107 research outputs found

    Breaking free from the linear: In search for Innoveaders

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    The characteristics of the global business environment in which the organizations are expected to sense-and-respond to the target customers’ preferences constantly on the move have drastically changed for the last four decades. The impact of repeated and prolonged attempts to design the whole (system) has been neutralized since it is barely enough to predict the outcomes of the upward-causality from the knowledge of the parts. Innovativeness, under these circumstances, cannot be reified as something done to organizations via deliberate managerial interventions. Traditional leadership approaches fail to grasp the very insight regarding the creation of ingenious organizations in which emergence is giving rise to innovation. This conceptual paper intends to delve into the relationship between innovation-driven organizations and the right context of leadership to be instilled through incorporation of complexity science into management and coins the term innoveadership to identify the characteristics of such context.Publisher's Versio

    Tracing back the signs of complexity thinking in management: Mary Parker Follett re-visited

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    The modernist stream of thought had immensely influenced the theories of organizational management in the early twentieth century. Equilibriumoriented and universally valid reductionist approaches viewed organizations as machines that could be broken down into pieces, hence, behavior of the whole could be understood from the knowledge of its parts. Mary Parker Follett, owing to her valuable contribution ahead of her time, emerges as a prominent figure in the history of management thought and organizational studies. Most of what is written and discussed today in the field of organization studies and management such as power, authority, group dynamics, leadership, coordination and governance have been derived from Mary Parker Follett’s corpus. She had built the bridge between complexity thinking and management almost four decades before the introduction of nonlinear dynamics to scientific research. Although the actual terminology of nonlinear dynamics was not employed in her postulations Mary Parker Follett’s works provide profound insights for the field of management under the prevailing global circumstances where the impact of repeated attempts to design the ‘whole’ seems to have been neutralized since it is barely enough to predict the outcomes of the upward-causality from the knowledge of the parts. A thorough analysis of her writings reveals that she had accurately anticipated the problems associated with the contemporary organizational settings as well as incorporating nonlinear dynamics into management thinking. This conceptual paper intends to draw inspiration from Mary Parker Follett’s works with special emphasis on the links between her conceptions and complexity thinking in the field of management.Publisher's Versio

    Stock price reaction for scoring on corporate governance

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    There is a widely heralded need for improved corporate governance practices in order to stave off potential turbulences in financial markets. Corporate governance index enables investors to monitor the compliance level of firms with corporate governance principles. This study attempts to examine whether the market players in Borsa Istanbul recognize the value of getting a corporate governance score in the period of 2007 and 2013. The initial evidence supports that the market players value the scoring and the market price of firms announcing the scoring shows a sharp increase in the first announcement day and this dies out over the next 10 days.Publisher's Versio

    Occupational stress and mindfulness: an empirical study

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    Purpose- There is a need for organizations to be innovative and keep on adapting to changes and new circumstances in today’s highly competitive world. Accordingly, some challenges emerged for both organizations and employees in adapting to the new situations as well as work-related daily routine tasks. Adaptation and coping capabilities of the employees have become an essential part of the work environment. These challenges have created stress among employees, affecting their personal lives and business lives. A concept of “Mindfulness” that enables people to be flexible and adaptable in adverse environments, and this, in turn, reduces people’s stress levels is used in business life as well. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors affecting employees’ occupational stress and clarify their coping capabilities using mindfulness during turbulent times. Methodology- There are qualitative and quantitative studies about occupational stress and mindfulness in business and psychology disciplines. This research consists of an extensive literature review regarding the factors found in the literature, including stress and employee cooping capabilities in terms of mindfulness, and an empirical field study applied through an experimental group. They had an eight-week MBSR course and a survey applied before and after the training, in 2021. The data from the research was analyzed through the SPSS 25 program. Findings- According to literature, employees’ stress levels increased because of many factors like workload, time pressures and deadlines, extended working hours, work/family conflict, and an environment of uncertainty in general. On the other hand, in the literature, the factors affecting employees’ coping capabilities with stress are two crucial: employee well-being and resilience at work. The analyzed data from the experimental study supported the literature that mindfulness training reduces the stress level of employees while increasing their resilience and well-being levels. Conclusion- The study encourages Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs to be applied to employees during challenging times when there are high levels of uncertainty and stress. Experiential studies of mindfulness interventions demonstrate that mindfulness serves to reduce stress and improve well-being and resilience.Publisher's Versio

    Rasyonalite ve Akışkanlık: Modernist Örgüt Kuramlarının Kompleksite Düşüncesi Ekseninde Tahlili

