1,424 research outputs found

    Global wellposedness and scattering for 3D Schr\"odinger equations with harmonic potential and radial data

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    In this paper,we show that spherical bounded energy solution of the defocusing 3D energy critical Schr\"odinger equation with harmonic potential, (iβˆ‚t+Ξ”2+∣x∣22)u=∣u∣4u(i\partial_t + \frac {\Delta}2+\frac {|x|^2}2)u=|u|^4u, exits globally and scatters to free solution in the space Ξ£=H1β‹‚FH1\Sigma=H^1\bigcap\mathcal F H^1. We preclude the concentration of energy in finite time by combining the energy decay estimates.Comment: 39 page

    Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in high dimensions

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    In \cite{duck-merle}, T. Duyckaerts and F. Merle studied the variational structure near the ground state solution WW of the energy critical NLS and classified the solutions with the threshold energy E(W)E(W) in dimensions d=3,4,5d=3,4,5 under the radial assumption. In this paper, we extend the results to all dimensions dβ‰₯6d\ge 6. The main issue in high dimensions is the non-Lipschitz continuity of the nonlinearity which we get around by making full use of the decay property of WW.Comment: 30 Pages. To appear JF

    Regularity of almost periodic modulo scaling solutions for mass-critical NLS and applications

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    In this paper, we consider the Lx2L_x^2 solution uu to mass critical NLS iut+Ξ”u=±∣u∣4duiu_t+\Delta u=\pm |u|^{\frac 4d} u. We prove that in dimensions dβ‰₯4d\ge 4, if the solution is spherically symmetric and is \emph{almost periodic modulo scaling}, then it must lie in H_x^{1+\eps} for some \eps>0. Moreover, the kinetic energy of the solution is localized uniformly in time. One important application of the theorem is a simplified proof of the scattering conjecture for mass critical NLS without reducing to three enemies(see the work of Killip-Tao-Visan, and Killip-Visan-Zhang). As another important application, we establish a Liouville type result for Lx2L_x^2 initial data with ground state mass. We prove that if a radial Lx2L_x^2 solution to focusing mass critical problem has the ground state mass and does not scatter in both time directions, then it must be global and coincide with the solitary wave up to symmetries. Here the ground state is the unique, positive, radial solution to elliptic equation Ξ”Qβˆ’Q+Q1+4d=0\Delta Q-Q+Q^{1+\frac 4d}=0. This is the first rigidity type result in scale invariant space Lx2L_x^2.Comment: 22 page

    Global well-posedness and scattering for a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations below the energy space

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    We prove global well-posedness and scattering for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with power-type nonlinearity \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} i u_t +\Delta u = |u|^p u, \quad \frac{4}{n}<p<\frac{4}{n-2}, u(0,x) = u_0(x)\in H^s(\R^n), \quad n\geq 3, \end{cases} \end{equation*} below the energy space, i.e., for s<1s<1. In \cite{ckstt:low7}, J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Tao established polynomial growth of the HxsH^s_x-norm of the solution, and hence global well-posedness for initial data in HxsH^s_x, provided ss is sufficiently close to 1. However, their bounds are insufficient to yield scattering. In this paper, we use the \emph{a priori} interaction Morawetz inequality to show that scattering holds in Hs(Rn)H^s(\R^n) whenever ss is larger than some value 0<s0(n,p)<10<s_0(n,p)<1

    On a nonlocal aggregation model with nonlinear diffusion

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    We consider a nonlocal aggregation equation with nonlinear diffusion which arises from the study of biological aggregation dynamics. As a degenerate parabolic problem, we prove the well-posedness, continuation criteria and smoothness of local solutions. For compactly supported nonnegative smooth initial data we prove that the gradient of the solution develops Lx∞L_x^\infty-norm blowup in finite time.Comment: Submitted Jun 200

    Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear wave equation in high dimensions

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    In the work by T. Duyckaerts and F. Merle, they studied the variational structure near the ground state solution WW of the energy critical wave equation and classified the solutions with the threshold energy E(W,0)E(W,0) in dimensions d=3,4,5d=3,4,5. In this paper, we extend the results to all dimensions dβ‰₯6d\ge 6. The main issue in high dimensions is the non-Lipschitz continuity of the nonlinearity which we get around by making full use of the decay property of WW.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in Transactions AM

    The mass-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with radial data in dimensions three and higher

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    We establish global well-posedness and scattering for solutions to the mass-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation iut+Ξ”u=±∣u∣4/duiu_t + \Delta u = \pm |u|^{4/d} u for large spherically symmetric L^2_x(R^d) initial data in dimensions dβ‰₯3d\geq 3. In the focusing case we require that the mass is strictly less than that of the ground state. As a consequence, we obtain that in the focusing case, any spherically symmetric blowup solution must concentrate at least the mass of the ground state at the blowup time

    Minimal-mass blowup solutions of the mass-critical NLS

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    We consider the minimal mass m0m_0 required for solutions to the mass-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equation iut+Ξ”u=μ∣u∣4/duiu_t + \Delta u = \mu |u|^{4/d} u to blow up. If m0m_0 is finite, we show that there exists a minimal-mass solution blowing up (in the sense of an infinite spacetime norm) in both time directions, whose orbit in Lx2(Rd)L^2_x(\R^d) is compact after quotienting out by the symmetries of the equation. A similar result is obtained for spherically symmetric solutions. Similar results were previously obtained by Keraani, \cite{keraani}, in dimensions 1, 2 and Begout and Vargas, \cite{begout}, in dimensions dβ‰₯3d\geq 3 for the mass-critical NLS and by Kenig and Merle, \cite{merlekenig}, in the energy-critical case. In a subsequent paper we shall use this compactness result to establish global existence and scattering in Lx2(Rd)L^2_x(\R^d) for the defocusing NLS in three and higher dimensions with spherically symmetric data.Comment: Contains updated references and related remark

    Energy-critical NLS with quadratic potentials

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    We consider the defocusing HΛ™1\dot H^1-critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in all dimensions (nβ‰₯3n\geq 3) with a quadratic potential V(x)=Β±12∣x∣2V(x)=\pm \tfrac12 |x|^2. We show global well-posedness for radial initial data obeying βˆ‡u0(x),xu0(x)∈L2\nabla u_0(x), xu_0(x) \in L^2. In view of the potential VV, this is the natural energy space. In the repulsive case, we also prove scattering. We follow the approach pioneered by Bourgain and Tao in the case of no potential; indeed, we include a proof of their results that incorporates a couple of simplifications discovered while treating the problem with quadratic potential.Comment: Incorporates corrections to Lemma 6.

    Global well-posedness and scattering for defocusing energy-critical NLS in the exterior of balls with radial data

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    We consider the defocusing energy-critical NLS in the exterior of the unit ball in three dimensions. For the initial value problem with Dirichlet boundary condition we prove global well-posedness and scattering with large radial initial data in the Sobolev space HΛ™01\dot H_0^1. We also point out that the same strategy can be used to treat the energy-supercritical NLS in the exterior of balls with Dirichlet boundary condition and radial HΛ™01\dot H_0^1 initial data.Comment: 19 page
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