85 research outputs found

    Dataset Distillation: A Comprehensive Review

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    Recent success of deep learning is largely attributed to the sheer amount of data used for training deep neural networks.Despite the unprecedented success, the massive data, unfortunately, significantly increases the burden on storage and transmission and further gives rise to a cumbersome model training process. Besides, relying on the raw data for training \emph{per se} yields concerns about privacy and copyright. To alleviate these shortcomings, dataset distillation~(DD), also known as dataset condensation (DC), was introduced and has recently attracted much research attention in the community. Given an original dataset, DD aims to derive a much smaller dataset containing synthetic samples, based on which the trained models yield performance comparable with those trained on the original dataset. In this paper, we give a comprehensive review and summary of recent advances in DD and its application. We first introduce the task formally and propose an overall algorithmic framework followed by all existing DD methods. Next, we provide a systematic taxonomy of current methodologies in this area, and discuss their theoretical interconnections. We also present current challenges in DD through extensive experiments and envision possible directions for future works.Comment: 23 pages, 168 references, 8 figures, under revie

    InceptionNeXt: When Inception Meets ConvNeXt

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    Inspired by the long-range modeling ability of ViTs, large-kernel convolutions are widely studied and adopted recently to enlarge the receptive field and improve model performance, like the remarkable work ConvNeXt which employs 7x7 depthwise convolution. Although such depthwise operator only consumes a few FLOPs, it largely harms the model efficiency on powerful computing devices due to the high memory access costs. For example, ConvNeXt-T has similar FLOPs with ResNet-50 but only achieves 60% throughputs when trained on A100 GPUs with full precision. Although reducing the kernel size of ConvNeXt can improve speed, it results in significant performance degradation. It is still unclear how to speed up large-kernel-based CNN models while preserving their performance. To tackle this issue, inspired by Inceptions, we propose to decompose large-kernel depthwise convolution into four parallel branches along channel dimension, i.e. small square kernel, two orthogonal band kernels, and an identity mapping. With this new Inception depthwise convolution, we build a series of networks, namely IncepitonNeXt, which not only enjoy high throughputs but also maintain competitive performance. For instance, InceptionNeXt-T achieves 1.6x higher training throughputs than ConvNeX-T, as well as attains 0.2% top-1 accuracy improvement on ImageNet-1K. We anticipate InceptionNeXt can serve as an economical baseline for future architecture design to reduce carbon footprint. Code is available at https://github.com/sail-sg/inceptionnext.Comment: Code: https://github.com/sail-sg/inceptionnex

    Task Residual for Tuning Vision-Language Models

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    Large-scale vision-language models (VLMs) pre-trained on billion-level data have learned general visual representations and broad visual concepts. In principle, the well-learned knowledge structure of the VLMs should be inherited appropriately when being transferred to downstream tasks with limited data. However, most existing efficient transfer learning (ETL) approaches for VLMs either damage or are excessively biased towards the prior knowledge, e.g., prompt tuning (PT) discards the pre-trained text-based classifier and builds a new one while adapter-style tuning (AT) fully relies on the pre-trained features. To address this, we propose a new efficient tuning approach for VLMs named Task Residual Tuning (TaskRes), which performs directly on the text-based classifier and explicitly decouples the prior knowledge of the pre-trained models and new knowledge regarding a target task. Specifically, TaskRes keeps the original classifier weights from the VLMs frozen and obtains a new classifier for the target task by tuning a set of prior-independent parameters as a residual to the original one, which enables reliable prior knowledge preservation and flexible task-specific knowledge exploration. The proposed TaskRes is simple yet effective, which significantly outperforms previous ETL methods (e.g., PT and AT) on 11 benchmark datasets while requiring minimal effort for the implementation. Our code is available at https://github.com/geekyutao/TaskRes.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202

    EqMotion: Equivariant Multi-agent Motion Prediction with Invariant Interaction Reasoning

