77 research outputs found

    Study on the relationship between tsunami waves in dam break state and initial water levels

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    Tsunami wave characteristics are greatly influenced by the initial water level when they attack structures. In this study, experimental and numerical investigations were conducted to investigated the relationship between tsunami wave characteristics and initial water levels. Results showed that, the wave height, wave velocity, and Froude number increase with the increase of tsunami wave intensity; the time history of water levels were influenced by the different initial water level conditions; the analytical solution proposed by Chanson (2005) may be extended to wet-bed conditions (for initial water level < 0.36 tsunami bore height in our experimental set-up). Due to the limitations of experimental ranges in the laboratory, the validated numerical model can provide more results for wider experimental ranges for tsunami bore investigations. It was observed from numerical results that, tsunami bore height increases with the increase of reservoir water level; tsunami bore velocity decreases with the increased initial water level on the bed; as the initial water level on the bed gradually increases, the mean tsunami bore Froude number shows a downward trend

    The radiative association of PO/PH+ and the photodissociation of PH+

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    The potential energy curves (PECs) and transition dipole moments (TDMs) of PH+ and PO are computed with the multireference configuration interaction method, and the cross-sections for the radiative association (RA) of PH+ and PO, which is the most efficient way to form the ground states, are presented via the quantum mechanical (QM) theory and computed using ab initio molecular data. The thermal rate coefficients are also expressed and fitted with the standard formula kT=AT300αe−βT in the range of 10 K–15,000 K. Meanwhile, the photodissociation, that is the inverse process of RA for PH+, is also studied, including eight photodissociation channels for the computation of state-resolved cross-sections. Careful comparisons with the Leiden Observatory database are made. Considering the cross-sections mentioned above, the local thermodynamic equilibrium cross-sections at the temperatures of 0, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 K are also shown. We expect the results to be helpful for studies of phosphorus chemistry in the interstellar medium and planetary atmospheres

    Dorsal Visual Pathway Changes in Patients with Comitant Extropia

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    BACKGROUND: Strabismus is a disorder in which the eyes are misaligned. Persistent strabismus can lead to stereopsis impairment. The effect of strabismus on human brain is not unclear. The present study is to investigate whether the brain white structures of comitant exotropia patients are impaired using combined T1-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Thirteen patients with comitant strabismus and twelve controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with acquisition of T1-weighted and diffusion tensor images. T1-weighted images were used to analyze the change in volume of white matter using optimized voxel-based morphology (VBM) and diffusion tensor images were used to detect the change in white matter fibers using voxel-based analysis of DTI in comitant extropia patients. VBM analysis showed that in adult strabismus, white matter volumes were smaller in the right middle occipital gyrus, right occipital lobe/cuneus, right supramarginal gyrus, right cingulate gyrus, right frontal lobe/sub-gyral, right inferior temporal gyrus, left parahippocampa gyrus, left cingulate gyrus, left occipital lobe/cuneus, left middle frontal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobule, and left postcentral gyrus, while no brain region with greater white matter volume was found. Voxel-based analysis of DTI showed lower fractional anisotropy (FA) values in the right middle occipital gyrus and right supramarginal gyrus in strabismus patients, while brain region with increased FA value was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus. CONCLUSION: By combining VBM and voxel-based analysis of DTI results, the study suggests that the dorsal visual pathway was abnormal or impaired in patients with comitant exotropia

    Cooperativity among Short Amyloid Stretches in Long Amyloidogenic Sequences

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    Amyloid fibrillar aggregates of polypeptides are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases. Short peptide segments in protein sequences may trigger aggregation. Identifying these stretches and examining their behavior in longer protein segments is critical for understanding these diseases and obtaining potential therapies. In this study, we combined machine learning and structure-based energy evaluation to examine and predict amyloidogenic segments. Our feature selection method discovered that windows consisting of long amino acid segments of ∼30 residues, instead of the commonly used short hexapeptides, provided the highest accuracy. Weighted contributions of an amino acid at each position in a 27 residue window revealed three cooperative regions of short stretch, resemble the β-strand-turn-β-strand motif in A-βpeptide amyloid and β-solenoid structure of HET-s(218–289) prion (C). Using an in-house energy evaluation algorithm, the interaction energy between two short stretches in long segment is computed and incorporated as an additional feature. The algorithm successfully predicted and classified amyloid segments with an overall accuracy of 75%. Our study revealed that genome-wide amyloid segments are not only dependent on short high propensity stretches, but also on nearby residues

    North Korea Sanctions: Will China Get Tougher?

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    China appears to have taken tougher measures against North Korea in response to its fourth nuclear test. It may be prepared to be harsher if Pyongyang continues with its provocations

    Force measurement goes to femto-Newton sensitivity of single microscopic particle

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    10.1038/s41377-021-00684-6Light: Science and Applications10124