6,272 research outputs found

    Large-field CO(1--0) observations toward the Galactic historical supernova remnants: a large cavity around Tycho's supernova remnant

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    The investigation of the interaction between the supernova remnants (SNRs) and interstellar gas is not only necessary to improve our knowledge of SNRs, but also to understand the nature of the progenitor systems. As a part of the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting CO line survey (MWISP), we study the interstellar gas surrounding the Galactic historical SNRs, using the PMO 13.7-meter telescope. In this work, we present large-field (3∘^\circ×\times2∘^\circ) and high-sensitivity CO(1-0) molecular line observations toward Tycho's SNR. The CO observations reveal, from the outside in, large molecular clouds, stream-like structures, and an inner rim around Tycho's SNR. We derived the basic properties (column density, mass, and kinematics) of these objects based on the CO observations. The large molecular clouds individually show an arc toward the remnant center, outlining a large cavity with radii of ∼\sim0.3∘^\circ×\times0.6∘^\circ (or 13 pc ×\times27 pc at a distance of 2.5 kpc) around the remnant. The CO line broadenings and asymmetries detected in the surrounding clouds, the observed expansion of the cavity, in concert with enhanced 12^{12}CO(2-1)/(1-0) intensity ratio detected in previous studies, suggest the interaction of the large cavity with a wind in the region. After excluding the scenario of a large bubble produced by bright massive stars, we suggest that the large cavity could be explained by accretion wind from the progenitor system of Tycho's supernova. Nevertheless, the possibility of the random distribution of a large cavity around Tycho's SNR cannot be ruled out thus far. Further observations are needed to confirm the physical association of the large cavity with Tycho's SNR.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, updated according to the A&A proo

    Proton Spin Structure from Measurable Parton Distributions

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    We present a systematic study of the proton spin structure in terms of measurable parton distributions. For a transversely-polarizedproton, we derive a polarization sum rule from the leading generalized parton distributions appearing in hard exclusive processes. For a longitudinally-polarized proton, we obtain a helicity decomposition from well-known quark and gluon helicity distributions and orbital angular-momentum contributions. The latter is shown to be related to measurable subleading generalized parton distributions and quantum-phase space Wigner distributions.Comment: 7 pages, title change

    One-Loop Matching for Parton Distributions: Non-Singlet Case

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    We derive one-loop matching condition for non-singlet quark distributions in transverse-momentum cut-off scheme, including unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions. The matching is between the quasi-distribution defined by static correlation at finite nucleon momentum and the light-cone distribution measurable in experiments. The result is useful for extracting the latter from the former in a lattice QCD calculation.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    One-Loop Matching for Generalized Parton Distributions

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    We present the one-loop matching condition for the unpolarized and polarized generalized quark distributions in the non-singlet case. The matching condition links the quasi distributions defined in terms of spacelike correlators at finite nucleon momentum to the light-cone distributions, and is useful for extracting the latter from the former in a lattice QCD calculation. Our results show that at one-loop and leading power accuracy the matching for the light-cone generalized quark distribution HH (H~\tilde H) is non-trivial, whereas no matching is required for EE (E~\tilde E). Therefore, EE (E~\tilde E) can be smoothly approached by its quasi counterpart in the large momentum limit. We also present the matching for the distribution amplitude of the pion.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Probing Parton Orbital Angular Momentum in Longitudinally Polarized Nucleon

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    While the total orbital angular momentum (OAM) of a definite quark flavor in a longitudinally-polarized nucleon can be obtained through a sum rule involving twist-two generalized parton distribution (GPDs), its distribution as a function of parton momentum in light-front coordinates is more complicated to define and measure because it involves intrinsically twist-three effects. In this paper, we consider two different parton OAM distributions. The first is manifestly gauge invariant, and its moments are local operators and calculable in lattice QCD. We show that it can potentially be measured through twist-three GPDs. The second is the much-debated canonical OAM distribution natural in free-field theory and light-cone gauge. We show the latter in light-cone gauge can also be related to twist-three GPDs as well as quantum phase-space Wigner distributions, both being measurable in high-energy experiments.Comment: 14 pages, no figur
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