41,688 research outputs found

    Uniform fractional factorial designs

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    The minimum aberration criterion has been frequently used in the selection of fractional factorial designs with nominal factors. For designs with quantitative factors, however, level permutation of factors could alter their geometrical structures and statistical properties. In this paper uniformity is used to further distinguish fractional factorial designs, besides the minimum aberration criterion. We show that minimum aberration designs have low discrepancies on average. An efficient method for constructing uniform minimum aberration designs is proposed and optimal designs with 27 and 81 runs are obtained for practical use. These designs have good uniformity and are effective for studying quantitative factors.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS987 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Evolution of cooperation in spatial traveler's dilemma game

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    Traveler's dilemma (TD) is one of social dilemmas which has been well studied in the economics community, but it is attracted little attention in the physics community. The TD game is a two-person game. Each player can select an integer value between RR and MM (R<MR < M) as a pure strategy. If both of them select the same value, the payoff to them will be that value. If the players select different values, say ii and jj (R≤i<j≤MR \le i < j \le M), then the payoff to the player who chooses the small value will be i+Ri+R and the payoff to the other player will be i−Ri-R. We term the player who selects a large value as the cooperator, and the one who chooses a small value as the defector. The reason is that if both of them select large values, it will result in a large total payoff. The Nash equilibrium of the TD game is to choose the smallest value RR. However, in previous behavioral studies, players in TD game typically select values that are much larger than RR, and the average selected value exhibits an inverse relationship with RR. To explain such anomalous behavior, in this paper, we study the evolution of cooperation in spatial traveler's dilemma game where the players are located on a square lattice and each player plays TD games with his neighbors. Players in our model can adopt their neighbors' strategies following two standard models of spatial game dynamics. Monte-Carlo simulation is applied to our model, and the results show that the cooperation level of the system, which is proportional to the average value of the strategies, decreases with increasing RR until RR is greater than the threshold where cooperation vanishes. Our findings indicate that spatial reciprocity promotes the evolution of cooperation in TD game and the spatial TD game model can interpret the anomalous behavior observed in previous behavioral experiments

    Radar Cross Section of Orbital Debris Objects

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    This discussion is concerned with the radar-data analysis and usage involved in the building of model orbital debris (OD) populations in the near-Earth environment, focusing on radar cross section (RCS). While varying with radar wavelength, physical dimension, material composition, overall shape and structure, the RCS of an irregular object is also strongly dependent on its spatial orientation. The historical records of observed RCSs for cataloged OD objects in the Space Surveillance Network are usually distributed over an RCS range, forming respective characteristic patterns. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Size Estimation Model provides an empirical probability-density function of RCS as a function of effective diameter (or characteristic length), which makes it feasible to predict possible RCS distributions for a given model OD population and to link data with model from a statistical perspective. The discussion also includes application of the widely used method of moments (MoM) and the Generalized Multi-particle Mie-solution (GMM) in the prediction of the RCS of arbitrarily shaped objects. Theoretical calculation results for an aluminum cube are compared with corresponding experimental measurements

    Asymptotic analysis of silicon based Bragg fibers

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    We developed an asymptotic formalism that fully characterizes the propagation and loss properties of a Bragg fiber with finite cladding layers. The formalism is subsequently applied to miniature air-core Bragg fibers with Silicon-based cladding mirrors. The fiber performance is analyzed as a function of the Bragg cladding geometries, the core radius and the material absorption. The problems of fiber core deformation and other defects in Bragg fibers are also addressed using a finite-difference time-domain analysis and a Gaussian beam approximation, respectively
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