32 research outputs found

    Turkomans between two empires : the origins of the Qızılbash identity in Anatolia (1447-1514)

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    Ankara : The Department of History, The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 631-677.This thesis aims to evaluate the emergence of the Qizilbash Movement and the Qizilbash Identity during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century within the struggle between the Ottoman and the Safavid power. The process of the making of the Qizilbash Identity, which was, in essence, the concurrent process of the Turkoman milieu’s gradual divergence from the Ottoman axis and convergence to the Safavid affiliation, is reflected in available sources as if it were predominantly a religious issue. The present study argues, however, that the religious aspect of the developments was simply the ‘surface’ or ‘outcome’ of a rather inclusive process including anthropological, cultural, sociological, and political dimensions. It is argued that the Qizilbash Identity was a product of the intercession of two separate but interrelated lines of developments: on the one hand being the alienation of the ‘nomadic-tribal Turkoman world’ from the ‘Ottoman imperial regime’, while on the other hand being the synchronized rapprochement between the ‘Turkoman milieu’ of Anatolia and the Safavid Order. One of the prominent promises of the present thesis is that the most decisive factors governing the course of both lines of the developments stemmed from the structural inconsistencies, or ‘unconscious structures’ of societies as Lévi-Strauss states, between two ‘ways of life’: one is sedentary life, which accomplished its socio-political organization as bureaucratic state, and the other is nomadic or semi-nomadic life organized around tribal axis.Yıldırım, RızaPh.D

    Dervishes in early Ottoman society and politics : a study of velayetnames as a source for history

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    Ankara : The Department of History of Bilkent University, 2001.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2001.Includes bibliographical references leaves 129-141.The study aims in general to reconsider the role of dervishes in early Ottoman society and politics within the framework of the march culture during the fourteenth century. It deals with the socio-religious conditions of the marches and with special emphasis of the non-orthodox nature of the folk-Islam in general and of the beliefs and practices of the dervishes in Anatolia in particular. The role of the dervishes in the socio-political developments of the formative period of the Ottoman state is studied in this context mainly through the hagiographic literature or velayetnames / menakıbnames of the fifteenth century in comparison with the earliest chronicles as well as other contemporary or near-contemporary sources. The examination of two velayetnames, Velayetname of Seyyit Ali Sultan (Kızıldeli) and of Abdal Musa, reveals the fact that the dervishes of the Ottoman marches are generally portrayed in such sources as ghazi dervishes or warrior dervishes sometimes within the Islamic concept of Holy War. Whether or not this portrayal of dervishes as “Holy warrior” corresponds to the historical reality, it is clear that the dervishes of the period were indeed very much involved in the early Ottoman military activities in the marches. It is also clear from the sources that they played a significant role in legitimizing the Ottoman power among the Turko-Muslim population of Anatolia, mostly nomadic in character, through an effective preaching activity. In addition, their role as colonizer in the newly conquered lands is once more confirmed by the sources used in this study. As a conclusion, the study points out that the dervishes and the early Ottomans appear to be the sides of a complex relationship of a story of mutual interest, both recognizing the power of each other and benefiting from it.Yıldırım, RızaM.S

    Islam in Anatolia: Some Observations on the Sunni-Alevi Character of Turkmen Interpretation of Islam in the Age of Ghazis (12th-14th Centuries)