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    Learning to predict agent motions with relationship reasoning is important for many applications. In motion prediction tasks, maintaining motion equivariance under Euclidean geometric transformations and invariance of agent interaction is a critical and fundamental principle. However, such equivariance and invariance properties are overlooked by most existing methods. To fill this gap, we propose EqMotion, an efficient equivariant motion prediction model with invariant interaction reasoning. To achieve motion equivariance, we propose an equivariant geometric feature learning module to learn a Euclidean transformable feature through dedicated designs of equivariant operations. To reason agent's interactions, we propose an invariant interaction reasoning module to achieve a more stable interaction modeling. To further promote more comprehensive motion features, we propose an invariant pattern feature learning module to learn an invariant pattern feature, which cooperates with the equivariant geometric feature to enhance network expressiveness. We conduct experiments for the proposed model on four distinct scenarios: particle dynamics, molecule dynamics, human skeleton motion prediction and pedestrian trajectory prediction. Experimental results show that our method is not only generally applicable, but also achieves state-of-the-art prediction performances on all the four tasks, improving by 24.0/30.1/8.6/9.2%. Code is available at https://github.com/MediaBrain-SJTU/EqMotion.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202

    MM-Vet: Evaluating Large Multimodal Models for Integrated Capabilities

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    We propose MM-Vet, an evaluation benchmark that examines large multimodal models (LMMs) on complicated multimodal tasks. Recent LMMs have shown various intriguing abilities, such as solving math problems written on the blackboard, reasoning about events and celebrities in news images, and explaining visual jokes. Rapid model advancements pose challenges to evaluation benchmark development. Problems include: (1) How to systematically structure and evaluate the complicated multimodal tasks; (2) How to design evaluation metrics that work well across question and answer types; and (3) How to give model insights beyond a simple performance ranking. To this end, we present MM-Vet, designed based on the insight that the intriguing ability to solve complicated tasks is often achieved by a generalist model being able to integrate different core vision-language (VL) capabilities. MM-Vet defines 6 core VL capabilities and examines the 16 integrations of interest derived from the capability combination. For evaluation metrics, we propose an LLM-based evaluator for open-ended outputs. The evaluator enables the evaluation across different question types and answer styles, resulting in a unified scoring metric. We evaluate representative LMMs on MM-Vet, providing insights into the capabilities of different LMM system paradigms and models. Code and data are available at https://github.com/yuweihao/MM-Vet.Comment: Code and data: https://github.com/yuweihao/MM-Ve

    MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision

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    Transformers have shown great potential in computer vision tasks. A common belief is their attention-based token mixer module contributes most to their competence. However, recent works show the attention-based module in Transformers can be replaced by spatial MLPs and the resulted models still perform quite well. Based on this observation, we hypothesize that the general architecture of the Transformers, instead of the specific token mixer module, is more essential to the model's performance. To verify this, we deliberately replace the attention module in Transformers with an embarrassingly simple spatial pooling operator to conduct only basic token mixing. Surprisingly, we observe that the derived model, termed as PoolFormer, achieves competitive performance on multiple computer vision tasks. For example, on ImageNet-1K, PoolFormer achieves 82.1% top-1 accuracy, surpassing well-tuned Vision Transformer/MLP-like baselines DeiT-B/ResMLP-B24 by 0.3%/1.1% accuracy with 35%/52% fewer parameters and 50%/62% fewer MACs. The effectiveness of PoolFormer verifies our hypothesis and urges us to initiate the concept of "MetaFormer", a general architecture abstracted from Transformers without specifying the token mixer. Based on the extensive experiments, we argue that MetaFormer is the key player in achieving superior results for recent Transformer and MLP-like models on vision tasks. This work calls for more future research dedicated to improving MetaFormer instead of focusing on the token mixer modules. Additionally, our proposed PoolFormer could serve as a starting baseline for future MetaFormer architecture design. Code is available at https://github.com/sail-sg/poolformer.Comment: CVPR 2022 (Oral). Code: https://github.com/sail-sg/poolforme
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