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    Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan makina metaforunun etkisi altında geliştirilmiş örgütsel kuramların temel varsayımlarının günümüzün kompleks küresel ortamında işlerliği sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Eşi benzeri görülmemiş düzeydeki karşılıklı bağlılık ve bağımlılık ortamında küresel ağda etkileşime geçen sayısız aktörün, kelebek etkisi olarak da adlandırılan durumda anlatılmak istendiği gibi, hangi şekilde ve yoğunlukta ilişki kurup etkileşime gireceği ve bu etkileşimlerin nitel olarak özgün hangi yeni görüngünün belirimine yol açabileceğini kestirebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Her an olma halindeki şartlar altında örgütlerin neden-sonuç ilişkileri arasındaki rasyonel bağları kurarak anı idrak edebileceklerine inanmaya devam etmeleri söz konusu değildir. Kavramsal tahlile dayalı bu makale, örgütlerin birer makina olarak tanımlandıkları ontolojik konumlanmanın, örgütlerin kompleks sosyal etkileşim ağları olarak yeniden şekillenmesi akışkanlar çağında var olmayı sürdürebilmek için elzem bir düşünsel gereklilik olduğunu, modernist örgüt kuramlarının varsayımlarının karşısına kompleksite kavramını konumlayarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Kompleks sistemler yaklaşımını benimsemekte somut bir metafor olarak ekoloji kavramı önerilmektedi

    Rasyonalite ve Akışkanlık: Modernist Örgüt Kuramlarının Kompleksite Düşüncesi Ekseninde Tahlili

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    Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan makina metaforunun etkisi altında geliştirilmiş örgütsel kuramların temel varsayımlarının günümüzün kompleks küresel ortamında işlerliği sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Eşi benzeri görülmemiş düzeydeki karşılıklı bağlılık ve bağımlılık ortamında küresel ağda etkileşime geçen sayısız aktörün, kelebek etkisi olarak da adlandırılan durumda anlatılmak istendiği gibi, hangi şekilde ve yoğunlukta ilişki kurup etkileşime gireceği ve bu etkileşimlerin nitel olarak özgün hangi yeni görüngünün belirimine yol açabileceğini kestirebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Her an olma halindeki şartlar altında örgütlerin neden-sonuç ilişkileri arasındaki rasyonel bağları kurarak anı idrak edebileceklerine inanmaya devam etmeleri söz konusu değildir. Kavramsal tahlile dayalı bu makale, örgütlerin birer makina olarak tanımlandıkları ontolojik konumlanmanın, örgütlerin kompleks sosyal etkileşim ağları olarak yeniden şekillenmesi akışkanlar çağında var olmayı sürdürebilmek için elzem bir düşünsel gereklilik olduğunu, modernist örgüt kuramlarının varsayımlarının karşısına kompleksite kavramını konumlayarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Kompleks sistemler yaklaşımını benimsemekte somut bir metafor olarak ekoloji kavramı önerilmektedi

    Rationality and fluidity: Analysisof modernist organization theories through the lens of complexity thinking

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    Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan makina metaforunun etkisi altında geliştirilmiş örgütsel kuramların temel varsayımlarının günümüzün kompleks küresel ortamında işlerliği sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Eşi benzeri görülmemiş düzeydeki karşılıklı bağlılık ve bağımlılık ortamında küresel ağda etkileşime geçen sayısız aktörün, kelebek etkisi olarak da adlandırılan durumda anlatılmak istendiği gibi, hangi şekilde ve yoğunlukta ilişki kurup etkileşime gireceği ve bu etkileşimlerin nitel olarak özgün hangi yeni görüngünün belirimine yol açabileceğini kestirebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Her an olma halindeki şartlar altında örgütlerin neden-sonuç ilişkileri arasındaki rasyonel bağları kurarak anı idrak edebileceklerine inanmaya devam etmeleri söz konusu değildir. Kavramsal tahlile dayalı bu makale, örgütlerin birer makina olarak tanımlandıkları ontolojik konumlanmanın, örgütlerin kompleks sosyal etkileşim ağları olarak yeniden şekillenmesi akışkanlar çağında var olmayı sürdürebilmek için elzem bir düşünsel gereklilik olduğunu, modernist örgüt kuramlarının varsayımlarının karşısına kompleksite kavramını konumlayarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Kompleks sistemler yaklaşımını benimsemekte somut bir metafor olarak ekoloji kavramı önerilmektedir.Organizationa studies had been substantially influenced by the basic underlying assumptions of the modernist stream of thought which embraced ‘machine metaphor’ as the ontological ground on which entire theories of organization and management had been built. Given the unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectednes and the amount of data and information flowing in the global network, organizations seem to be haunted by the feeble references of linear causality in their endeavors to survive under the circumstances of complexity. This article intends to diagnose and analyze the need for replacing the ingrained assumptions of modernist organization and management theories with the ones postulated by complexity thinking which puts special emphasis on concepts like evolution, interaction, symbiosis and nonlinearity. Ecology metaphore, as suggested in the article, could serve as a plausible anchor to explicate the ‘in-the-making’ nature of the interactions between the constituting parts of the whole, namely organization.Publisher's Versio

