833 research outputs found

    Sistema de produção do milho safrinha em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    bitstream/item/65388/1/29901.pdfOrganizado por Gessi Ceccon e Luiz Alberto Staut; Palestra


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    It was intended to provoke a discussion regarding the economy in the cities, initially bringing theoretical discussions in the concepts of the index of life quality built. Through the three approaches – Hedonic, from Kahn, and from discrete models, it was possible to see a trade off among the economic opportunities and local amenities that conditions the migration decision. There are differentials, such as nominal phenomenon reflex, wherewith the higher cost of life in big cities would be compensated with more qualified and skillful workers than in smaller towns. It is assumed the factors of production, capital and work are considered in spatial agglomeration cases and its economy. Afterwards, it was analyzed if this agglomeration with its economies would have sustainability. In this case, it was dissected the relevant ideas as for the most common agglomeration styles. Lastly, the ideas for the approach were discussed to the urban development.Intentou-se provocar uma discussão a respeito de economia das cidades, inicialmente buscando discussões teóricas nos conceitos dos índices de qualidade de vida construído a partir de três abordagens, Hedônica, de Kahn e dos modelos de escolha discreta. Verificou-se um trade off entre as oportunidades econômicas e as amenidades locais que condicionam a decisão migratória. Existem diferenciais como o reflexo de fenômeno nominal em que o elevado custo de vida nas grandes cidades seria compensado com trabalhadores mais qualificados ou habilidosos se comparados aos de cidades menores. É assumido que os fatores de produção, capital e trabalho, são considerados nos casos de aglomeração espacial e suas economias. Posteriormente, fez-se a análise dessa aglomeração, e suas economias, para verificar a sustentabilidade, nesse caso foram dissecadas as ideias pertinentes aos estilos mais comuns de aglomeração, por fim discutiu-se as abordagens para o desenvolvimento urbano


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    Kupang cukup tinggi pada tahun 2018 diketahui bahwa angka kematian ibu mencapai 49/100.000 kelahiran hidup dan angka kematian Bayi mencapai 4,57/1.000 kelahiran hidup, penyebab kematian ibu terbesar di dunia yaitu perdarahan, hipertensi dalam kehamilan, infeksi, partus lama dan abortus. Kematian ibu di Indonesia didominasi oleh tiga penyebab utama kematian yaitu perdarahan, hipertensi dalam kehamilan dan infeksi. Tujuan: Dapat menerapkan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif dengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan dan metode SOAP pada Ny. S.M di Pustu Tenau Periode 20 Juli 2020 Sampai dengan 28 Agustus 2020. Metode penelitian: Case Study. Populasi semua ibu hamil TM III di Pustu Tenau. Sampel Ny. S.M G2P1A0AH1 usia kehamilan 39 minggu 5 hari. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam study kasus ini adalah purposive sampling. Hasil: Asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny. S.M G2P1A0AH1 usia kehamilan 39 minggu 5 hari, sudah melakukan kunjungan rumah sebanyak 3 kali, dan tidak di temukan tanda bahaya yang dapat membahayakan ibu dan janin. Ibu melahirkan di Puskesmas Pembantu Tenau. tanggal 29 Juli 2020. Bayi lahir spontan pervaginam Jenis kelamin perempuan. Asuhan yang diberikan dengan 60 langkah APN persalinan berjalan dengan baik tidak ditemukan masalah pada ibu dan janin. Asuhan yang diberikan pada bayi baru lahir adalah sudah dilakukan IMD dan perawatan pada bayi baru lahir/dilakukan pemeriksaan antropometri lainnya BB 3.200 gram, PB 49 cm, LK 35 cm, LP 34 cm, LD 33 cm, dapat berjalan dengan normal sudah di berikan Vit K sedian 1 mg setelah 1 jam di berikan HB0 sedian 1 mg, dan tidak ditemukan tanda bahaya pada bayi baru lahir. Asuhan yang diberikan pada nifas dan bayi baru lahir adalah sesuai kunjungan masa nifas dan bayi baru lahir yaitu KF 3x dalam 42 hari dan KN 3x dalam 28 hari secara normal dan tidak ditemukan tanda bahaya pada masa nifas dan bayi baru lahir. Asuhan yang diberikan pada calon askeptor KB dan ibu setuju untuk menggunakan kontrasepsi KB suntik 3 bulan dan tidak ditemukan masalah pada calon askeptor KB. Simpulan: Asuhan kebidanan Komprehensif pada Ny. S.M yang di tandai dengan ibu sudah mengikuti semua anjuran,ibu melahirkan di fasilitas kesehatan, ibu dan bayi sehat, masa nifas berjalan normal, bayi baru lahir dalam keadaan baik, dan ibu sudah menggunakan alat kontraseps

    Mapping the Hidden Diversity of the \u3cem\u3eGeophagus sensu stricto\u3c/em\u3e Species Group (Cichlidae: Geophagini) From the Amazon Basin

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    South American freshwater ichthyofauna is taxonomically the most diverse on the planet, yet its diversity is still vastly underestimated. The Amazon basin alone holds more than half of this diversity. The evidence of this underestimation comes from the backlog of morphologically distinct, yet undescribed forms deposited in museum collections, and from DNA-based inventories which consistently identify large numbers of divergent lineages within even well-studied species groups. In the present study, we investigated lineage diversity within the Geophagus sensu stricto species group. To achieve these objectives, we analyzed 337 individuals sampled from 77 locations within and outside the Amazon basin representing 10 nominal and six morphologically distinct but undescribed species. We sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and delimited lineages using four different single-locus species discovery methods (mPTP-15 lineages; LocMin-14 lineages; bGMYC-18 lineages; and GMYC-30 lineages). The six morphologically distinct but undescribed species were also delimited by the majority of the species discovery methods. Five of these lineages are restricted to a single collection site or a watershed and their habitats are threatened by human activities such as deforestation, agricultural activities and construction of hydroelectric plants. Our results also highlight the importance of combining DNA and morphological data in biodiversity assessment studies especially in taxonomically diverse tropical biotas