21 research outputs found

    Joint Inference on Truth/Rumor and Their Sources in Social Networks

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    In the contemporary era of information explosion, we are often faced with the mixture of massive \emph{truth} (true information) and \emph{rumor} (false information) flooded over social networks. Under such circumstances, it is very essential to infer whether each claim (e.g., news, messages) is a truth or a rumor, and identify their \emph{sources}, i.e., the users who initially spread those claims. While most prior arts have been dedicated to the two tasks respectively, this paper aims to offer the joint inference on truth/rumor and their sources. Our insight is that a joint inference can enhance the mutual performance on both sides. To this end, we propose a framework named SourceCR, which alternates between two modules, i.e., \emph{credibility-reliability training} for truth/rumor inference and \emph{division-querying} for source detection, in an iterative manner. To elaborate, the former module performs a simultaneous estimation of claim credibility and user reliability by virtue of an Expectation Maximization algorithm, which takes the source reliability outputted from the latter module as the initial input. Meanwhile, the latter module divides the network into two different subnetworks labeled via the claim credibility, and in each subnetwork launches source detection by applying querying of theoretical budget guarantee to the users selected via the estimated reliability from the former module. The proposed SourceCR is provably convergent, and algorithmic implementable with reasonable computational complexity. We empirically validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in both synthetic and real datasets, where the joint inference leads to an up to 35\% accuracy of credibility gain and 29\% source detection rate gain compared with the separate counterparts

    INFINITY: A Simple Yet Effective Unsupervised Framework for Graph-Text Mutual Conversion

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    Graph-to-text (G2T) generation and text-to-graph (T2G) triple extraction are two essential tasks for constructing and applying knowledge graphs. Existing unsupervised approaches turn out to be suitable candidates for jointly learning the two tasks due to their avoidance of using graph-text parallel data. However, they are composed of multiple modules and still require both entity information and relation type in the training process. To this end, we propose INFINITY, a simple yet effective unsupervised approach that does not require external annotation tools or additional parallel information. It achieves fully unsupervised graph-text mutual conversion for the first time. Specifically, INFINITY treats both G2T and T2G as a bidirectional sequence generation task by fine-tuning only one pretrained seq2seq model. A novel back-translation-based framework is then designed to automatically generate continuous synthetic parallel data. To obtain reasonable graph sequences with structural information from source texts, INFINITY employs reward-based training loss by leveraging the advantage of reward augmented maximum likelihood. As a fully unsupervised framework, INFINITY is empirically verified to outperform state-of-the-art baselines for G2T and T2G tasks

    Exploring the Limits of Historical Information for Temporal Knowledge Graph Extrapolation

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    Temporal knowledge graphs, representing the dynamic relationships and interactions between entities over time, have been identified as a promising approach for event forecasting. However, a limitation of most temporal knowledge graph reasoning methods is their heavy reliance on the recurrence or periodicity of events, which brings challenges to inferring future events related to entities that lack historical interaction. In fact, the current state of affairs is often the result of a combination of historical information and underlying factors that are not directly observable. To this end, we investigate the limits of historical information for temporal knowledge graph extrapolation and propose a new event forecasting model called Contrastive Event Network (CENET) based on a novel training framework of historical contrastive learning. CENET learns both the historical and non-historical dependency to distinguish the most potential entities that best match the given query. Simultaneously, by launching contrastive learning, it trains representations of queries to probe whether the current moment is more dependent on historical or non-historical events. These representations further help train a binary classifier, whose output is a boolean mask, indicating the related entities in the search space. During the inference process, CENET employs a mask-based strategy to generate the final results. We evaluate our proposed model on five benchmark graphs. The results demonstrate that CENET significantly outperforms all existing methods in most metrics, achieving at least 8.3% relative improvement of Hits@1 over previous state-of-the-art baselines on event-based datasets.Comment: Extended version of AAAI paper arXiv:2211.1090

    Exploring and Verbalizing Academic Ideas by Concept Co-occurrence

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    Researchers usually come up with new ideas only after thoroughly comprehending vast quantities of literature. The difficulty of this procedure is exacerbated by the fact that the number of academic publications is growing exponentially. In this study, we devise a framework based on concept co-occurrence for academic idea inspiration, which has been integrated into a research assistant system. From our perspective, the fusion of two concepts that co-occur in an academic paper can be regarded as an important way of the emergence of a new idea. We construct evolving concept graphs according to the co-occurrence relationship of concepts from 20 disciplines or topics. Then we design a temporal link prediction method based on masked language model to explore potential connections between different concepts. To verbalize the newly discovered connections, we also utilize the pretrained language model to generate a description of an idea based on a new data structure called co-occurrence citation quintuple. We evaluate our proposed system using both automatic metrics and human assessment. The results demonstrate that our system has broad prospects and can assist researchers in expediting the process of discovering new ideas.Comment: Accepted by ACL 202

    FMGNN: Fused Manifold Graph Neural Network

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    Graph representation learning has been widely studied and demonstrated effectiveness in various graph tasks. Most existing works embed graph data in the Euclidean space, while recent works extend the embedding models to hyperbolic or spherical spaces to achieve better performance on graphs with complex structures, such as hierarchical or ring structures. Fusing the embedding from different manifolds can further take advantage of the embedding capabilities over different graph structures. However, existing embedding fusion methods mostly focus on concatenating or summing up the output embeddings, without considering interacting and aligning the embeddings of the same vertices on different manifolds, which can lead to distortion and impression in the final fusion results. Besides, it is also challenging to fuse the embeddings of the same vertices from different coordinate systems. In face of these challenges, we propose the Fused Manifold Graph Neural Network (FMGNN), a novel GNN architecture that embeds graphs into different Riemannian manifolds with interaction and alignment among these manifolds during training and fuses the vertex embeddings through the distances on different manifolds between vertices and selected landmarks, geometric coresets. Our experiments demonstrate that FMGNN yields superior performance over strong baselines on the benchmarks of node classification and link prediction tasks

    Macrophages in Glioblastoma Development and Therapy: A Double-Edged Sword

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the leading lethal tumors, featuring aggressive malignancy and poor outcome to current standard temozolomide (TMZ) or radio-based therapy. Developing immunotherapies, especially immune checkpoint inhibitors, have improved patient outcomes in other solid tumors but remain fatigued in GBM patients. Emerging evidence has shown that GBM-associated macrophages (GAMs), comprising brain-resident microglia and bone marrow-derived macrophages, act critically in boosting tumor progression, altering drug resistance, and establishing an immunosuppressive environment. Based on its crucial role, evaluations of the safety and efficacy of GAM-targeted therapy are ongoing, with promising (pre)clinical evidence updated. In this review, we summarized updated literature related to GAM nature, the interplay between GAMs and GBM cells, and GAM-targeted therapeutic strategies