520 research outputs found

    Fluid limit of threshold voter models on tori

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    In this paper, we are concerned with threshold voter models on tori. Assuming that the initial distribution of the process is product measure with density p, we obtain a fluid limit of the proportion of vertices in state 1 as the dimension of the torus grows to infinity. The fluid limit performs a phase transition phenomenon from p 1/2.Comment: 18 page

    Survival probabilities of high-dimensional stochastic SIS and SIR models with random edge weights

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    In this paper, we are concerned with the stochastic SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) and SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) models on high-dimensional lattices with random edge weights, where a susceptible vertex is infected by an infectious neighbor at rate proportional to the weight on the edge connecting them. All the edge weights are assumed to be i.i.d.. Our main result gives mean field limits for survival probabilities of the two models as the dimension grows to infinity, which extends the main conclusion given in \cite{Xue2017} for classic stochastic SIS model.Comment: 25 page

    The critical infection rate of the high-dimensional two-stage contact process

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    In this paper we are concerned with the two-stage contact process on the lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d introduced in \cite{Krone1999}. We gives a limit theorem of the critical infection rate of the process as the dimension dd of the lattice grows to infinity. A linear system and a two-stage SIR model are two main tools for the proof of our main result.Comment: 13 page

    Critical infection rates for contact processes on open clusters of oriented percolation in ZdZ^d

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    In this paper we are concerned with contact processes on open clusters of oriented percolation in ZdZ^d, where the disease spreads along the direction of open edges. We show that the two critical infection rates in the quenched and annealed cases are equal with probability one and are asymptotically equal to (dp)1(dp)^{-1} as the dimension dd grows to infinity, where pp is the probability of edge `open'

    Critical value for the contact process with random edge weights on regular tree

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    In this paper we are concerned with contact processes with random edge weights on rooted regular trees. We assign i.i.d weights on each edge on the tree and assume that an infected vertex infects its healthy neighbor at rate proportional to the weight on the edge connecting them. Under the annealed measure, we define the critical value \lambda_c as the maximum of the infection rate with which the process will die out and define \lambda_e as the maximum of the infection rate with which the process dies out at exponential rate. We show that these two critical values satisfy an identical limit theorem and give an precise lower bound of \lambda_e. We also study the critical value under the quenched measure. We show that this critical value equals that under the annealed measure or infinity according to a dichotomy criterion. The contact process on a Galton-Watson tree with binomial offspring distribution is a special case of our model.Comment: 21 page

    Two limit theorems for the high-dimensional two-stage contact process

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    In this paper we are concerned with the two-stage contact process introduced in \cite{Krone1999} on a high-dimensional lattice. By comparing this process with an auxiliary model which is a linear system, we obtain two limit theorems for this process as the dimension of the lattice grows to infinity. The first theorem is about the upper invariant measure of the process. The second theorem is about asymptotic behavior of the critical value of the process. These two theorems can be considered as extensions of their counterparts for the basic contact processes proved in \cite{Grif1983} and \cite{Schonmann1986}.Comment: 31 page

    Asymptotic Behavior of Critical Infection Rates for Threshold-one Contact Processes on Lattices and Regular Trees

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    In this paper we study threshold-one contact processes on lattices and regular trees. The asymptotic behavior of the critical infection rates as the degrees of the graphs growing to infinity are obtained. Defining \lambda_c as the supremum of infection rates which causes extinction of the process at equilibrium, we prove that n\lambda_c^{T^n}\rightarrow1 and 2d\lambda_c^{Z^d}\rightarrow1 as n,d\rightarrow+\infty. Our result is a development of the conclusion that \lambda_c^{Z^d}\leq\frac{2.18}{d} shown in \cite{Dur1991}. To prove our main result, a crucial lemma about the probability of a simple random walk on a lattice returning to zero is obtained. In details, the lemma is that \lim_{d\rightarrow+\infty}2dP\big(\exists n\geq1, S_n^{(d)}=0\big)=1, where S_n^{(d)} is a simple random walk on Z^d with S_0^{(d)}=0

    Phase transition for large dimensional contact process with random recovery rates on open clusters

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    In this paper we are concerned with contact process with random recovery rates on open clusters of bond percolation on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. Let ξ\xi be a positive random variable, then we assigned i. i. d. copies of ξ\xi on the vertices as the random recovery rates. Assuming that each edge is open with probability pp and logd\log d vertices are occupied at t=0t=0, we prove that the following phase transition occurs. When the infection rate λ<λc=1/(pE1ξ)\lambda<\lambda_c=1/({p{\rm E}\frac{1}{\xi}}), then the process dies out at time O(logd)O(\log d) with high probability as d+d\rightarrow+\infty, while when λ>λc\lambda>\lambda_c, the process survives with high probability

    The survival probability of the high-dimensional contact process with random vertex weights on the oriented lattice

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    This paper is a further study of Reference \cite{Xue2015}. We are concerned with the contact process with random vertex weights on the oriented lattice. Our main result gives the asymptotic behavior of the survival probability of the process conditioned on only one vertex is infected at t=0t=0 as the dimension grows to infinity. A SIR model and a branching process with random vertex weights are the main auxiliary tools for the proof of the main result.Comment: 37 page

    Moderate deviations of density-dependent Markov chains

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    The density-dependent Markov chain (DDMC) introduced in \cite{Kurtz1978} is a continuous time Markov process applied in fields such as epidemics, chemical reactions and so on. In this paper, we give moderate deviation principles of paths of DDMC under some generally satisfied assumptions. The proofs for the lower and upper bounds of our main result utilize an exponential martingale and a generalized version of Girsanov's theorem. The exponential martingale is defined according to the generator of DDMC.Comment: 27 page