59,097 research outputs found

    Monotone iterative schemes for positive solutions of a fractional differential system with integral boundary conditions on an infinite interval

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    In this paper, using the monotone iterative technique and the Banach contraction mapping principle, we study a class of fractional differential system with integral boundary on an infinite interval. Some explicit monotone iterative schemes for approximating the extreme positive solutions and the unique positive solution are constructed

    A CDG-FE method for the two-dimensional Green-Naghdi model with the enhanced dispersive property

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    In this work, we investigate numerical solutions of the two-dimensional shallow water wave using a fully nonlinear Green-Naghdi model with an improved dispersive effect. For the purpose of numerics, the Green-Naghdi model is rewritten into a formulation coupling a pseudo-conservative system and a set of pseudo-elliptic equations. Since the pseudo-conservative system is no longer hyperbolic and its Riemann problem can only be approximately solved, we consider the utilization of the central discontinuous Galerkin method which possesses an important feature of needlessness of Riemann solvers. Meanwhile, the stationary elliptic part will be solved using the finite element method. Both the well-balanced and the positivity-preserving features which are highly desirable in the simulation of the shallow water wave will be embedded into the proposed numerical scheme. The accuracy and efficiency of the numerical model and method will be illustrated through numerical tests.Comment: 27 pages, 35 figure

    Hand Action Detection from Ego-centric Depth Sequences with Error-correcting Hough Transform

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    Detecting hand actions from ego-centric depth sequences is a practically challenging problem, owing mostly to the complex and dexterous nature of hand articulations as well as non-stationary camera motion. We address this problem via a Hough transform based approach coupled with a discriminatively learned error-correcting component to tackle the well known issue of incorrect votes from the Hough transform. In this framework, local parts vote collectively for the start &\& end positions of each action over time. We also construct an in-house annotated dataset of 300 long videos, containing 3,177 single-action subsequences over 16 action classes collected from 26 individuals. Our system is empirically evaluated on this real-life dataset for both the action recognition and detection tasks, and is shown to produce satisfactory results. To facilitate reproduction, the new dataset and our implementation are also provided online

    Structure/property relationship of semi-crystalline polymer during tensile deformation: A molecular dynamics approach

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    A coarse-grained molecular dynamics model of linear polyethylene-like polymer chain system was built to investigate the responds of structure and mechanical properties during uniaxial deformation. The influence of chain length, temperature, and strain rate were studied. The molecular dynamic tests showed that yielding may governed by different mechanisms at temperatures above and below Tg. Melt-recrystallization was observed at higher temperature, and destruction of crystal structures was observed at lower temperatures beyond yield point. While the higher temperature and lower strain rate have similar effects on mechanical properties. The correlated influences of time and temperature in the microscopic structures are more complicated. The evolution of microscopic characteristics such as the orientation parameter, the bond length, and the content of trans-trans conformation were calculated from the simulation. The results showed that the temperature have double effects on polymer chains. Higher temperature on one hand makes the chains more flexible, while on the other hand shortens the relaxation time of polymers. It is the interaction of these two aspects that determine the orientation parameter. During deformation, the trans conformation has experienced a rising process after the first drop process. And these microscopic structure parameters exhibit critical transaction, which are closely related to the yield point. A hypothetical model was thus proposed to describe the micro-structure and property relations based the investigations of this study.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Improving Secrecy with Nearly Collinear Main and Wiretap Channels via a Cooperative Jamming Relay

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    In physical layer security (PHY-security), the frequently observed high correlation between the main and wiretap channels can cause a significant loss of secrecy. This paper investigates a slow fading scenario, where a transmitter (Alice) sends a confidential message to a legitimate receiver (Bob) while a passive eavesdropper (Eve) attempts to decode the message from its received signal. It is assumed that Alice is equipped with multiple antennas while Bob and Eve each have a single antenna (i.e., a MISOSE system). In a MISOSE system, high correlation results in nearly collinear main and wiretap channel vectors, which help Eve to see and intercept confidential information. Unfortunately, the signal processing techniques at Alice, such as beamforming and artificial noise (AN), are helpless, especially in the extreme case of completely collinear main and wiretap channel vectors. On this background, we first investigate the achievable secrecy outage probability via beamforming and AN at Alice with the optimal power allocation between the information-bearing signal and AN. Then, an ingenious model, in which a cooperative jamming relay (Relay) is introduced, is proposed to effectively mitigate the adverse effects of high correlation. Based on the proposed model, the power allocation between the information-bearing signal at Alice and the AN at Relay is also studied to maximize secrecy. Finally, to validate our proposed schemes, numerical simulations are conducted, and the results show that a significant performance gain with respect to secrecy is achieved

