643 research outputs found

    Differential Activation of ER Stress Signal Pathway s Contributes to Palmitate-Induced Hepatocyte Lipoapoptosis

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    Saturated free fatty acids-induced hepatocyte lipoapoptosis plays a pivotal role in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Theactivation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress isinvolved in hepatocyte lipoapoptosis induced by thesaturated free fatty acidpalmitate (PA). However, the underlying mechanismsof the role of ER stress in hepatocyte lipoapoptosis remain largely unclear.In this study, we showed that PA and tunicamycin (Tun), a classic ER stress inducer, resulted in differential activation of ERstress pathways. Our data revealed that PA inducedchronic and persistent ER stress response, but Tuninduced acute and transientER stress response. Compared with Tun treatment, PAinduced much lower glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), a centralregulator of ER homeostasis, accumulation. It is noteworthy that GRP78 over-expression not only inhibited PA-induced ERstress but also decreased PA-induced apoptosis. Taken together, our data suggest that the differentialactivation of ER stresssignal plays an important role in PA-induced hepatocyte lipoapoptosis. More detailed studies on the mechanisms of PA inrepressing the accumulation of GRP78 will contribute to the understanding of molecular mechanisms of lipoapoptosis

    DB-LSH: Locality-Sensitive Hashing with Query-based Dynamic Bucketing

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    Among many solutions to the high-dimensional approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search problem, locality sensitive hashing (LSH) is known for its sub-linear query time and robust theoretical guarantee on query accuracy. Traditional LSH methods can generate a small number of candidates quickly from hash tables but suffer from large index sizes and hash boundary problems. Recent studies to address these issues often incur extra overhead to identify eligible candidates or remove false positives, making query time no longer sub-linear. To address this dilemma, in this paper we propose a novel LSH scheme called DB-LSH which supports efficient ANN search for large high-dimensional datasets. It organizes the projected spaces with multi-dimensional indexes rather than using fixed-width hash buckets. Our approach can significantly reduce the space cost as by avoiding the need to maintain many hash tables for different bucket sizes. During the query phase of DB-LSH, a small number of high-quality candidates can be generated efficiently by dynamically constructing query-based hypercubic buckets with the required widths through index-based window queries. For a dataset of nn dd-dimensional points with approximation ratio cc, our rigorous theoretical analysis shows that DB-LSH achieves a smaller query cost O(nρdlogn){O(n^{\rho^*} d\log n)}, where ρ{\rho^*} is bounded by 1/cα{1/c^{\alpha}} while the bound is 1/c{1/c} in the existing work. An extensive range of experiments on real-world data demonstrates the superiority of DB-LSH over state-of-the-art methods on both efficiency and accuracy.Comment: Accepted by ICDE 202

    Exploring Users Motivations to Knowledge Contribution at the Creation Stage of Online Communities

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    The motivation of online community users’ contribution behavior has captured the attention of many scholars in various disciplines. But little empirical research has studied user behaviors according to the different stages of an online community. Based on Iriberri et al. (2009)’s life cycle model of online community, our study specifically focuses on the users’ contribution behavior at the creation stage of an online community. Some constructs of previous studies like trust and online-identity are not able to explain users’ behavior in our context, because identity and trust relationship are not established until growth and mature stage. Given the uniqueness of early participants and online community lifecycle, our study integrates three theoretical perspectives (need fulfillment theory, task-technology fit model and self-verification theory) to propose a research model to understand the participation motives. Furthermore, we introduced a moderator of group-level uniqueness to the self- verification theory

    Consensus-Based Group Task Assignment with Social Impact in Spatial Crowdsourcing

