398 research outputs found

    Toward effective protection against diffusion based mimicry through score distillation

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    While generative diffusion models excel in producing high-quality images, they can also be misused to mimic authorized images, posing a significant threat to AI systems. Efforts have been made to add calibrated perturbations to protect images from diffusion-based mimicry pipelines. However, most of the existing methods are too ineffective and even impractical to be used by individual users due to their high computation and memory requirements. In this work, we present novel findings on attacking latent diffusion models (LDM) and propose new plug-and-play strategies for more effective protection. In particular, we explore the bottleneck in attacking an LDM, discovering that the encoder module rather than the denoiser module is the vulnerable point. Based on this insight, we present our strategy using Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to double the speed of protection and reduce memory occupation by half without compromising its strength. Additionally, we provide a robust protection strategy by counterintuitively minimizing the semantic loss, which can assist in generating more natural perturbations. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to substantiate our findings and comprehensively evaluate our newly proposed strategies. We hope our insights and protective measures can contribute to better defense against malicious diffusion-based mimicry, advancing the development of secure AI systems. The code is available in https://github.com/xavihart/Diff-ProtectComment: ICLR 2024 Conference Paper, the code is available in https://github.com/xavihart/Diff-Protec

    The Collins asymmetry in electroproduction of Kaon at the electron ion colliders within TMD factorization

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    We apply the transverse momentum dependent factorization formalism to investigate the transverse single spin dependent Collins asymmetry with a sin(ϕh+ϕs)\sin(\phi_h+\phi_s) modulation in the semi-inclusive production of Kaon meson in deep inelastic scattering process. The asymmetry is contributed by the convolutions of the transversity distribution function h1(x)h_1(x) of the target proton and the Collins function of the Kaon in the final state. We adopt the available parametrization of h1(x)h_1(x) as well as the recent extracted result for the Kaon Collins function. To perform the transverse momentum dependent evolution, the parametrization of the nonperturbative Sudakov form factor of the proton and final state Kaon are utilized. We numerically predict the Collins asymmetry for charged Kaon production at the electron ion colliders within the accuracy of next-to-leading-logarithmic order. It is found that the asymmetry is sizable and could be measured. We emphasize the importance of planned electron ion colliders in the aspect of constraining sea quark distribution functions as well as accessing the information of the nucleon spin structure and the hadronization mechanism

    CA2: Cyber Attacks Analytics

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    The VAST Challenge 2020 Mini-Challenge 1 requires participants to identify the responsible white hat groups behind a fictional Internet outage. To address this task, we have created a visual analytics system named CA2: Cyber Attacks Analytics. This system is designed to efficiently compare and match subgraphs within an extensive graph containing anonymized profiles. Additionally, we showcase an iterative workflow that utilizes our system's capabilities to pinpoint the responsible group.Comment: IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge Workshop 202

    Electric quadrupole second harmonic generation revealing dual magnetic orders in a magnetic Weyl semimetal

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    Broken symmetries and electronic topology are nicely manifested together in the second order nonlinear optical responses from topologically nontrivial materials. While second order nonlinear optical effects from the electric dipole (ED) contribution have been extensively explored in polar Weyl semimetals (WSMs) with broken spatial inversion (SI) symmetry, they are rarely studied in centrosymmetric magnetic WSMs with broken time reversal (TR) symmetry due to complete suppression of the ED contribution. Here, we report experimental demonstration of optical second harmonic generation (SHG) in a magnetic WSM Co3_{3}Sn2_{2}S2_{2} from the electric quadrupole (EQ) contribution. By tracking the temperature dependence of the rotation anisotropy (RA) of SHG, we capture two magnetic phase transitions, with both the SHG intensity increasing and its RA pattern rotating at TC,1T_{C,1}=175K and TC,2T_{C,2}=120K subsequently. The fitted critical exponents for the SHG intensity and RA orientation near TC,1T_{C,1} and TC,2T_{C,2} suggest that the magnetic phase at TC,1T_{C,1} is a 3D Ising-type out-of-plane ferromagnetism while the other at TC,2T_{C,2} is a 3D XY-type all-in-all-out in-plane antiferromagnetism. Our results show the success of detection and exploration of EQ SHG in a centrosymmetric magnetic WSM, and hence open the pathway towards the future investigation of its tie to the band topology.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    JAX-FEM: A differentiable GPU-accelerated 3D finite element solver for automatic inverse design and mechanistic data science

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    This paper introduces JAX-FEM, an open-source differentiable finite element method (FEM) library. Constructed on top of Google JAX, a rising machine learning library focusing on high-performance numerical computing, JAX-FEM is implemented with pure Python while scalable to efficiently solve problems with moderate to large sizes. For example, in a 3D tensile loading problem with 7.7 million degrees of freedom, JAX-FEM with GPU achieves around 10×\times acceleration compared to a commercial FEM code depending on platform. Beyond efficiently solving forward problems, JAX-FEM employs the automatic differentiation technique so that inverse problems are solved in a fully automatic manner without the need to manually derive sensitivities. Examples of 3D topology optimization of nonlinear materials are shown to achieve optimal compliance. Finally, JAX-FEM is an integrated platform for machine learning-aided computational mechanics. We show an example of data-driven multi-scale computations of a composite material where JAX-FEM provides an all-in-one solution from microscopic data generation and model training to macroscopic FE computations. The source code of the library and these examples are shared with the community to facilitate computational mechanics research