535 research outputs found

    catena-Poly[silver(I)-μ-pyrazolato-κ2 N:N′]

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    The title compound, [Ag(C3H3N2)]n, has an infinite helical chain structure in which each pyrazolate group bridges two AgI atoms related by a 21 axis with an intra­chain Ag⋯Ag separation of 3.3718 (7) Å. Each AgI center is linearly coordinated by two N atoms [N—Ag—N angle = 169.98 (14)°]. The chains are held together by inter­chain Ag⋯Ag inter­actions [3.2547 (6) Å], forming a two-dimensional layer. The X-ray single-crystal diffraction result is consonant with that of the ab initio X-ray powder diffraction reported by Masciocchi, Moret, Cairati, Sironi, Ardizzoia & La Monica [J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1994). 116, 7668–7676], with only minor deviations of structural parameters

    Tetra­aqua­bis(3-carboxyl­atopyridine N-oxide-κO 3)cadmium(II)

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    In the title complex, [Cd(C6H4NO3)2(H2O)4], the CdII atom is situated on a crystallographic centre of inversion. The CdII atom shows a slightly distorted octa­hedral geometry and is coordinated by four O atoms from water mol­ecules and two O atoms from deprotonated carboxyl groups of nicotinic acid N-oxide ligands. The mononuclear complex mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network structure

    2,2′-[Ethane-1,2-diylbis(sulfanedi­yl)]bis­(pyridine N-oxide)

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    The tile compound, C12H12N2O2S2, lies on an inversion center. The two pyridyl rings are parallel to each other. The structure is devoid of any classical hydrogen bonds due to lack of appropriate donors and acceptors for such bonds. However, non-classical hydrogen bonds of the types C—H⋯O and C—H⋯S stabilize the structure

    [μ2-Bis(diphenyl­phosphanyl)methane][μ3-bis­(diphenyl­phosphanyl)meth­yl]trichlorido­tetra­gold(I) tetra­hydro­furan disolvate

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    The title tetra­nuclear complex, [Au4(C25H21P2)Cl3(C25H22P2)]·2C4H8O, features two non-equivalent Ph2PCPPh2 fragments, one of which represents the ‘complete’ mol­ecule (with two H atoms at the central C atom); each of the two P atoms of this mol­ecule is coordinated by an Au atom [Au—P = 2.2256 (13) and 2.2710 (13) Å], and these two Au atoms form an Au—Au bond [3.2945 (3) Å], thus closing the five-membered Au2P2C ring. The first of these Au atoms has a terminal chlorido ligand [Au—Cl = 2.2806 (12) Å], whereas the second Au atom forms a covalent bond with the central C atom of the bis­(diphenyl­phosphino)methyl group [Au—C = 2.114 (5) Å]; the latter group in turn coordinates with its P atoms the gold atoms of the Cl–Au–Au–Cl group [Au—P = 2.2356 (13) and 2.2338 (13), Au—Au = 3.3177 (3), Au—Cl = 2.3091 (12) and 2.2950 (13) Å], thus closing the second Au2P2C ring. The two such rings have different chemical functions, but both exhibit envelope conformations. However, the first (with different substituents at the Au atoms) is non-symmetrical with one of the P atoms in the flap position of the envelope; the other one has a conformation with mirror symmetry, and the gold-substituted C atom is displaced by 0.740 (5) Å from the almost exactly planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0038 Å) Au2P2 group

    Correlating the CDF WW-mass shift with the muon g2g-2 and the bs+b \to s \ell^+ \ell^- transitions

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    Motivated by the latest CDF WW-mass measurement as well as the muon g2g-2 anomaly and the discrepancies observed in bs+b \to s \ell^+ \ell^- transitions, we propose an extension of the Standard Model (SM) with the SU(2)LSU(2)_L-singlet vector-like fermion partners that are featured by additional U(1)U(1)^\prime gauge symmetry. The fermion partners have the same SM quantum numbers as of the right-handed SM fermions, and can therefore mix with the latter after the electroweak and the U(1)U(1)^\prime symmetry breaking. As a result, desirable loop-level corrections to the (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu, the WW-boson mass mWm_W and the Wilson coefficient C9C_9 in bsμ+μb \to s \mu^+ \mu^- transitions can be obtained. The final allowed parameter space is also consistent with the constraints from the Zμ+μZ \to \mu^+ \mu^- decay, the neutrino trident production and the LHC direct searches for the vector-like quarks and leptons.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, comments welcom

    Dimethyl 4,4′-(pyridine-2,6-diyl)dibenzoate

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    The title mol­ecule, C21H17NO4, reveals axial symmetry, with the pyridine N atom located on a crystallographic twofold axis. The mol­ecule is dish-shaped, with dihedral angles between the benzene and pyridine rings of 24.643 (1) and 24.797 (1)°, respectively. The –COO plane and the benzene ring are almost coplanar [dihedral angle = 5.286 (1)°]

    Bis[μ-4-methyl-2-(2-pyridyl­methyl­sulfan­yl)pyrimidine-κN 1]bis­[(trifluoro­methanesulfonato-κO)silver(I)]

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    In the centrosymmetric dinuclear title complex, [Ag2(CF3SO3)2(C11H11N3S)2], the AgI atom is coordinated by two N atoms from two 4-methyl-2-(2-pyridyl­methyl­sulfan­yl)pyrimidine ligands and one O atom from a trifluoro­methane­sulfonate anion in a distorted T-type coordination geometry. The ligand adopts a bidentate bridging coordination mode through one pyridyl N atom and one pyrimidine N atom. In the crystal structure, π–π inter­actions are present between adjacent pyrimidine rings, with a centroid-to-centroid distance of 3.875 (7) Å

    Tetra-μ-acetato-bis­[(pyridine N-oxide)copper(II)](Cu—Cu)

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    The mol­ecule of the title binuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu2(CH3COO)4(C5H5NO)2], occupies a special position on a crystallographic inversion centre; the coordination environment of the CuII atom is slightly distorted square-pyramidal and is made up of four O atoms belonging to four acetate groups in the basal plane with the O atom of pyridine N-oxide ligand in the apical position. The Cu—Cu distance is 2.6376 (6) Å

    Tetra­aqua­hexa­kis(μ2-quinoline-4-carboxyl­ato)diyttrium(III) dihydrate

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    In the title centrosymmetric binuclear complex, [Y2(C10H6NO2)6(H2O)4]·2H2O, each YIII atom is nine-coordin­ated by nine O atoms from five ligands and two water mol­ecules in a slightly distorted monocapped square-anti­prismatic coordination environment. The YIII atoms are separated by a distance of 4.0363 (9) Å. The ligands coordinate in three different modes: chelating, bridging and a mixed chelating bridging mode. In the crystal structure, the binuclear complexes are linked by O—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network

    Bis(5,6-dicarboxy­benzimidazolium) sulfate monohydrate

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    In the title compound, 2C9H7N2O4 +·SO4 2−·H2O, the sulfate S atom and the water O atom reside on a crystallographic twofold axis. In the crystal, the component species are linked by N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network structure. An intramol­ecular O—H⋯O link is seen in the cation