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    It is known to the common wisdom that some sufi currents with remarkable Alevi characters appeared in the Ottoman realm by the sixteenth century. Among them Qizilbashes that emerged under the auspice of Safavid Shahs or shaykhs and Bektashis who developed a sufi order around the name of Hacı Bektash come to the fore. One may add to this list some other Alid oriented sufi orders such as Rufa’i, Qadiri, Khalveti. Nevertheless, in terms of the relation with Ottoman regime and ideology, Qizilbash and Bektashi had always assumed a peculiar place and consequently became asylum of Alevi-Shi’ite ideals within the Ottoman fold. The socio-cultural, political, and religious roots of the both might be traced back to the Seljukid period. In the meantime, how far back can we trace the Alevi attribute of these groups is still subject of dispute. So far, two main trends dominated the academic works. Popular acceptance presupposes that Alevi-Shi’ite elements emerged during the fifteenth- and sixteenth centuries as a result of Safavid propaganda. According to the second approach, the penetration of Alevi-Shi’ite ideals occurred during the Seljukid period. This work aims to revisit the available scholarship and discusses the existence of Alevi-Shi’ite ideals in the pre-fifteenth century Anatolia. It also offers a new framework to apprehend the question of Sunni-Alevi differentiation in Anatolia during the age of ghazis.XVI. asır başlarından itibaren Osmanlı coğrafyasında belirgin Alevî93 öğeler içeren tasavvuf akımlarının ortaya çıktığı bilinmektedir. Bu akımlar içinde şüphesiz Safevî şahları (şeyhleri) liderliğinde gelişen Kızılbaşlık ve Hacı Bektaş Veli ismi etrafında oluşan Bektaşîlik başta gelmektedir. Rufaîlik, Kadirîlik ve Halvetîlik gibi Alevî meşrep tarikatler de belirli açılardan bu guruba dâhil edilebilir. Ne var ki Osmanlı resmi ideolojisi ile ilişki bakımından Kızılbaşlık ve Bektaşîlik daima farklı bir yerde durmuş ve zamanla Osmanlı dünyasında Alevî inanç unsurlarının esas barınağı haline gelmiştir. Gerek Kızılbaşlığın gerekse Bektaşîliğin sosyo-kültürel, siyasî ve hatta dinsel kökenlerinin Anadolu Selçukluları dönemine kadar götürülmesi mümkündür. Ancak bu geleneklerin Alevî karakterlerinin ne kadar geriye götürülebileceği hususu halen tartışmalıdır. Bu konuda iki görüş ortaya çıkmıştır. Yaygın kanı Alevî/Şiî motiflerin söz konusu tasavvuf zümreleri arasında yaygınlaşmasının Safevî etkisiyle XV. asır sonlarında ve XVI. asır başlarında gerçekleştiği yönündedir. Bununla beraber, Anadolu’da Alevî fikir ve itikatların gelişmesini Anadolu Selçukluları dönemine kadar götüren bir başka görüş de mevcuttur. Bu çalışma, XV. yüzyıl öncesinde Anadolu’da Alevî/Şiî görüşlerinin mevcut olup olmadığı, mevcutsa bunların hangi çerçevede ele alınması ve nasıl değerlendirilmesi gerektiği hususlarını tekrar gözden geçirmeyi amaçlamaktadır

    Shi'itisation of the Futuwwa Tradition in the Fifteenth Century

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    This study examines the Shi'itisation of the futuwwa tradition from the eleventh century to the early sixteenth century, with a special reference to fifteenth-century events. Available scholarship has a rather generalised view on the sectarian orientation of the futuwwa, locating it within the Sunni fold, though having a slightly Shi'ite tinge. This view has a tendency to underestimate changes in the religious stand of the futuwwa through the ages. Likewise, it devalues the evident Shi'ite content of the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century futuwwat-namas, regarding them as a temporary divergence due to Safavid propaganda. This article challenges two premises of this established view, arguing that the religious history of futuwwa was by no means static and linear but shows a rupture, i.e. Shi'itisation, in the fifteenth century; and, in contrast to the consensus of the available scholarship, this Shi'itisation was not a result of Safavid propaganda, but of a greater 'universal' transition taking place in fifteenth-century Islamdom

    Synthesis and Characterization of Czts (Cu2snzns4) Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications

