165 research outputs found

    Central limit theorem for an additive functional of the fractional Brownian motion II

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    We prove a central limit theorem for an additive functional of the dd-dimensional fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H∈(12+d,1d)H\in(\frac{1}{2+d},\frac{1}{d}), using the method of moments, extending the result by Papanicolaou, Stroock and Varadhan in the case of the standard Brownian motion

    Density convergence in the Breuer-Major theorem for Gaussian stationary sequences

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    Consider a Gaussian stationary sequence with unit variance X={Xk;k∈N∪{0}}X=\{X_k;k\in {\mathbb{N}}\cup\{0\}\}. Assume that the central limit theorem holds for a weighted sum of the form Vn=n−1/2∑k=0n−1f(Xk)V_n=n^{-1/2}\sum^{n-1}_{k=0}f(X_k), where ff designates a finite sum of Hermite polynomials. Then we prove that the uniform convergence of the density of VnV_n towards the standard Gaussian density also holds true, under a mild additional assumption involving the causal representation of XX.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ646 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Kernel entropy estimation for long memory linear processes with infinite variance

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    Let X={Xn:n∈N}X=\{X_n: n\in\mathbb{N}\} be a long memory linear process with innovations in the domain of attraction of an α\alpha-stable law (0<α<2)(0<\alpha<2). Assume that the linear process XX has a bounded probability density function f(x)f(x). Then, under certain conditions, we consider the estimation of the quadratic functional ∫Rf2(x) dx\int_{\mathbb{R}} f^2(x) \,dx by using the kernel estimator Tn(hn)=2n(n−1)hn∑1≤j<i≤nK(Xi−Xjhn). T_n(h_n)=\frac{2}{n(n-1)h_n}\sum_{1\leq j<i\leq n}K\left(\frac{X_i-X_j}{h_n}\right). The simulation study for long memory linear processes with symmetric α\alpha-stable innovations is also given

    Limit theorems for functionals of long memory linear processes with infinite variance

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    Let X={Xn:n∈N}X=\{X_n: n\in\mathbb{N}\} be a long memory linear process in which the coefficients are regularly varying and innovations are independent and identically distributed and belong to the domain of attraction of an α\alpha-stable law with α∈(0,2)\alpha\in (0, 2). Then, for any integrable and square integrable function KK on R\mathbb{R}, under certain mild conditions, we establish the asymptotic distributions of the partial sum ∑n=1N[K(Xn)−EK(Xn)] \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N}\big[K(X_n)-\mathbb{E} K(X_n)\big] as NN tends to infinity
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