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    Abstract With the pervasiveness of GPS-enabled smart devices and increased wireless communication technologies, spatial crowdsourcing (SC) has drawn increasing attention in assigning location-sensitive tasks to moving workers. In real-world scenarios, for the complex tasks, SC is more likely to assign each task to more than one worker, called group task assignment (GTA), for the reason that an individual worker cannot complete the task well by herself. It is a challenging issue to assign worker groups the tasks that they are interested in and willing to perform. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for group task assignment based on worker groups’ preferences, which includes two components: social impact-based preference modeling (SIPM) and preference-aware group task assignment (PGTA). SIPM employs a bipartite graph embedding model and the attention mechanism to learn the social impact-based preferences of different worker groups on different task categories. PGTA utilizes an optimal task assignment algorithm based on the tree decomposition technique to maximize the overall task assignments, in which we give higher priorities to the worker groups showing more interests in the tasks. We further optimize the original framework by proposing strategies to improve the effectiveness of group task assignment, wherein a deep learning method and the group consensus are taken into consideration. Extensive empirical studies verify that the proposed techniques and optimization strategies can settle the problem nicely

    Sequential Recommendation with Diffusion Models

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    Generative models, such as Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), have been successfully applied in sequential recommendation. These methods require sampling from probability distributions and adopt auxiliary loss functions to optimize the model, which can capture the uncertainty of user behaviors and alleviate exposure bias. However, existing generative models still suffer from the posterior collapse problem or the model collapse problem, thus limiting their applications in sequential recommendation. To tackle the challenges mentioned above, we leverage a new paradigm of the generative models, i.e., diffusion models, and present sequential recommendation with diffusion models (DiffRec), which can avoid the issues of VAE- and GAN-based models and show better performance. While diffusion models are originally proposed to process continuous image data, we design an additional transition in the forward process together with a transition in the reverse process to enable the processing of the discrete recommendation data. We also design a different noising strategy that only noises the target item instead of the whole sequence, which is more suitable for sequential recommendation. Based on the modified diffusion process, we derive the objective function of our framework using a simplification technique and design a denoise sequential recommender to fulfill the objective function. As the lengthened diffusion steps substantially increase the time complexity, we propose an efficient training strategy and an efficient inference strategy to reduce training and inference cost and improve recommendation diversity. Extensive experiment results on three public benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our approach and show that DiffRec outperforms the state-of-the-art sequential recommendation models

    A Learned Index for Exact Similarity Search in Metric Spaces

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    Indexing is an effective way to support efficient query processing in large databases. Recently the concept of learned index has been explored actively to replace or supplement traditional index structures with machine learning models to reduce storage and search costs. However, accurate and efficient similarity query processing in high-dimensional metric spaces remains to be an open challenge. In this paper, a novel indexing approach called LIMS is proposed to use data clustering and pivot-based data transformation techniques to build learned indexes for efficient similarity query processing in metric spaces. The underlying data is partitioned into clusters such that each cluster follows a relatively uniform data distribution. Data redistribution is achieved by utilizing a small number of pivots for each cluster. Similar data are mapped into compact regions and the mapped values are totally ordinal. Machine learning models are developed to approximate the position of each data record on the disk. Efficient algorithms are designed for processing range queries and nearest neighbor queries based on LIMS, and for index maintenance with dynamic updates. Extensive experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate the superiority of LIMS compared with traditional indexes and state-of-the-art learned indexes.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin

    Quaternion-Based Graph Convolution Network for Recommendation

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    Graph Convolution Network (GCN) has been widely applied in recommender systems for its representation learning capability on user and item embeddings. However, GCN is vulnerable to noisy and incomplete graphs, which are common in real world, due to its recursive message propagation mechanism. In the literature, some work propose to remove the feature transformation during message propagation, but making it unable to effectively capture the graph structural features. Moreover, they model users and items in the Euclidean space, which has been demonstrated to have high distortion when modeling complex graphs, further degrading the capability to capture the graph structural features and leading to sub-optimal performance. To this end, in this paper, we propose a simple yet effective Quaternion-based Graph Convolution Network (QGCN) recommendation model. In the proposed model, we utilize the hyper-complex Quaternion space to learn user and item representations and feature transformation to improve both performance and robustness. Specifically, we first embed all users and items into the Quaternion space. Then, we introduce the quaternion embedding propagation layers with quaternion feature transformation to perform message propagation. Finally, we combine the embeddings generated at each layer with the mean pooling strategy to obtain the final embeddings for recommendation. Extensive experiments on three public benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed QGCN model outperforms baseline methods by a large margin.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Submitted to ICDE 202