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    Bu tez 1001-BİLİMSEL VE TEKNOLOJİK ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİNİ DESTEKLEME PROGRAMI ,117F177 nolu proje kapsamında bir iş olarak elde edilmiştir.Today, thin-film-based photovoltaic (PV) structures attract attention in the search for alternatives to Si-based solar cells. Among the thin films, the Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) compound is the most remarkable with its optical and electrical properties. It is an ideal alternative in terms of PV applications with its p-type semiconductor properties in the direct band (1.5 ev) range and high optical absorption coefficient (>104 cm-1) [1]. The fact that all components in the CZTS compound are relatively cheap and abundant on earth (Cu: 50–70 ppm, Zn: 75–80 ppm, Sn: 2.2 ppm, S: 260 ppm), as well as the fact that it does not contain toxic components, has greatly increased the interest in this structure [2],[3]. Despite all these advantages, the highest efficiency value achieved in CZTS-based PV structures is 12.6% [4]. The reason why this value remains below 31%, known as the Shockley-Queisser (SQ) limit, is the complex phase structure of CZTS as a result of its polyatomic structure. Binary (such as CuS, ZnS, SnS) and triple Cu2SnS3 side phases are formed as a result of not providing the right conditions during production. The MoSx semiconductor formed between the Molybdenum (Mo) back contact and the CZTS absorber layer during heat treatment is also the main reason and light circuit use with pure sulphur is the main reason for reducing the efficiency [3],[5],[6],[7]. Within the scope of this thesis, it was tried to obtain CZTS thin films in which binary and/or ternary side phases were minimized by using two-stage synthesis. In addition, experimental studies were carried out on the usability of Graphene (Gfn) interlayer to prevent the MoSx structure formed at the interface. For CZTS synthesis, the first layer is vacuum evaporation method and the other layers are sputtered from 2 different targetswith Sn/Cu/ZnS Cu/Sn/ZnS (CZT) precursor structure soda lime glass (Soda lime glass: SLG), Mo thin film coated SLG (SLG) /Mo) and Gfn coated SLG/Mo substrates (SLG/Mo/Gfn). Gfn coating process was carried out with plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique. The structural properties of the synthesized samples were determined by XRD, Raman, SEM and FIB-SEM, and the optical properties were determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. As a result of the optimization studies, the layer thicknesses of high purity CZTS thin films on SLG/Mo and SLG/Mo/Graphene substrates were adjusted to be Sn: 180, Cu: 135 and ZnS: 220 nm. Sulphidation conditions were determined by XRD and Raman measurements, which could be obtained under sulphidation temperature 550 oC, sulphidation time 60 minutes and 250mTorr Ar gas flow. It was determined that the Gfn coating could not improve the CZTS crystal event by about 16% but could not prevent MoSx formation. It has been understood that the reason why MoSx phase is more dominant is that the pyramidal Mo surface morphology is suitable for the formation of multilayered and defective graphite structure instead of Gfn, and the free C atoms in this structure act as reducing agents for the S atoms and support the formation of MoSx.Günümüzde Si tabanlı güneş hücrelerine alternatif arayışında ince film tabanlı fotovoltaik (FV) yapılar dikkat çekmektedir. İnce film güneş hücresi teknolojileri arasında Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) bileşiği optik ve elektriksel özellikleri ile en dikkat çekici olanıdır. Sahip olduğu (1.5 eV) direkt bant aralığında p-tipi yarıiletken özelliği ve yüksek optik soğurma katsayısı (>104 cm-1) ile FV uygulamalar açısında ideal bir alternatiftir [1]. CZTS bileşiğindeki tüm bileşenlerin yer kabuğunda görece ucuz ve bol miktarda bulunur (Cu: 50–70 ppm, Zn: 75–80 ppm, Sn: 2,2 ppm, S:260 ppm) olması ve bunun yanında toksik bileşen içermemesi bu yapıya olan ilgiyi oldukça arttırmıştır. Tüm bu avantajlarına rağmen, CZTS tabanlı FV yapılarda ulaşılan en yüksek verim değeri %12,6’dır [4]. Bu değerin Shockley-Queisser (SQ) limiti olarak bilinen %31’in altında kalmasının sebebi CZTS ‘nin çok atomlu yapısı sonucunda sahip olduğu karmaşık faz yapısıdır. Üretim sırasında doğru koşulların sağlanamaması sonucu açığa çıkan ikili (CuS, ZnS, SnS gibi) ve üçlü Cu2SnS3 fazların yanında, sülfürleme/ısıl işlem aşamalarında Molibden (Mo) arka kontak ile CZTS soğurucu tabaka arasında açığa çıkan MoSx yarıiletkeni ve saf sülfürlü yapının düşük açık devre voltajı verimi düşüren en temel sebeplerdir [3],[5],[6],[7]. Bu tez kapsamında, iki aşamalı sentez kullanılarak ikili ve/veya üçlü yan fazların en aza indirildiği CZTS ince filmlerin elde edilmesi ve ara yüzeyde oluşan MoSx yapısının engellenmesi için Grafen (Gfn) ara katman tabaka kullanılabilirliğine yönelik deneysel çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. CZTS sentezi için ilk katman (iki farklı yapı için Sn ve Cu olarak) vakumda buharlaştırma yöntemi ve diğer katmanlar sputter tekniği ile 2 farklı hedeften Sn/Cu/ZnS ve Cu/Sn/ZnS (CZT) öncül yapısı soda kireç camı (Soda lime glass: SLG), Mo ince film kaplı SLG (SLG/Mo) ve Gfn kaplı SLG/Mo alttaşlar (SLG/Mo/Gfn)üzerine kaplanmış, elde edilen Alttaş/CZT yapısı tek bölgeli yüksek sıcaklık fırınında sülfürleme işlemine tabii tutulmuştur. SLG/Mo alttaşlar iki aşamalı sputter tekniği ile elde edilmiş, Gfn kaplama işlemi ise plazma destekli kimyasal buhar biriktirme (plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition: PECVD) tekniği ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sentezlenen örneklerin yapısal özellikleri XRD, Raman, SEM ve FIB-SEM ile optik özellikleri ise spektroskopik elipsometre ile belirlenmiştir. Yapılan optimizasyon çalışmaları sonucunda SLG/Mo ve SLG/Mo/Gfn alttaşlar üzerine yüksek saflıktaki CZTS ince filmlerin katman kalınlıkları Sn:180, Cu:135 ve ZnS:220 nm olacak şekilde ayarlandı. Sülfürleme sıcaklığı 550 oC, sülfürleme süresi 60 dakika ve 250 mTorr Ar gaz akışı altında sülfürleme koşullarında elde edilebildiği XRD ve Raman ölçümleri ile belirlenmiştir. Gfn kaplamanın CZTS kristal yapısını yaklaşık %16 oranında daha kaliteli yaptığı ancak MoSx oluşumunu engelleyemediği belirlenmiştir. MoSx fazının daha da baskın olmasının sebebinin, piramidal Mo yüzey morfolojisinin, Gfn yerine çok katmanlı ve kusurlu grafit yapısının oluşumuna uygun olması ve bu yapıdaki serbest C atomlarının S atomları için indirgeyici davranarak MoSx oluşumunu desteklemesi olduğu anlaşılmıştır

