48 research outputs found

    Development and verification of lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor calculation code system Mosasaur

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    Lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor calculation code system named MOSASAUR has been developed to meet the simulation requirements from LBFR engineering design. An overview of MOSASAUR developments is provided in this paper, four main functional modules and their models are introduced: cross-sections generation module, flux spectrum correction module, core simulation module and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis module. Verification and validation results of numerical benchmark calculations, code-to-code comparisons with the Monte-Carlo code and critical experimental calculations shown in this paper prove the capabilities of MOSASAUR in dealing with lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor analysis problems with good performances. Numerical results demonstrate that compared with the Monte-Carlo code, the relative errors of eigenvalues are smaller than 350pcm when the calculations were carried out with the same nuclear data file. Compared with the measured values, the errors will increase due to the simulation details and the measurement accuracy

    Optimization of conceptual design on the lead-based modular nuclear power reactor core loaded with U-10Zr alloy fuel

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    As one of the forth-generation nuclear energy system reactor types, lead fast reactor has good safety and economical properties due to the stable chemical properties of the coolant and the proliferation characteristics of the fuel, and modular nuclear power faster reactor designed for nuclear plant can further improve the economics of the reactor. In this article, the conceptual design of the lead-based modular power reactors with different power levels loaded with uranium alloy fuel is found to be found that when reactor core size increased to a certain level, the proliferation performance is too high due to the increase of the reactor core size under a specific core life such as 2000EFPD, so at the end of core life, the reactor core still has a large remaining reactivity. The proliferation advantage of the core cannot be fully released during the current core life time. Based on this phenomenon, in this article, we optimized the conceptual design of lead-based modular nuclear power reactor core loaded with uranium alloy fuel, and proposed to choose the appropriate rod to diameter ratio and effective density of fuel based on the power level and life time of the core. By adjusting the amount of uranium and 235U per unit volume, the proliferation performance of the core can be changed to match the power level and life time of the core. So the reactivity of core during the life period does not change, which not only reduce the difficulty of the reactivity control, but also make full use of the proliferation performance of the core. And at the same time, the reasonable rod to diameter ratio can provide safety and design margin for the analysis of thermal and hydraulic safety, and effectively improve the economy and safety of the core

    National Audit, Media Attention, and Efficiency of Local Fiscal Expenditure: A Spatial Econometric Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data in China

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    Improving the efficiency of local fiscal expenditure is an important way to swiftly mitigate local fiscal risks according to the current economic situation. Based on the provincial panel data of 30 provinces in mainland China (except Tibet Autonomous Region) from 2007 to 2018, a Tobit spatial error model was constructed to test the impact of national auditing on local fiscal expenditure efficiency and to investigate the intermediary role of media attention. Findings show that the disclosing, resisting, and preventing functions of the national audit significantly improve local fiscal expenditure efficiency. Media attention does play an intermediary role, indicating that the information transmission function of the national audit has governance effects. Coupling of the national audit and media attention also positively affects local fiscal expenditure efficiency. This research expands the mechanism of national audits, as they affect the efficiency of local fiscal expenditure; it also provides new empirical evidence for improving such efficiency while mitigating fiscal risks at the local level

    A Novel Prediction Model for Car Body Vibration Acceleration Based on Correlation Analysis and Neural Networks

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    This paper aims to create a prediction model for car body vibration acceleration that is reliable, effective, and close to real-world conditions. Therefore, a huge amount of data on railway parameters were collected by multiple sensors, and different correlation coefficients were selected to screen out the parameters closely correlated to car body vibration acceleration. Taking the selected parameters and previous car body vibration acceleration as the inputs, a prediction model for car body vibration acceleration was established based on several training algorithms and neural network structures. Then, the model was successfully applied to predict the car body vibration acceleration of test datasets on different segments of the same railway. The results show that the proposed method overcomes the complexity and uncertainty of the multiparameter coupling analysis in traditional theoretical models. The research findings boast a great potential for application

    Solving point burnup equations by Magnus method

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    The burnup equation of nuclides is one of the most equations in nuclear reactor physics, which is generally coupled with transport calculations. The burnup equation describes the variation of the nuclides with time. Because of its very stiffness and the need for large time step, this equation is solved by special methods, for example transmutation trajectory analysis (TTA) or the matrix exponential methods where the matrix exponential is approximated by CRAM. However, TTA or CRAM functions well when the flux is constant. In this work, a new method is proposed when the flux changes. It's an improved method compared to TTA or CRAM. Furtherly, this new method is based on TTA or CRAM, and it is more accurate than them. The accuracy and efficiency of this method are investigated. Several cases are used and the results show the accuracy and efficiency of this method are great. Keywords: Burnup calculation, Magnus method, Bateman equation


