101 research outputs found

    Sample Mixed-Based Data Augmentation for Domestic Audio Tagging

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    Audio tagging has attracted increasing attention since last decade and has various potential applications in many fields. The objective of audio tagging is to predict the labels of an audio clip. Recently deep learning methods have been applied to audio tagging and have achieved state-of-the-art performance, which provides a poor generalization ability on new data. However due to the limited size of audio tagging data such as DCASE data, the trained models tend to result in overfitting of the network. Previous data augmentation methods such as pitch shifting, time stretching and adding background noise do not show much improvement in audio tagging. In this paper, we explore the sample mixed data augmentation for the domestic audio tagging task, including mixup, SamplePairing and extrapolation. We apply a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) with attention module with log-scaled mel spectrum as a baseline system. In our experiments, we achieve an state-of-the-art of equal error rate (EER) of 0.10 on DCASE 2016 task4 dataset with mixup approach, outperforming the baseline system without data augmentation.Comment: submitted to the workshop of Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2018 (DCASE 2018), 19-20 November 2018, Surrey, U

    Surfactant Induced Reservoir Wettability Alteration: Recent Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery

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    Reservoir wettability plays an important role in various oil recovery processes. The origin and evolution of reservoir wettability were critically reviewed to better understand the complexity of wettability due to interactions in crude oil-brine-rock system, with introduction of different wetting states and their influence on fluid distribution in pore spaces. The effect of wettability on oil recovery of waterflooding was then summarized from past and recent research to emphasize the importance of wettability in oil displacement by brine. The mechanism of wettability alteration by different surfactants in both carbonate and sandstone reservoirs was analyzed, concerning their distinct surface chemistry, and different interaction patterns of surfactants with components on rock surface. Other concerns such as the combined effect of wettability alteration and interfacial tension (IFT) reduction on the imbibition process was also taken into account. Generally, surfactant induced wettability alteration for enhanced oil recovery is still in the stage of laboratory investigation. The successful application of this technique relies on a comprehensive survey of target reservoir conditions, and could be expected especially in low permeability fractured reservoirs and forced imbibition process

    Trusted Multi-Scale Classification Framework for Whole Slide Image

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    Despite remarkable efforts been made, the classification of gigapixels whole-slide image (WSI) is severely restrained from either the constrained computing resources for the whole slides, or limited utilizing of the knowledge from different scales. Moreover, most of the previous attempts lacked of the ability of uncertainty estimation. Generally, the pathologists often jointly analyze WSI from the different magnifications. If the pathologists are uncertain by using single magnification, then they will change the magnification repeatedly to discover various features of the tissues. Motivated by the diagnose process of the pathologists, in this paper, we propose a trusted multi-scale classification framework for the WSI. Leveraging the Vision Transformer as the backbone for multi branches, our framework can jointly classification modeling, estimating the uncertainty of each magnification of a microscope and integrate the evidence from different magnification. Moreover, to exploit discriminative patches from WSIs and reduce the requirement for computation resources, we propose a novel patch selection schema using attention rollout and non-maximum suppression. To empirically investigate the effectiveness of our approach, empirical experiments are conducted on our WSI classification tasks, using two benchmark databases. The obtained results suggest that the trusted framework can significantly improve the WSI classification performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods

    Optimistic Model Rollouts for Pessimistic Offline Policy Optimization

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    Model-based offline reinforcement learning (RL) has made remarkable progress, offering a promising avenue for improving generalization with synthetic model rollouts. Existing works primarily focus on incorporating pessimism for policy optimization, usually via constructing a Pessimistic Markov Decision Process (P-MDP). However, the P-MDP discourages the policies from learning in out-of-distribution (OOD) regions beyond the support of offline datasets, which can under-utilize the generalization ability of dynamics models. In contrast, we propose constructing an Optimistic MDP (O-MDP). We initially observed the potential benefits of optimism brought by encouraging more OOD rollouts. Motivated by this observation, we present ORPO, a simple yet effective model-based offline RL framework. ORPO generates Optimistic model Rollouts for Pessimistic offline policy Optimization. Specifically, we train an optimistic rollout policy in the O-MDP to sample more OOD model rollouts. Then we relabel the sampled state-action pairs with penalized rewards and optimize the output policy in the P-MDP. Theoretically, we demonstrate that the performance of policies trained with ORPO can be lower-bounded in linear MDPs. Experimental results show that our framework significantly outperforms P-MDP baselines by a margin of 30%, achieving state-of-the-art performance on the widely-used benchmark. Moreover, ORPO exhibits notable advantages in problems that require generalization

    Dynamic Memory-based Curiosity: A Bootstrap Approach for Exploration

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    The sparsity of extrinsic rewards poses a serious challenge for reinforcement learning (RL). Currently, many efforts have been made on curiosity which can provide a representative intrinsic reward for effective exploration. However, the challenge is still far from being solved. In this paper, we present a novel curiosity for RL, named DyMeCu, which stands for Dynamic Memory-based Curiosity. Inspired by human curiosity and information theory, DyMeCu consists of a dynamic memory and dual online learners. The curiosity arouses if memorized information can not deal with the current state, and the information gap between dual learners can be formulated as the intrinsic reward for agents, and then such state information can be consolidated into the dynamic memory. Compared with previous curiosity methods, DyMeCu can better mimic human curiosity with dynamic memory, and the memory module can be dynamically grown based on a bootstrap paradigm with dual learners. On multiple benchmarks including DeepMind Control Suite and Atari Suite, large-scale empirical experiments are conducted and the results demonstrate that DyMeCu outperforms competitive curiosity-based methods with or without extrinsic rewards. We will release the code to enhance reproducibility