    Analysis of organizational dysfunction: Dysfunctional momentum and the Abilene Paradox

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    Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyeti ağır sonuçların doğacağına işaret eden semptom ve sinyallerin göz ardı edilmesi durumunu tarif etmektedir. Örgüt üyelerinin söz konusu semptom ve sinyalleri kasıtlı olarak göz ardı etmelerinin yönetsel, bilişsel ve psikolojik boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, bireylerin hataları fark edip süreçleri yeniden ayarlamak yerine işlevsizliğin devinimine uyum sağlamayı tercih etmelerinin altyapısını inceleyen işlevsiz momentum yaklaşımı, örgütlerin neden yönelmeyi arzu ettikleri istikametin tam tersine yol alma eğiliminde olduğunu inceleyen Abilene paradoksu ekseninde tahlil edilecektir. Örgütsel işlevsizliğin bir öğrenmeme hali olduğu yorumundan hareketle makaledeki tahlil tek-döngülü ve çift-döngülü öğrenme modelleri ile ilişkilendirilecektir.Organizational dysfunction refers to ignoring the salient symptoms and cues about emerging inefficiencies in work processes. Dysfunctional momentum occurs when people fail to pause and recalibrate inefficient work processes. Abilene paradox deals with why organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to their original intentions. This article intends to comprehend the psychodynamics of turning a blind eye to the dysfunctional organizational processes through incorporation of the insight provided by dysfunctional momentum and Abilene paradox into the analysis.Publisher's Versio

    The Quality of Life Measurements Following Oncoplastic Breast-conserving Surgery

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    Objective:Oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (OBCS) is a widely accepted surgical option among breast cancer patients. We aimed to evaluate the histopathological findings of breast tumors and quality of life scores.Method:The clinical and pathological data of 49 female patients who underwent OBSC in University of Health Sciences Turkey, İstanbul Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital between January 2015 and January 2019 for breast cancer were retrospectively evaluated. According to the location of the tumor, the racket method or J-mammoplasty techniques was selected. Quality of life and patient satisfaction assessment questionnaire was performed.Results:The mean age was 48.1 (26-68) years. The most common incision pattern was the racket pattern (85%). The invasive ductal carcinoma (89.8%) was seen more than ductal carcinoma in situ (6.1%) and papillary carcinoma (4.1%). The distance to the surgical margin was approximately 7.1 mm (1-20). The estrogen receptor positivity was 74.2% (5-100%) and progesterone receptor positivity was 61.8% (5-98%). 61.2% received chemotherapy (100%, radiotherapy). Based on questionnaires, the score of quality of life and satisfaction was 34 (25-47). Especially, the body image function [22 (15-29)] and health functions [10 (7-13)], such as breast & arm symptoms, were better in the patients who had higher scores (p<0.001).Conclusion:The histopathological patterns of the patients following OBSC potentially did not show any impact among the quality of life and satisfaction scores

    Snapshot evaluation of acute and chronic heart failure in real-life in Turkey: a follow-up data for mortality

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    Objective: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive clinical syndrome. SELFIE-TR is a registry illustrating the overall HF patient profile of Turkey. Herein, all-cause mortality (ACM) data during follow-up were provided. Methods: This is a prospective outcome analysis of SELFIE-TR. Patients were classified as acute HF (AHF) versus chronic HF (CHF) and HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), HF with mid-range ejection fraction, and HF with preserved ejection fraction and were followed up for ACM. Results: There were 1054 patients with a mean age of 63.3±13.3 years and with a median follow-up period of 16 (7–17) months. Survival data within 1 year were available in 1022 patients. Crude ACM was 19.9% for 1 year in the whole group. ACM within 1 year was 13.7% versus 32.6% in patients with CHF and AHF, respectively (p<0.001). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker, beta blocker, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist were present in 70.6%, 88.2%, and 50.7%, respectively. In the whole cohort, survival curves were graded according to guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) scores ?1 versus 2 versus 3 as 28% versus 20.2% versus 12.2%, respectively (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis of the whole cohort yielded age (p=0.009) and AHF (p=0.028) as independent predictors of mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: One-year mortality is high in Turkish patients with HF compared with contemporary cohorts with AHF and CHF. Of note, GDMT score is influential on 1-year mortality being the most striking one on chronic HFrEF. On the other hand, in the whole cohort, age and AHF were the only independent predictors of death in 1 yea