572 research outputs found

    An empirical study of exchange rate pass-through in China

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    This paper seeks to estimate exchange rate pass-through in China and investigate its relationship with monetary policy. Linear and VAR models are applied to analyze robustness. The linear model shows that, over the long run, a 1% appreciation of NEER causes a decline in the CPI inflation rate of 0.132% and PPI inflation rate of 0.495%. The VAR model supports the results of the linear model, suggesting a fairly low CPI pass-through and relatively higher PPI pass-through. Furthermore, this paper finds that, with the fixed exchange rate regime, CPI pass-through remains higher. The exchange rate regimes influence on CPI pass through, combined with the fact that appreciation diminishes inflation, suggests that the Chinese government could pursue a more flexible exchange rate policy. In addition, reasons for low exchange rate pass-through for CPI are analyzed. The analysis considers price control, basket and weight of Chinese price indices, distribution cost, and imported and non-tradable share of inputs

    The SPSS-based Analysis of Reading Comprehension—Take Grade Eight English Mid-term Test for Example

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    Based on some language testing theories, an analysis of an English Mid-term Examination of grade eight students of JingZhi Middle School is made in this paper. By means of SPSS statistical software, the former study firstly makes a whole analysis of the test paper, which covers descriptive statistics, reliability and validity. Subsequently, on the basis of the former study, this study mainly makes an analysis of the relationship of all the items in reading comprehension from the perspective of facility value, discrimination index, reliability and validity. The research aims to find some problems in reading comprehension in this test paper. Thus, according to the results of this analysis, the quality of test papers can be improved and some advice can be given to language teaching

    Essays on applied time series and macroeconometrics

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    China is on the track tackling Enteromorpha spp forming green tide

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    Green tide management is supposed to be a long term fight rather than an episode during the 29th Olympic Games for China, since it has been gaining in scale and frequency during the past 3 decades in both marine and estuary environment all over the world. A number of rapid-responding studies including oceanographic comprehensive surveys along the coastline have been conducted during the bloom and post-bloom periods in 2008 by Chinese marine scientists. The preliminary results are as below: (1) phylogenetic analysis indicates that the bloom forming alga forms a clade with representatives of the green seaweed Enteromorpha linza, though, the alga has been identified as E. proliera by means of morphological; (2) the present data suggest that the bloom was originated from south of Yellow Sea, but not the severely affected area near Qingdao City; (3) pathways of reproduction for E. prolifera have approved to be multifarious, including sexual, asexual and vegetative propagation; (4) somatic cells may act as a propagule bank, which is supposed to be a very dangerous transmitting way for its marked movability, adaptability and viability; (5) pyrolysis of the alga showed that three stages appeared during the process, which are dehydration (18–20^o^C), main devolatilization (200–450^o^C) and residual decomposition (450–750^o^C), and activation energy of the alga was determined at 237.23 KJ•mol^-1^. Although the scarce knowlegde on E. prolifera not yet allow a fully understanding of the green tide, some of the results suggests possible directions in further green tide research and management

    The impact of high temperature on mechanical properties and behaviors of sandstone

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    The impact of high temperature environments on the physical and mechanical properties of rocks is a significant factor to consider. The investigation into the impact of elevated temperatures on the physical and mechanical characteristics of rocks holds great importance in the advancement and exploitation of deep-seated mineral reserves, as well as in ensuring the safety and stability of subterranean engineering projects. This study utilizes the state-of-the-art GCTS Mechanical Loading Test System to conduct uniaxial and triaxial compression tests on sandstone after thermal treatment from 25°C to 650°C. In addition, XRD, SEM and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments were carried out on the sandstone after thermal treatment. The aim of the experiments is to provide a quantitative characterization of mechanical properties and behaviors of the rock samples. The results show that the mass, density, and wave velocity of sandstone decrease with increasing temperature, while volume and porosity increase. The mass, volume, and rate of density change of sandstone exhibit a significant increase when subjected to temperatures above 500°C. The uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus exhibit an initial increase followed by a subsequent decrease as the temperature rises, with 300°C serving as the critical turning point. The axial peak strain and Poisson’s ratio increase with increasing temperature. The cohesion decreases with increasing temperature, while the internal friction angle increases. Additionally, it is observed that the rate of change for both properties exhibits an increase beyond the temperature threshold of 400°C

    Três pontos de vista sobre a pandemia

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    We interviewed Ana Esther Ceceña, Coordinator of the Latin American Observatory of Geopolitics, researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and President of the Latin American Information Agency; Jin Xiaowen, Doctor in International Policy from Beijing University and researcher at the National academy of Development and Strategy from the Renmin University of the People's Republic of China and Mario Róvere, a medical doctor, who was a Regional Consultant of the Pan American Health Organization and Vice Minister of Health of the Argentine Nation, and is currently Provincial Director of Knowledge Management in the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires.Entrevistamos a Ana Esther Ceceña, Coordinadora del Observatorio , Latinoamericano de Geopolítica,  Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y Presidenta de la Agencia Latinoamericana de Información; a Jin Xiaowen, Doctor en Política Internacional por la Universidad de Beijing e Investigador de la Academia Nacional de Desarrollo y Estrategia de la Universidad Renmin de la República Popular China y a Mario Róvere, médico sanitarista, quien fue Consultor Regional de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y Viceministro de Salud de la Nación Argentina y es actualmente Director Provincial de Gestión del Conocimiento en el Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.Entrevistamos a Ana Esther Ceceña, Coordenadora do Observatório Latino-Americano de Geopolítica, Pesquisadora da Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México e Presidente da Agência Latino-Americana de Informação, a Jin Xiaowen, Doutor em Política Internacional pela Universidade de Pequim e Pesquisador da Academia Nacional de Desenvolvimento e Estratégia da Universidade Renmin da República Popular da China e a Mario Róvere, médico sanitário, quem era consultor regional da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde e vice-ministro da Saúde da nação argentina e é atualmente diretor provincial de gestão do conhecimento do Ministério da Saúde da Província de Buenos Aires