4,373 research outputs found

    Retarded Electromagnetic Interaction and Dynamic Foundation of Classical Statistical Mechanics and Elimination of Reversibility Paradox of Time reversal

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    It is proved in the paper that the non-conservative dissipative force and asymmetry of time reversal can be naturally introduced into classical statistical mechanics after retarded electromagnetic interaction between charged microparticles is considered. In this way, the rational dynamic foundation for classical statistical physics can established and the revised Liouville equation is obtained. The micro-canonical ensemble, the canonical ensemble, the distribution of near-independent subsystem, the distribution law of the Maxwell- Boltzmann and the Maxwell distribution of velocities are achieved directly from the Liouville equation without using the hypothesis of equal probability. The micro-canonical ensemble is considered unsuitable as the foundation of equivalent state theory again, for most of equivalent states of isolated systems are not the states with equal probabilities actually. The reversibility paradoxes in the processes of non-equivalent evolutions of macro-systems can be eliminated completely, and the united description of statistical mechanics of equivalent and nonequivalent states is reached. The revised BBKGY series equations and hydromechanics equations are reduced, the non-equivalent entropy of general systems is defined and the principle of entropy increment of the non-equivalent entropy is proved at last.Comment: latex,22 page

    The Absolutism of Space and Time with Variable Scalars and Gravitational Theory as well as Cosmology Established in Flat Reference Frame (1)

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    The Einstein theories of space-time and gravity as well the stander cosmology are reconstructed thoroughly in this paper based on flat reference frame. The rational parts of the Einstein theories are reserved while the irrational parts including space-time paradoxes and singularities and so on are eliminated completely. A more rational the theory of space-time, gravitation and cosmology is established. By transforming the geodesic equation described by the Schwarzschild solution of the Einsteins equation of gravitational field into flat reference frame for of gravitational field, it is provdescription, the revised formulas of the Newtonian gravitation is obtained. Based on the formulas, all experiments which support general relativity can also be explained well, but the theory has no any space-time singularity and other strange characters which exist in general relativity. It is pointed that there exists logical difficulties to use the equivalent principle to explain spectrum gravitational redshift actually. The new formula of gravitational redshift and the revised Doppler formula of redshift when light source moves in gravitational field are deduced. Based on the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein equation field, it is proved that the speed of light would change and the isotropy of light speed would be violated in gravitational field with spherical symmetry. It is suggested to use the method of the Michelson Morley interference to verify the change of light speed and the violation of isotropy in the gravitational field of the earth. This experiment can be considered as a new verification for general relativity in the weak gravitational field with spherical symmetry. The theory may also be used to explain so-called the Pioneer Anomaly which the Einstein theory of gravitation can not do.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure

    A More Rational and Perfect Scheme for C, P, T Transformations as well as C, T and CP Violations in the Regularization and Renormalization Processes of High Order Perturbations

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    Based on the original meanings of C, P, T transformations, a more perfect and rational scheme is advanced. According to new scheme, the propagation function of Femion would change a negative sign under C, T transformations, while that of boson does not. When the C, P, T transformations of transition probabilities are calculated, the results are similar to the current theory if the renormalizations of high order processes are not considered. When mass renormalizations are taken into account, for some high order perturbation processes of electromagnetic interaction, C, T violations would be caused. Meanwhile, the renormalization process of a single third order vertex angle of electromagnetic interaction in momentum space also would violate P symmetry, which leads to parity non-conservation for some high order electromagnetic decays. But in the coordinate space for the sum of all third order vertex angle processes, P symmetry still holds. Under the united CPT transformation, the Hamiltonians of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions in the coordinate space are invariable with a completely symmetrical form. The Compton scattering of positive electron is suggested to verify the existence of C violation in the high order mass renormalization processes of electromagnetic interaction. The T violation in renormalization process can be used to explain the reversibility paradox in the non-equilibrium evolution processes of macro-systems. The CP violation may also be used to explain the problem of positive and anti-material's asymmetry in our university.Comment: 38 page

    Rationality Problems of the Principles of Equivalence and General Relativity

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    It is pointed out that at present we only prove that inertial static mass and gravitational static mass are equivalent. We have not proved that inertial moving mass and gravitational moving mass are also equivalent. It is proved by the dynamic effect of special relativity that inertial moving mass and gravitational moving mass are not equivalent. Besides, it can be proved that the principle of general relativity is untenable. It is only an apparent felling of mankind actually. Therefore, there exists serious defect in the foundation of the Einsteins theory of gravitation. We need to renovate our basic idea of space-time and gravity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Restriction Conditions of Motion Equations of Non-Abelian Gauge Fields and Their Wave Solutions

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    Similar to introduce the Lorentz condition in the motion equation of electromagnetic field, the restriction condition is introduced in the motion equations of non-Ablian gauge fields so that the equations are simplified greatly and their wave solutions are obtained. Only in this way, the Feynman rule's use become rightful in the calculation of perturbation theory.Comment: 3 pages, late