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    Virtual Environmental for Reactor Analysis (VERA) benchmark was released by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light water reactors (CASL) project in 2012. VERA benchmark includes more than ten problems at different levels, from 2D fuel pin case to 2D fuel assembly case to 3D core refuelling case, in addition, reference results and experimental measured data of some problems were provided by CASL. Fuel assemblies in VERA benchmark are various, including control rod assemblies, Pyrex assembly, IFBA assembly, WABA assembly and gadolinium poison assembly, and so on. In this paper, various fuel assembly models in the VERA benchmark have been built by using KYIIN-V2.0 code to verify its calculation ability from 2D fuel pin case to 2D fuel assembly case to 2D 3x3 fuel assembly case, and making a comparative analysis on the reference results in VERA benchmark, as well as the calculation results of the Monte Carlo code RMC. KYLIN-V2.0 is an advanced neutron transport lattice code developed by Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC). The subgroup resonance calculation method is used in KYIIN-V2.0 to obtain effective resonance selfshielding cross section, method of modular characteristics (MOC) is adopted to solve the neutron transport equation, and CRAM method and PPC method is adopted to solve the depletion equation. The numerical results show that KYLIN-V2.0 code has the reliable capability of direct heterogeneous calculation of 2D fuel assembly, and the effective multiplication factor, assembly power distribution, rod power distribution and control rod reactivity worths of various fuel assemblies that are calculated by KYLIN-V2.0 are in better agreement with the reference


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    Virtual Environmental for Reactor Analysis (VERA) benchmark was released by the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light water reactors (CASL) project in 2012. VERA benchmark includes more than ten problems at different levels, from 2D fuel pin case to 2D fuel assembly case to 3D core refuelling case, in addition, reference results and experimental measured data of some problems were provided by CASL. Fuel assemblies in VERA benchmark are various, including control rod assemblies, Pyrex assembly, IFBA assembly, WABA assembly and gadolinium poison assembly, and so on. In this paper, various fuel assembly models in the VERA benchmark have been built by using KYIIN-V2.0 code to verify its calculation ability from 2D fuel pin case to 2D fuel assembly case to 2D 3x3 fuel assembly case, and making a comparative analysis on the reference results in VERA benchmark, as well as the calculation results of the Monte Carlo code RMC. KYLIN-V2.0 is an advanced neutron transport lattice code developed by Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC). The subgroup resonance calculation method is used in KYIIN-V2.0 to obtain effective resonance selfshielding cross section, method of modular characteristics (MOC) is adopted to solve the neutron transport equation, and CRAM method and PPC method is adopted to solve the depletion equation. The numerical results show that KYLIN-V2.0 code has the reliable capability of direct heterogeneous calculation of 2D fuel assembly, and the effective multiplication factor, assembly power distribution, rod power distribution and control rod reactivity worths of various fuel assemblies that are calculated by KYLIN-V2.0 are in better agreement with the reference

    Nuclear data sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation in the KYADJ whole-core transport code

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    Nuclear data sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation have been extensively applied to nuclear data adjustment and uncertainty quantification in the field of nuclear engineering. Sensitivity and Uncertainty (S&U) analysis is developed in the KYADJ whole-core transport code in order to meet the requirement of advanced reactor design. KYADJ aims to use two-dimension Method of Characteristic (MOC) and one-dimension discrete ordinate (SN) coupled method to solve the neutron transport equation and achieve one-step direct transport calculation of the reactor core. Developing sensitivity and uncertainty analysis module in KYADJ can minimize deviations caused by modeling approximation and enhance calculation efficiency. This work describes the application of the classic perturbation theory to the KYADJ transport solver. In order to obtain uncertainty, a technique is proposed for processing a covariance data file in 45-group energy grid instead of 44-group SCALE 6.1 covariance data which is extensively used in various codes. Numerical results for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) benchmarks and the SF96 benchmark are presented. The results agree well with the reference and the capability of S&U analysis in KYADJ is verified

    Converting point-wise nuclear cross sections to pole representation using regularized vector fitting

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Direct Doppler broadening of nuclear cross sections in Monte Carlo codes has been widely sought for coupled reactor simulations. One recent approach proposed analytical broadening using a pole representation of the commonly used resonance models and the introduction of a local windowing scheme to improve performance (Hwang, 1987; Forget et al., 2014; Josey et al., 2015, 2016). This pole representation has been achieved in the past by converting resonance parameters in the evaluation nuclear data library into poles and residues. However, cross sections of some isotopes are only provided as point-wise data in ENDF/B-VII.1 library. To convert these isotopes to pole representation, a recent approach has been proposed using the relaxed vector fitting (RVF) algorithm (Gustavsen and Semlyen, 1999; Gustavsen, 2006; Liu et al., 2018). This approach however needs to specify ahead of time the number of poles. This article addresses this issue by adding a poles and residues filtering step to the RVF procedure. This regularized VF (ReV-Fit) algorithm is shown to efficiently converge the poles close to the physical ones, eliminating most of the superfluous poles, and thus enabling the conversion of point-wise nuclear cross sections

    Nuclear data sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation in the KYADJ whole-core transport code

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    Nuclear data sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation have been extensively applied to nuclear data adjustment and uncertainty quantification in the field of nuclear engineering. Sensitivity and Uncertainty (S&U) analysis is developed in the KYADJ whole-core transport code in order to meet the requirement of advanced reactor design. KYADJ aims to use two-dimension Method of Characteristic (MOC) and one-dimension discrete ordinate (SN) coupled method to solve the neutron transport equation and achieve one-step direct transport calculation of the reactor core. Developing sensitivity and uncertainty analysis module in KYADJ can minimize deviations caused by modeling approximation and enhance calculation efficiency. This work describes the application of the classic perturbation theory to the KYADJ transport solver. In order to obtain uncertainty, a technique is proposed for processing a covariance data file in 45-group energy grid instead of 44-group SCALE 6.1 covariance data which is extensively used in various codes. Numerical results for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) benchmarks and the SF96 benchmark are presented. The results agree well with the reference and the capability of S&U analysis in KYADJ is verified