4,502 research outputs found

    Gravitational Effects of Rotating Bodies

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    We study two type effects of gravitational field on mechanical gyroscopes (i.e. rotating extended bodies). The first depends on special relativity and equivalence principle. The second is related to the coupling (i.e. a new force) between the spins of mechanical gyroscopes, which would violate the equivalent principle. In order to give a theoretical prediction to the second we suggest a spin-spin coupling model for two mechanical gyroscopes. An upper limit on the coupling strength is then determined by using the observed perihelion precession of the planet's orbits in solar system. We also give predictions violating the equivalence principle for free-fall gyroscopes .Comment: LaTex, 6 page

    Filament L1482 in the California molecular cloud

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    Aims. The process of gravitational fragmentation in the L1482 molecular filament of the California molecular cloud is studied by combining several complementary observations and physical estimates. We investigate the kinematic and dynamical states of this molecular filament and physical properties of several dozens of dense molecular clumps embedded therein. Methods. We present and compare molecular line emission observations of the J=2--1 and J=3--2 transitions of 12CO in this molecular complex, using the KOSMA 3-meter telescope. These observations are complemented with archival data observations and analyses of the 13CO J=1--0 emission obtained at the Purple Mountain Observatory 13.7-meter radio telescope at Delingha Station in QingHai Province of west China, as well as infrared emission maps from the Herschel Space Telescope online archive, obtained with the SPIRE and PACS cameras. Comparison of these complementary datasets allow for a comprehensive multi-wavelength analysis of the L1482 molecular filament. Results. We have identified 23 clumps along the molecular filament L1482 in the California molecular cloud. All these molecular clumps show supersonic non-thermal gas motions. While surprisingly similar in mass and size to the much better known Orion molecular cloud, the formation rate of high-mass stars appears to be suppressed in the California molecular cloud relative to that in the Orion molecular cloud based on the mass-radius threshold derived from the static Bonnor Ebert sphere. Our analysis suggests that these molecular filaments are thermally supercritical and molecular clumps may form by gravitational fragmentation along the filament. Instead of being static, these molecular clumps are most likely in processes of dynamic evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Lead Iodide Perovskite Light-Emitting Field-Effect Transistor

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    Despite the widespread use of solution-processable hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites in photovoltaic and light-emitting applications, determination of their intrinsic charge transport parameters has been elusive due to the variability of film preparation and history-dependent device performance. Here we show that screening effects associated to ionic transport can be effectively eliminated by lowering the operating temperature of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) field-effect transistors (FETs). Field-effect carrier mobility is found to increase by almost two orders of magnitude below 200 K, consistent with phonon scattering limited transport. Under balanced ambipolar carrier injection, gate-dependent electroluminescence is also observed from the transistor channel, with spectra revealing the tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition. This first demonstration of CH3NH3PbI3 light-emitting FETs provides intrinsic transport parameters to guide materials and solar cell optimization, and will drive the development of new electro-optic device concepts, such as gated light emitting diodes and lasers operating at room temperature

    Number-resolved master equation approach to quantum transport under the self-consistent Born approximation

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    We construct a particle-number(n)-resolved master equation (ME) approach under the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA) for quantum transport through mesoscopic systems. The formulation is essentially non-Markovian and incorporates the interlay of the multi-tunneling processes and many-body correlations. The proposed n-SCBA-ME goes completely beyond the scope of the Born-Markov master equation, being applicable to transport under small bias voltage, in non-Markovian regime and with strong Coulomb correlations. For steady state, it can recover not only the exact result of noninteracting transport under arbitrary voltages, but also the challenging nonequilibrium Kondo effect. Moreover, the n-SCBA-ME approach is efficient for the study of shot noise.We demonstrate the application by a couple of representative examples, including particularly the nonequilibrium Kondo system.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.638

    An experimental and numerical study on structural dynamic stress of a landing gear

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    This paper concerns the main landing gear of certain light aircraft, and the dynamic stress on the main landing gear during the landing process is analyzed. A complete dynamic drop test is developed for the landing gear of light aircraft on the main landing gear, and the changes of dynamic strain exerted on the strut in the process of drop are measured. Simultaneously, the simulation software LMS Virtual.Lab Motion is used to build the rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model and simulate the process of drop and the results of the dynamic stress is obtained by means of computer simulation. Afterwards, the results of the dynamic stress between simulation and test are contrasted, and the sources of data error are analyzed. To sum up, the study shows that the dynamic stress in the flexible part of landing gear possesses a high accuracy through combining the analysis results of simulation and test, which meets the safety design criteria of the landing gear. Moreover, the method used to build the rigid-flexible coupling model is an available and reliable way for the simulation of drop test, which can provide a deep basis for future research