    Effect of TIG Welding Parameters and Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Welded Stainless Steels

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    Korozyon dayanımı, yüksek mukavemet değerleri ile iyi derecede kaynak edilebilirliklerinden ve şekillendirilebilme özelliklerinden dolayı gıda, süt ve kağıt sanayi endüstrisinde AISI 304L kalite paslanmaz çelikler yaygın kullanım alanı bulurlar. Bu çalışmada 304L paslanmaz çeliklerin TIG ark kaynak birleştirmelerine ilave telin, kaynak akımının ve ısıl işlemin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 5 mm kalınlığa sahip 304L kalite paslanmaz saclar farklı kaynak parametreleri ile ilave telli ve telsiz kaynatılmıştır. Farklı parametrelerle birleştirilmiş kaynaklı numunelerden bir adeti ısıl işleme tabi tutulmuştur. Isıl işlem görmemiş ve görmüş kaynaklı deney parçalarının çekme dayanımı ve mikroyapı incelemeleri yapılarak, mikroyapı mekanik özellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir.AlSI 304L quality stainless steel; in food, dairy and paper industries find widespread use; because of corrosion resistance, high strength values, weldability and forming properties. In this study was investigated an additional wire, welding current and heat treatment effect of TIG arc welding of 304L stainless steel. For this purpose; thick of 5 mm 304L stainless steel were welding with different welding parameters of add wire - nonwire. Heat treatment is applied to one of the welded samples coupled with different parameters.Cementation applied and not applied of welded samples were carried tensile strength and microstructural investigations. Thus, the relationships between mechanical properties of the samples have been determined

    Difficult Decision on Tyroid Surgery of Expert Witness: Complication or Malpractice

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    Objective: Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) paralysis and hypocalcemia following thyroid surgery have been designated as complication or malpractice. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate surgeons’ opinions towards RLN injury and hypocalcemia after bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy (BST) and total thyroidectomy (TT) in nodular goiter and thyroid carcinoma. Materials and Methods: We prepared a questionnaire to determine approaches of surgeons in such cases. We grouped the respondents according their thyroid surgery experiments and asked them to determine whether it is malpractice or complication in cases with unilateral or bilateral RLN paralysis and hypocalcemia after “bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy” and in cases with unilateral or bilateral RLN paralysis after “total thyroidectomy”. Results: In all groups describing bilateral RLN injury was more common. Problems which are defined as “complication” in cancer patients, were more likely defined as “malpractice” in benign cases. However, these differences were generally not statistically significant. Conclusion: There is no consensus about malpractice and complication discrimination among physicians. Every physician should evaluate every specific case in its own nature and conditions when asked to determine whether the case should be determined as complication or malpractice

    Effects of incentives related to export on to firms in the furniture industry

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    Bu araştırmada, Türkiye Mobilya Endüstrisinin ihracata yönelik devlet destekleri ile ilgili sorunlar irdelenerek, mevcut durumun tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için, Mobilya Endüstrisinde Ankara’da (%23) ve Bursa’da (%77) faaliyet gösteren 97 ihracat yapan işletme araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır. İşletmelerde konuya yönelik problemlerin tespit edilebilmesi için işletme yöneticileri/sahipleri ile yüz yüze görüşülerek anket, röportaj ve gözlem yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada, ihracata yönelik olarak en fazla yararlanılan devlet destekleri önem sırasına göre; yurtdışı fuar ve sergilere katılım, pazar araştırma, finans, marka tanıtım ve tutundurma, araştırma-geliştirme, eğitim yardımı, patent, faydalı model, ihracata yönlendirme, danışmanlık, çevre maliyetleri, istihdam yardımı, yurtdışında mağaza açma, işletme ve marka tanıtım faaliyetleri, ortak kullanım amaçlı makine - teçhizat - ileri teknoloji kredisi olarak belirlenmiştir. Sorunlar olarak ta, işletmelerde bu konuda bilgi yetersizliği yaşandığı, bürokratik engellerin fazla olduğu, gelişmiş ülkelerle kıyaslandığında gerekli devlet yardımlarının yapılmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; mobilya endüstrisinde ihracatın arttırılması için küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelere yönelik devlet yardımlarının ve danışmanlık hizmetlerinin artırılması, devlet desteklerine katılımın sürekliliğini sağlamak için işletmelerin bu konuda çaba sarf etmesi ve kendi çabalarıyla katılımını sağlayacak ortamın oluşturulması önerilebilir.In this study, Turkish furniture Industry’s problems related with, incentives supporting the exports is examined and present situation is tried to be explained. Thus, 97 exporting properties performing in Ankara (%23) and in Bursa (%77) within furniture industry were captured. To define the problems assigned with the issue among properties, face to face interviews, surveys and reports were performed with the managers. In this study, according to their importance, the mostly utilized incentives supporting the exports are defined as commitment to the fairs and exhibitions, market research, finance, promotion, branding and presentation, research and development, educational intensives, patent, beneficial model, exporting stimulation, consultation, environmental costs incentives, recruitment incentives, incentives for settlement of superstores abroad, publicity of the property and brand, hi-tech machinery credits. According to the results, to increase the export of furniture industry, incentives and consulting services of the government should be improved, and also properties should increase their tendency to commit these efforts and government should support the creation of situation for the enterpreneurs for the commitment

    Role of spiramycin in prevention of fetal toxoplasmosis

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    WOS: 000374773800006PubMed ID: 26365472Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of spiramycin in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Methods: Patients within first trimester of their pregnancy with Toxoplasma IgM positivity (>0.65 index, ELISA, VIDAS) and IgG positivity (>8 IU/ml), who had low IgG avidity (<0.50 index, ELISA, Architet) were considered as having acute toxoplasmosis. These patients who had amniocentesis at the 19th-21st week of pregnancy were examined for the detection of Toxoplasma DNA. Detailed ultrasonographic examinations performed between the 20th and 24th gestational weeks and the mothers and babies were followed for at least one year. Results: Out of 61 patients, 55 (90.2%) had received Spy prophylaxis while 6 (9.8%) cases refused Spy prophylaxis. Toxoplasma PCR test was found to be positive in amniotic fluid of 4 (6.6%) patients obtained by amniocentesis at the 19th-21st week of pregnancy. All four of these patients had refused Spy prophylaxis had positive Toxoplasma PCR in amniotic fluid (p<0.01). Conclusion: Our results seem to encourage the use of spiramycin in women with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy