371 research outputs found

    Index Policies for Optimal Mean-Variance Trade-Off of Inter-delivery Times in Real-Time Sensor Networks

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    A problem of much current practical interest is the replacement of the wiring infrastructure connecting approximately 200 sensor and actuator nodes in automobiles by an access point. This is motivated by the considerable savings in automobile weight, simplification of manufacturability, and future upgradability. A key issue is how to schedule the nodes on the shared access point so as to provide regular packet delivery. In this and other similar applications, the mean of the inter-delivery times of packets, i.e., throughput, is not sufficient to guarantee service-regularity. The time-averaged variance of the inter-delivery times of packets is also an important metric. So motivated, we consider a wireless network where an Access Point schedules real-time generated packets to nodes over a fading wireless channel. We are interested in designing simple policies which achieve optimal mean-variance tradeoff in interdelivery times of packets by minimizing the sum of time-averaged means and variances over all clients. Our goal is to explore the full range of the Pareto frontier of all weighted linear combinations of mean and variance so that one can fully exploit the design possibilities. We transform this problem into a Markov decision process and show that the problem of choosing which node's packet to transmit in each slot can be formulated as a bandit problem. We establish that this problem is indexable and explicitly derive the Whittle indices. The resulting Index policy is optimal in certain cases. We also provide upper and lower bounds on the cost for any policy. Extensive simulations show that Index policies perform better than previously proposed policies

    Finite-size analysis of continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution

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    We study the impact of the finite-size effect on the continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (CV-MDI QKD) protocol, mainly considering the finite-size effect on the parameter estimation procedure. The central-limit theorem and maximum likelihood estimation theorem are used to estimate the parameters. We also analyze the relationship between the number of exchanged signals and the optimal modulation variance in the protocol. It is proved that when Charlie's position is close to Bob, the CV-MDI QKD protocol has the farthest transmission distance in the finite-size scenario. Finally, we discuss the impact of finite-size effects related to the practical detection in the CV-MDI QKD protocol. The overall results indicate that the finite-size effect has a great influence on the secret key rate of the CV-MDI QKD protocol and should not be ignored.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Efficient Attribute-Based Smart Contract Access Control Enhanced by Reputation Assessment

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    Blockchain's immutability can resist unauthorized changes of ledgers, thus it can be used as a trust enhancement mechanism to a shared system. Indeed, blockchain has been considered to solve the security and privacy issues of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this regard, most researches currently focus on the realization of various access control models and architectures, and are working towards making full use of the blockchain to secure IoT systems. It is worth noting that there has been an increasingly heavy pressure on the blockchain storage caused by dealing with massive IoT data and handling malicious access behaviors in the system, and not many countermeasures have been seen to curb the increase. However, this problem has not been paid enough attention. In this paper, we implement an attribute-based access control scheme using smart contracts in Quorum blockchain. It provides basic access control functions and conserves storage by reducing the number of smart contracts. In addition, a reputation-based technique is introduced to cope with malicious behaviors. Certain illegal transactions can be blocked by the credit-assessment algorithm, which deters possibly malicious nodes and gives more chance to well-behaved nodes. The feasibility of our proposed scheme is demonstrated by doing experiment on a testbed and conducting a case study. Finally, the system performance is assessed based on experimental measurement
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