4,105 research outputs found

    Exploring the evolution of color-luminosity parameter β\beta and its effects on parameter estimation

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    It has been found in previous studies that, for the Supernova Legacy Survey three-year (SNLS3) data, there is strong evidence for the redshift-evolution of color-luminosity parameter β\beta. In this paper, using three simplest dark energy models (Λ\LambdaCDM, wwCDM, and CPL), we further explore the evolution of β\beta and its effects on parameter estimation. In addition to the SNLS3 data, we also take into account the Planck distance priors data, as well as the latest galaxy clustering (GC) data extracted from SDSS DR7 and BOSS. We find that, for all the models, adding a parameter of β\beta can reduce χmin2\chi^2_{min} by \sim 36, indicating that β1=0\beta_1 = 0 is ruled out at 6σ\sigma confidence levels. In other words, β\beta deviates from a constant at 6σ\sigma confidence levels. This conclusion is insensitive to the dark energy models considered, showing the importance of considering the evolution of β\beta in the cosmology-fits. Furthermore, it is found that varying β\beta can significantly change the fitting results of various cosmological parameters: using the SNLS3 data alone, varying β\beta yields a larger Ωm\Omega_m for the Λ\LambdaCDM model; using the SNLS3+CMB+GC data, varying β\beta yields a larger Ωm\Omega_m and a smaller hh for all the models. Moreover, we find that these results are much closer to those given by the CMB+GC data, compared to the cases of treating β\beta as a constant. This indicates that considering the evolution of β\beta is very helpful for reducing the tension between supernova and other cosmological observations.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Physical Review D. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.6423; and with arXiv:1109.3172 by other author

    Enhanced Feedback Iterative Decoding of Sparse Quantum Codes

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    Decoding sparse quantum codes can be accomplished by syndrome-based decoding using a belief propagation (BP) algorithm.We significantly improve this decoding scheme by developing a new feedback adjustment strategy for the standard BP algorithm. In our feedback procedure, we exploit much of the information from stabilizers, not just the syndrome but also the values of the frustrated checks on individual qubits of the code and the channel model. Furthermore we show that our decoding algorithm is superior to belief propagation algorithms using only the syndrome in the feedback procedure for all cases of the depolarizing channel. Our algorithm does not increase the measurement overhead compared to the previous method, as the extra information comes for free from the requisite stabilizer measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, Second version, To be appeared in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Phase Transition of Finite Size Quark Droplets with Isospin Chemical Potential in the Nanbu--Jona-Lasinio Model

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    Making use of the NJL model and the multiple reflection expansion pproximation, we study the phase transition of the finite size droplet with u and d quarks. We find that the dynamical masses of u, d quarks are different, and the chiral symmetry can be restored at different critical radii for u, d quark. It rovides a clue to understand the effective nucleon mass splitting in nuclear matter. Meanwhile, it shows that the maximal isospin chemical potential at zero temperature is much smaller than the mass of pion in free space.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Central Limit Theorem for m-dependent random variables under sub-linear expectations

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    M-dependence is a commonly used assumption in the study of dependent sequences. In this paper, central limit theorems for m-dependent random variables under the sub-linear expectations are established based mainly on the conditions of Zhang. They can be regarded as the extension of independent Lindeberg central limit theorem and for proving this, Rosenthal's inequality for m-dependent random variables is obtained. In particular, we extend the results in Li and establish the central limit theorem for m-dependent stationary sequence.Comment: 15page

    A closer look at interacting dark energy with statefinder hierarchy and growth rate of structure

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    We investigate the interacting dark energy models by using the diagnostics of statefinder hierarchy and growth rate of structure. We wish to explore the deviations from Λ\LambdaCDM and to differentiate possible degeneracies in the interacting dark energy models with the geometrical and structure growth diagnostics. We consider two interacting forms for the models, i.e., Q1=βHρcQ_1=\beta H\rho_c and Q2=βHρdeQ_2=\beta H\rho_{de}, with β\beta being the dimensionless coupling parameter. Our focus is the IΛ\LambdaCDM model that is a one-parameter extension to Λ\LambdaCDM by considering a direct coupling between the vacuum energy (Λ\Lambda) and cold dark matter (CDM), with the only additional parameter β\beta. But we begin with a more general case by considering the IwwCDM model in which dark energy has a constant ww (equation-of-state parameter). For calculating the growth rate of structure, we employ the "parametrized post-Friedmann" theoretical framework for interacting dark energy to numerically obtain the ϵ(z)\epsilon(z) values for the models. We show that in both geometrical and structural diagnostics the impact of ww is much stronger than that of β\beta in the IwwCDM model. We thus wish to have a closer look at the IΛ\LambdaCDM model by combining the geometrical and structural diagnostics. We find that the evolutionary trajectories in the S3(1)S^{(1)}_3--ϵ\epsilon plane exhibit distinctive features and the departures from Λ\LambdaCDM could be well evaluated, theoretically, indicating that the composite null diagnostic {S3(1),ϵ}\{S^{(1)}_3, \epsilon\} is a promising tool for investigating the interacting dark energy models.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in JCA

    Possible singlet and triplet superconductivity on honeycomb lattice

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    We study the possible superconducting pairing symmetry mediated by spin and charge fluctuations on the honeycomb lattice using the extended Hubbard model and the random-phase-approximation method. From 2%2\% to 20%20\% doping levels, a spin-singlet dx2y2+idxyd_{x^{2}-y^{2}}+id_{xy}-wave is shown to be the leading superconducting pairing symmetry when only the on-site Coulomb interaction UU is considered, with the gap function being a mixture of the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor pairings. When the offset of the energy level between the two sublattices exceeds a critical value, the most favorable pairing is a spin-triplet ff-wave which is mainly composed of the next-nearest-neighbor pairing. We show that the next-nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction VV is also in favor of the spin-triplet ff-wave pairing.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure