72,974 research outputs found

    Senior Recital, Binyan Xu, piano

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    VCU DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC SENIOR RECITAL Binyan Xu, piano Tuesday, November 24 at 4:00 p.m. Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall W. E. Singleton Center for the Performing Art

    State control can result in good performance for firms

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    State firms are now hybrid organisations, say Ciprian Stan, David Ahlstrom, Mike W. Peng, Kehan Xu and Garry D. Bruto

    Properties for Allocation Rules for Cooperative Games and Revenue Sharing Problems

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    Brink, J.R. van den [Promotor]Sun, H. [Promotor]Xu, G. [Copromotor

    On fuzzy non-discrimination

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    We show that the incompatibility between the Pareto principle and the notion of non-discrimination as presented in Xu (2000) continues to hold when the individuals have exact preferences and the social preference relation is allowed to be a reflexive and transitive fuzzy binary relation. Our result can be seen as a strengthening of the result of Xu in two directions: (1) the range of the aggregation rule is enlarged and (2) a weaker condition on non-discrimination is used.fuzzy preferences

    Approximation algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Penalties

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    In this paper, we address the problem of capacitated facility location problem with penalties (CapFLPP) paid per unit of unserved demand. In case of uncapacitated FLP with penalties demands of a client are either entirely met or are entirely rejected and penalty is paid. In the uncapacitated case, there is no reason to serve a client partially. Whereas, in case of CapFLPP, it may be beneficial to serve a client partially instead of not serving at all and, pay the penalty for the unmet demand. Charikar et. al. \cite{charikar2001algorithms}, Jain et. al. \cite{jain2003greedy} and Xu- Xu \cite{xu2009improved} gave 33, 22 and 1.85261.8526 approximation, respectively, for the uncapacitated case . We present (5.83+Ο΅)(5.83 + \epsilon) factor for the case of uniform capacities and (8.532+Ο΅)(8.532 + \epsilon) factor for non-uniform capacities

    The split decomposition of a tridiagonal pair

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    Let KK denote a field and let VV denote a vector space over KK with finite positive dimension. We consider a pair of linear transformations A:Vβ†’VA:V \to V and Aβˆ—:Vβ†’VA^*:V \to V that satisfy (i)--(iv) below: (i) Each of AA, Aβˆ—A^* is diagonalizable. (ii) There exists an ordering V0,V1,...,VdV_{0},V_{1},...,V_{d} of the eigenspaces of AA such that Aβˆ—ViβŠ†Viβˆ’1+Vi+Vi+1A^* V_i \subseteq V_{i-1} + V_{i} + V_{i+1} for 0≀i≀d0 \leq i \leq d, where Vβˆ’1=0V_{-1}=0, Vd+1=0V_{d+1}=0. (iii) There exists an ordering V0βˆ—,V1βˆ—,...,VΞ΄βˆ—V^*_{0},V^*_{1},...,V^*_{\delta} of the eigenspaces of Aβˆ—A^* such that AViβˆ—βŠ†Viβˆ’1βˆ—+Viβˆ—+Vi+1βˆ—A V^*_i \subseteq V^*_{i-1} + V^*_{i} + V^*_{i+1} for 0≀i≀δ0 \leq i \leq \delta, where Vβˆ’1βˆ—=0V^*_{-1}=0, VΞ΄+1βˆ—=0V^*_{\delta+1}=0. (iv) There is no subspace WW of VV such that both AWβŠ†WAW \subseteq W, Aβˆ—WβŠ†WA^* W \subseteq W, other than W=0 and W=VW=V. We call such a pair a tridiagonal pair on VV. In this note we obtain two results. First, we show that each of A,Aβˆ—A,A^* is determined up to affine transformation by the ViV_i and Viβˆ—V^*_i. Secondly, we characterize the case in which the ViV_i and Viβˆ—V^*_i all have dimension one. We prove both results using a certain decomposition of VV called the split decomposition.Comment: 7 page
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