    The R-W Metric Has No Constant Curvature When Scalar Factor R(t) Changes With Time

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    The real physics meaning of constant k in the Robertson-Walker metric is discussed when scalar factor R(t) is relative to time. Based on the curvature formula of the Riemannian geometry strictly, the spatial curvature of the R-W metric is calculated. The result indicates that the spatial curvature of the R-W metric is not a constant when R(t) changes with time and the constant in the R-W metric k does not represent spatial curvature factor. It can only be considered as an adjustable parameter relative to the Hubble constant. The result is completely different from the current understanding which is based on specious estimation actually, in stead of strict calculation. In light of this result, many conclusions in the current cosmology, such as the values of the Hubble constant, dark material and dark energy densities, should be re-estimated. In this way, we may get rid of the current puzzle situation of cosmology thoroughly

    Invariability Conditions of Motion Equations of non-Abelian Gauge Fields and Elimination of Higgs Mechanism

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    It is proved that in order to keep both the Lagrangian and the motion equation of non-Abelian gauge fields unchanged under the gauge transformation simultaneously, a certain restriction conditions should be established between the gauge potentials and the group parameters. The result is equivalent to the Faddeev--Popov theory. For non-Abelian gauge fields, it leads to the result that the gauge potentials themselves are unchanged under gauge transformations. In this way, the mass items can be added into the Lagrangian directly without violating gauge invariability and the theory is also renormalizable so that the Higgs mechanism becomes unnecessary. The description of gauge theory also becomes more symmetrical and simple.Comment: 12 page

    Absoluteness of Velocity Produced by Accelerating Process and Absolute Space-time Theory with Variable Scales

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    It is proved by means of the dynamical effects of special relativity that velocity caused by accelerating process is not a relative concept. The influence of accelerating process should be considered in space-time theory. Besides the Newtonian absolute space-time theory with invariable space-time scales and the Einstein relative space-time theory with variable space-time scales, there exists the third space-time theory, i.e., the absolute space-time theory with variable space-time scales. At present, special relativity is divided into two parts, kinematics and dynamics. In kinematics, force and acceleration are not considered so that space and time becomes relative concepts. This division is completely artificial and irrational. The rational space-time theory should be established on the foundation of dynamics consistently. The changing rules of space, time and mass with speed should be dependent of accelerating processes and with absolute significance. The real meaning of invariability principle of high speed should be that we can not make the speed of an object speed with rest mass reach and exceed the speed of light in vacuum by the method of accelerating object. It is proved that the absolutely resting reference frame exists. In order to eliminate multifarious space-time paradoxes in special relativity, and coincide with Big-bang cosmology, the absolutely resting frame is necessary. A method is put forward to look for the absolutely resting reference frame. The isotropy reference frame of cosmic microwave background radiation can be regarded as the absolutely resting reference frame actually at present.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Equivalence of Descriptions of Gravity In Both Curved and Flat Space-time

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    It is proved in the manuscript that as long as the proper coordinate transformation is introduced,, the equations of geodetic lines described in curved space-time can be transformed into the dynamic equations in flat space-time, that is to say, the Einstein theory of gravitation and other theories based on the curved space-time can be identically transformed into flat space-time to describe. As an example, the Schwarzschild solution of the spherical symmetry gravitational field is transformed into flat space-time to study. The results show that there exists no any singularity in the all processes and the whole space-time including at the point r=0. So it seems more rational to discuss the problems of gravitation in flat space-time.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    The Precise Inner Solutions of Gravity field Equations of Hollow and Solid Spheres and the Theorem of Singularity

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    In the present calculation of the inner solution of gravity field equation with spherical symmetry, in order to avoid the singularity appearing in the center of sphere, we actually let the integral constant to be zero. It is proved in this paper that the constant can not be zero. The metric of inner gravity field of hollow sphere is calculated at first. Then let the inner radius of hollow sphere become zero, we obtain the metric of inner gravity field of solid sphere. Based on the definition of energy momentum tensor of general relativity, the gravity masses of hollow and solid spheres in curved space are calculated strictly. The results indicate that no matter what the masses and densities of hollow sphere and solid sphere are, space-time singularities would appear in the centers of spheres. Meanwhile, no matter what the mass and density are, the intensity of pressure at the center point of solid sphere can not be infinite. That is to say, the material can not collapse towards the center of so-called black hole. In stead, it may be that there exist the spherical surfaces of infinite pressure inside the hollow and solid spheres, and material would collapse toward the surfaces so that the common spheres are unsteady. At the center of solid sphere and on its neighboring region, pressure intensities would become negative values. There may be a region for hollow sphere in which pressure intensities would become negative values too. The results only indicate that the singularity black holes predicated by general relativity are caused by the descriptive method of curved space-time and can not exist in nature actually. If black holes exist really in the universe, they can only be the Newtonian black holes, not the Einstein's black holes.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
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