288 research outputs found

    Loss Rank Mining: A General Hard Example Mining Method for Real-time Detectors

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    Modern object detectors usually suffer from low accuracy issues, as foregrounds always drown in tons of backgrounds and become hard examples during training. Compared with those proposal-based ones, real-time detectors are in far more serious trouble since they renounce the use of region-proposing stage which is used to filter a majority of backgrounds for achieving real-time rates. Though foregrounds as hard examples are in urgent need of being mined from tons of backgrounds, a considerable number of state-of-the-art real-time detectors, like YOLO series, have yet to profit from existing hard example mining methods, as using these methods need detectors fit series of prerequisites. In this paper, we propose a general hard example mining method named Loss Rank Mining (LRM) to fill the gap. LRM is a general method for real-time detectors, as it utilizes the final feature map which exists in all real-time detectors to mine hard examples. By using LRM, some elements representing easy examples in final feature map are filtered and detectors are forced to concentrate on hard examples during training. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our method. With our method, the improvements of YOLOv2 detector on auto-driving related dataset KITTI and more general dataset PASCAL VOC are over 5% and 2% mAP, respectively. In addition, LRM is the first hard example mining strategy which could fit YOLOv2 perfectly and make it better applied in series of real scenarios where both real-time rates and accurate detection are strongly demanded.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Molecular Docking Improvement: Coefficient Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Multiple Scoring Functions

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    In this paper, a coefficient adaptive scoring method of molecular docking is presented to improve the docking accuracy with multiple available scoring functions. Based on force-field scoring function, we considered hydrophobic and deformation as well in the proposed method, Instead of simple combination with fixed weights, coefficients of each factor are adaptive in searching procedure. In order to improve the docking accuracy and stability, knowledge-based scoring function is used as another scoring factor. Genetic algorithm with the multi-population evolution and entropy-based searching technique with narrowing down space is used to solve the optimization model for molecular docking. To evaluate the method, we carried out a numerical experiment with 134 protein- ligand complexes of the publicly available GOLD test set. The results validated that it improved the docking accuracy over the individual force-field scoring. In addition, analyses were given to show the disadvantage of individual scoring model. Through the comparison with other popular docking software, the proposed method showed higher accuracy. Among more than 77% of the complexes, the docked results were within 1.0 Å according to Root- Mean-Square Deviation (RMSD) of the X-ray structure. The average computing time obtained here is 563.9 s

    Analytical Solutions of Time Periodic Electroosmotic Flow in a Semicircular Microchannel

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    The time periodic electroosmotic flow of Newtonian fluids through a semicircular microchannel is studied under the Debye–Hückel approximation. Analytical series of solutions are found, and they consist of a time-dependent oscillating part and a time-dependent generating or transient part. Some new physical phenomena are found. The electroosmotic flow driven by an alternating electric field is not periodic in time, but quasi-periodic. There is a phase shift between voltage and flow, which is only dependent on the frequency of external electric field

    Bioactive conformational generation of small molecules: A comparative analysis between force-field and multiple empirical criteria based methods

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Conformational sampling for small molecules plays an essential role in drug discovery research pipeline. Based on multi-objective evolution algorithm (MOEA), we have developed a conformational generation method called Cyndi in the previous study. In this work, in addition to Tripos force field in the previous version, Cyndi was updated by incorporation of MMFF94 force field to assess the conformational energy more rationally. With two force fields against a larger dataset of 742 bioactive conformations of small ligands extracted from PDB, a comparative analysis was performed between pure force field based method (FFBM) and multiple empirical criteria based method (MECBM) hybrided with different force fields.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our analysis reveals that incorporating multiple empirical rules can significantly improve the accuracy of conformational generation. MECBM, which takes both empirical and force field criteria as the objective functions, can reproduce about 54% (within 1Å RMSD) of the bioactive conformations in the 742-molecule testset, much higher than that of pure force field method (FFBM, about 37%). On the other hand, MECBM achieved a more complete and efficient sampling of the conformational space because the average size of unique conformations ensemble per molecule is about 6 times larger than that of FFBM, while the time scale for conformational generation is nearly the same as FFBM. Furthermore, as a complementary comparison study between the methods with and without empirical biases, we also tested the performance of the three conformational generation methods in MacroModel in combination with different force fields. Compared with the methods in MacroModel, MECBM is more competitive in retrieving the bioactive conformations in light of accuracy but has much lower computational cost.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By incorporating different energy terms with several empirical criteria, the MECBM method can produce more reasonable conformational ensemble with high accuracy but approximately the same computational cost in comparison with FFBM method. Our analysis also reveals that the performance of conformational generation is irrelevant to the types of force field adopted in characterization of conformational accessibility. Moreover, post energy minimization is not necessary and may even undermine the diversity of conformational ensemble. All the results guide us to explore more empirical criteria like geometric restraints during the conformational process, which may improve the performance of conformational generation in combination with energetic accessibility, regardless of force field types adopted.</p

    Towards Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Federated Matrix Factorization

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of federated learning (FL), an emerging privacy-aware machine learning paradigm that allows collaborative learning over isolated datasets distributed across multiple participants. The salient feature of FL is that the participants can keep their private datasets local and only share model updates. Very recently, some research efforts have been initiated to explore the applicability of FL for matrix factorization (MF), a prevalent method used in modern recommendation systems and services. It has been shown that sharing the gradient updates in federated MF entails privacy risks on revealing users' personal ratings, posing a demand for protecting the shared gradients. Prior art is limited in that they incur notable accuracy loss, or rely on heavy cryptosystem, with a weak threat model assumed. In this paper, we propose VPFedMF, a new design aimed at privacy-preserving and verifiable federated MF. VPFedMF provides for federated MF guarantees on the confidentiality of individual gradient updates through lightweight and secure aggregation. Moreover, VPFedMF ambitiously and newly supports correctness verification of the aggregation results produced by the coordinating server in federated MF. Experiments on a real-world moving rating dataset demonstrate the practical performance of VPFedMF in terms of computation, communication, and accuracy