follow from F-terms in non-singlet representations of SO(10) and E_6 and their sub-groups, extending well-known results for SU(5). The SO(10) results correct some long-standing errors in the literature.Comment: 13 page

    Unified Explanation of Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings in the Supersymmetric SO(10) Model

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    We discussed neutrino masses and mixings in SUSY SO(10) model where quarks and leptons have Yukawa couplings to at least two 10 and one 126ˉ\bar{126} Higgs scalars. In this model, the Dirac and the right-handed Majorana mass terms are expressed by linear combinations of quark and charged lepton mass matrices, which then determine the neutrino mass matrix by the see-saw mechanism. We show that there are various solutions to reproduce a large mixing angle for νμντ\nu_\mu-\nu_\tau and a small mixing angle for νeνμ\nu_e-\nu_\mu, as well as the hierarchical mass spectrum of neutrinos.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages including 15 eps figure

    Relating Leptogenesis to Low Energy Flavor Violating Observables in Models with Spontaneous CP Violation

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    In the minimal left-right symmetric model, there are only two intrinsic CP violating phases to account for all CP violation in both the quark and lepton sectors, if CP is broken spontaneously by the complex phases in the VEV's of the scalar fields. In addition, the left- and right-handed Majorana mass terms for the neutrinos are proportional to each other due to the parity in the model. This is thus a very constrained framework, making the existence of correlations among the CP violation in leptogenesis, neutrino oscillation and neutrinoless double beta decay possible. In these models, CP violation in the leptonic sector and CP violation in the quark sector are also related. We find, however, that such connection is rather weak due to the large hierarchy in the bi-doublet VEV required by a realistic quark sector.Comment: RevTeX4, 21 pages; v2: references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Minimal Trinification

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    We study the trinified model, SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R x Z_3, with the minimal Higgs sector required for symmetry breaking. There are five Higgs doublets, and gauge-coupling unification results if all five are at the weak scale, without supersymmetry. The radiative see-saw mechanism yields sub-eV neutrino masses, without the need for intermediate scales, additional Higgs fields, or higher-dimensional operators. The proton lifetime is above the experimental limits, with the decay modes p -> \bar\nu K^+ and p -> \mu^+ K^0 potentially observable. We also consider supersymmetric versions of the model, with one or two Higgs doublets at the weak scale. The radiative see-saw mechanism fails with weak-scale supersymmetry due to the nonrenormalization of the superpotential, but operates in the split-SUSY scenario.Comment: 23 pages, uses axodra

    Anomaly-Free Supersymmetric SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) sigma-Model Based on the SO(2N+1) Lie Algebra of the Fermion Operators

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    The extended supersymmetric (SUSY) sigma-model has been proposed on the bases of SO(2N+1) Lie algebra spanned by fermion annihilation-creation operators and pair operators. The canonical transformation, extension of an SO(2N) Bogoliubov transformation to an SO(2N+1) group, is introduced. Embedding the SO(2N+1) group into an SO(2N+2) group and using SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) coset variables, we have investigated the SUSY sigma-model on the Kaehler manifold, the coset space SO(2N+2)/U(N+1). We have constructed the Killing potential, extension of the potential in the SO(2N)/U(N) coset space to that in the SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) coset space. It is equivalent to the generalized density matrix whose diagonal-block part is related to a reduced scalar potential with a Fayet-Ilipoulos term. The f-deformed reduced scalar potential is optimized with respect to vacuum expectation value of the sigma-model fields and a solution for one of the SO(2N+1) group parameters has been obtained. The solution, however, is only a small part of all solutions obtained from anomaly-free SUSY coset models. To construct the coset models consistently, we must embed a coset coordinate in an anomaly-free spinor representation (rep) of SO(2N+2) group and give corresponding Kaehler and Killing potentials for an anomaly-free SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) model based on each positive chiral spinor rep. Using such mathematical manipulation we construct successfully the anomaly-free SO(2N+2)/U(N+1) SUSY sigma-model and investigate new aspects which have never been seen in the SUSY sigma-model on the Kaehler coset space SO(2N)/U(N). We reach a f-deformed reduced scalar potential. It is minimized with respect to the vacuum expectation value of anomaly-free SUSY sigma-model fields. Thus we find an interesting f-deformed solution very different from the previous solution for an anomaly-free SO(2.5+2)/(SU(5+1)*U(1)) SUSY sigma-model.Comment: 24 pages, no fiure

    Fermion Masses and Coupling Unification in E6. Life in the Desert

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    We present an E6E_6 Grand Unified model with a realistic pattern of fermion masses. All standard model fermions are unified in three fundamental 27-plets (i.e. supersymmetry is not invoked), which involve in addition right handed neutrinos and three families of vector like heavy quarks and leptons. The lightest of those can lie in the low TeV range, being accessible to future collider experiments. Due to the high symmetry, the masses and mixings of all fermions are closely related. The new heavy fermions play a crucial role for the quark and lepton mass matrices and the bilarge neutrino oscillations. In all channels generation mixing and CP{\cal CP} violation arise from a single antisymmetric matrix. The E6E_6 breaking proceeds via an intermediate energy region with SU(3)_L\tm SU(3)_R\tm SU(3)_C gauge symmetry and a discrete left-right symmetry. This breaking pattern leads in a straightforward way to the unification of the three gauge coupling constants at high scales, providing for a long proton lifetime. The model also provides for the unification of the top, bottom and tau Yukawa couplings and for new interesting relations in flavor and generation space.Comment: RevTex4, three ps figures, some correction

    Composite model with neutrino large mixing

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    We suggest a simple composite model that induces the large flavor mixing of neutrino in the supersymmetric theory. This model has only one hyper-color in addition to the standard gauge group, which makes composite states of preons. In this model, {\bf 10} and {\bf 1} representations in SU(5) grand unified theory are composite states and produce the mass hierarchy. This explains why the large mixing is realized in the lepton sector, while the small mixing is realized in the quark sector. This model can naturally solve the atmospheric neutrino problem. We can also solve the solar neutrino problem by improving the model.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, no figure

    Antisymmetric Higgs representation in SO(10) for neutrinos

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    A Model based on SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT) and supersymmetry is presented to describe observed phenomena for neutrinos. The large mixing angles among different generations, together with the small masses, are attributed to the Higgs boson structure at the GUT energy scale. Quantitative discussions for these observables are given, taking into account their energy evolution.Comment: 10 page