249 research outputs found

    Complexity of Leading Digit Sequences

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    Let Sa,bS_{a,b} denote the sequence of leading digits of ana^n in base bb. It is well known that if aa is not a rational power of bb, then the sequence Sa,bS_{a,b} satisfies Benford's Law; that is, digit dd occurs in Sa,bS_{a,b} with frequency log⁑b(1+1/d)\log_{b}(1+1/d), for d=1,2,…,bβˆ’1d=1,2,\dots,b-1. In this paper, we investigate the \emph{complexity} of such sequences. We focus mainly on the \emph{block complexity}, pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n), defined as the number of distinct blocks of length nn appearing in Sa,bS_{a,b}. In our main result we determine pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n) for all squarefree bases bβ‰₯5b\ge 5 and all rational numbers a>0a>0 that are not integral powers of bb. In particular, we show that, for all such pairs (a,b)(a,b), the complexity function pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n) is \emph{affine}, i.e., satisfies pa,b(n)=ca,bn+da,bp_{a,b}(n)=c_{a,b} n + d_{a,b} for all nβ‰₯1n\ge1, with coefficients ca,bβ‰₯1c_{a,b}\ge1 and da,bβ‰₯0d_{a,b}\ge0, given explicitly in terms of aa and bb. We also show that the requirement that bb be squarefree cannot be dropped: If bb is not squarefree, then there exist integers aa with 1<a<b1<a<b for which pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n) is not of the above form. We use this result to obtain sharp upper and lower bounds for pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n), and to determine the asymptotic behavior of this function as bβ†’βˆžb\to\infty through squarefree values. We also consider the question which linear functions p(n)=cn+dp(n)=cn+d arise as the complexity function pa,b(n)p_{a,b}(n) of some leading digit sequence Sa,bS_{a,b}. We conclude with a discussion of other complexity measures for the sequences Sa,bS_{a,b} and some open problems

    ASF-Net: Robust Video Deraining via Temporal Alignment and Online Adaptive Learning

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    In recent times, learning-based methods for video deraining have demonstrated commendable results. However, there are two critical challenges that these methods are yet to address: exploiting temporal correlations among adjacent frames and ensuring adaptability to unknown real-world scenarios. To overcome these challenges, we explore video deraining from a paradigm design perspective to learning strategy construction. Specifically, we propose a new computational paradigm, Alignment-Shift-Fusion Network (ASF-Net), which incorporates a temporal shift module. This module is novel to this field and provides deeper exploration of temporal information by facilitating the exchange of channel-level information within the feature space. To fully discharge the model's characterization capability, we further construct a LArge-scale RAiny video dataset (LARA) which also supports the development of this community. On the basis of the newly-constructed dataset, we explore the parameters learning process by developing an innovative re-degraded learning strategy. This strategy bridges the gap between synthetic and real-world scenes, resulting in stronger scene adaptability. Our proposed approach exhibits superior performance in three benchmarks and compelling visual quality in real-world scenarios, underscoring its efficacy. The code is available at https://github.com/vis-opt-group/ASF-Net

    LATFormer: Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer for 3D Shape Recognition

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    Recently, 3D shape understanding has achieved significant progress due to the advances of deep learning models on various data formats like images, voxels, and point clouds. Among them, point clouds and multi-view images are two complementary modalities of 3D objects and learning representations by fusing both of them has been proven to be fairly effective. While prior works typically focus on exploiting global features of the two modalities, herein we argue that more discriminative features can be derived by modeling ``where to fuse''. To investigate this, we propose a novel Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer (LATFormer) for 3D shape retrieval and classification. The core component of LATFormer is a module named Locality-Aware Fusion (LAF) which integrates the local features of correlated regions across the two modalities based on the co-occurrence scores. We further propose to filter out scores with low values to obtain salient local co-occurring regions, which reduces redundancy for the fusion process. In our LATFormer, we utilize the LAF module to fuse the multi-scale features of the two modalities both bidirectionally and hierarchically to obtain more informative features. Comprehensive experiments on four popular 3D shape benchmarks covering 3D object retrieval and classification validate its effectiveness

    A new method using deep transfer learning on ECG to predict the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has emerged as an effective treatment for heart failure patients with electrical dyssynchrony. However, accurately predicting which patients will respond to CRT remains a challenge. This study explores the application of deep transfer learning techniques to train a predictive model for CRT response. Methods: In this study, the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) technique was employed to transform ECG signals into two-dimensional images. A transfer learning approach was then applied on the MIT-BIT ECG database to pre-train a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The model was fine-tuned to extract relevant features from the ECG images, and then tested on our dataset of CRT patients to predict their response. Results: Seventy-one CRT patients were enrolled in this study. The transfer learning model achieved an accuracy of 72% in distinguishing responders from non-responders in the local dataset. Furthermore, the model showed good sensitivity (0.78) and specificity (0.79) in identifying CRT responders. The performance of our model outperformed clinic guidelines and traditional machine learning approaches. Conclusion: The utilization of ECG images as input and leveraging the power of transfer learning allows for improved accuracy in identifying CRT responders. This approach offers potential for enhancing patient selection and improving outcomes of CRT
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