    Exploring the Mass Segregation Effect of X-ray Sources in Globular Clusters: The Case of 47 Tucanae

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    Using archival {\it Chandra} observations with a total exposure of 510 ks, we present an updated catalog of point sources for Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae. Our study covers an area of ∼176.7\sim 176.7 arcmin2^{2} (i.e., with R\lesssim7.5\arcmin) with 537 X-ray sources. We show that the surface density distribution of X-ray sources in 47 Tuc is highly peaked in cluster center, rapidly decreases at intermediate radii, and finally rises again at larger radii, with two distribution dips at R\sim 100\arcsec and R\sim 170\arcsec for the faint (LX≲5.0×1030 erg s−1L_{X}\lesssim 5.0\times 10^{30} {\rm\ erg\,s^{-1}}) and bright (LX≳5.0×1030 erg s−1L_{X}\gtrsim 5.0\times 10^{30} {\rm\ erg\,s^{-1}}) groups of X-ray sources, separately. These distribution features are similar to those of Blue Straggler Stars (BSS), where the distribution dip is located at R\sim 200\arcsec \citep{ferraro2004}. By fitting the radial distribution of each group of sources with a "generalized King model", we estimated an average mass of 1.51±0.17 M⊙1.51\pm0.17\ M_{\odot}, 1.44±0.15 M⊙1.44\pm0.15\ M_{\odot} and 1.16±0.06 M⊙1.16\pm0.06\ M_{\odot} for the BSS, bright and faint X-ray sources, respectively. These results are consistent with the mass segregation effect of heavy objects in GCs, where more massive objects drop to the cluster center faster and their distribution dip propagates outward further. Besides, the peculiar distribution profiles of X-ray sources and BSS are also consistent with the mass segregation model of binaries in GCs, which suggests that in addition to the dynamical formation channel, primordial binaries are also a significant contributor to the X-ray source population in GCs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cyclone intensity estimate with context-aware cyclegan

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    Deep learning approaches to cyclone intensity estimationhave recently shown promising results. However, sufferingfrom the extreme scarcity of cyclone data on specific in-tensity, most existing deep learning methods fail to achievesatisfactory performance on cyclone intensity estimation,especially on classes with few instances. To avoid the degra-dation of recognition performance caused by scarce samples,we propose a context-aware CycleGAN which learns the la-tent evolution features from adjacent cyclone intensity andsynthesizes CNN features of classes lacking samples fromunpaired source classes. Specifically, our approach synthe-sizes features conditioned on the learned evolution features,while the extra information is not required. Experimentalresults of several evaluation methods show the effectivenessof our approach, even can predicting unseen classes.Comment: 5 page

    Semantic Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval

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    Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR) is a specific cross-modal retrieval task for retrieving natural images with free-hand sketches under zero-shot scenario. Previous works mostly focus on modeling the correspondence between images and sketches or synthesizing image features with sketch features. However, both of them ignore the large intra-class variance of sketches, thus resulting in unsatisfactory retrieval performance. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end semantic adversarial approach for ZS-SBIR. Specifically, we devise a semantic adversarial module to maximize the consistency between learned semantic features and category-level word vectors. Moreover, to preserve the discriminability of synthesized features within each training category, a triplet loss is employed for the generative module. Additionally, the proposed model is trained in an end-to-end strategy to exploit better semantic features suitable for ZS-SBIR. Extensive experiments conducted on two large-scale popular datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach remarkably outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by more than 12\% on Sketchy dataset and about 3\% on TU-Berlin dataset in the retrieval.Comment: There is a big problem with the paper and I hope it can be retracte

    Drawing cone spherical metrics via Strebel differentials

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    Cone spherical metrics are conformal metrics with constant curvature one and finitely many conical singularities on compact Riemann surfaces. By using Strebel differentials as a bridge, we construct a new class of cone spherical metrics on compact Riemann surfaces by drawing on the surfaces some class of connected metric ribbon graphs.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures. Version 2: minor typo corrections; revised according to referee's comments. We substantially revised the proof of the second theorem to make its exposition easier to understand. We added a new section, where we discuss on the Riemann sphere the consistence of metrics generated by Strebel differentials with the two angle conditions by Mondello-Panov and Eremenko, respectivel

    Gevrey regularity with weight for incompressible Euler equation in the half plane

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    In this work we prove the weighted Gevrey regularity of solutions to the incompressible Euler equation with initial data decaying polynomially at infinity. This is motivated by the well-posedness problem of vertical boundary layer equation for fast rotating fluid. The method presented here is based on the basic weighted L2L^2- estimate, and the main difficulty arises from the estimate on the pressure term due to the appearance of weight function
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