93 research outputs found

    Optimizing Memory Efficiency for Convolution Kernels on Kepler GPUs

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    Convolution is a fundamental operation in many applications, such as computer vision, natural language processing, image processing, etc. Recent successes of convolutional neural networks in various deep learning applications put even higher demand on fast convolution. The high computation throughput and memory bandwidth of graphics processing units (GPUs) make GPUs a natural choice for accelerating convolution operations. However, maximally exploiting the available memory bandwidth of GPUs for convolution is a challenging task. This paper introduces a general model to address the mismatch between the memory bank width of GPUs and computation data width of threads. Based on this model, we develop two convolution kernels, one for the general case and the other for a special case with one input channel. By carefully optimizing memory access patterns and computation patterns, we design a communication-optimized kernel for the special case and a communication-reduced kernel for the general case. Experimental data based on implementations on Kepler GPUs show that our kernels achieve 5.16X and 35.5% average performance improvement over the latest cuDNN library, for the special case and the general case, respectively

    U-SWIM: Universal Selective Write-Verify for Computing-in-Memory Neural Accelerators

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    Architectures that incorporate Computing-in-Memory (CiM) using emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) devices have become strong contenders for deep neural network (DNN) acceleration due to their impressive energy efficiency. Yet, a significant challenge arises when using these emerging devices: they can show substantial variations during the weight-mapping process. This can severely impact DNN accuracy if not mitigated. A widely accepted remedy for imperfect weight mapping is the iterative write-verify approach, which involves verifying conductance values and adjusting devices if needed. In all existing publications, this procedure is applied to every individual device, resulting in a significant programming time overhead. In our research, we illustrate that only a small fraction of weights need this write-verify treatment for the corresponding devices and the DNN accuracy can be preserved, yielding a notable programming acceleration. Building on this, we introduce USWIM, a novel method based on the second derivative. It leverages a single iteration of forward and backpropagation to pinpoint the weights demanding write-verify. Through extensive tests on diverse DNN designs and datasets, USWIM manifests up to a 10x programming acceleration against the traditional exhaustive write-verify method, all while maintaining a similar accuracy level. Furthermore, compared to our earlier SWIM technique, USWIM excels, showing a 7x speedup when dealing with devices exhibiting non-uniform variations

    Computing-In-Memory Neural Network Accelerators for Safety-Critical Systems: Can Small Device Variations Be Disastrous?

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    Computing-in-Memory (CiM) architectures based on emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) devices have demonstrated great potential for deep neural network (DNN) acceleration thanks to their high energy efficiency. However, NVM devices suffer from various non-idealities, especially device-to-device variations due to fabrication defects and cycle-to-cycle variations due to the stochastic behavior of devices. As such, the DNN weights actually mapped to NVM devices could deviate significantly from the expected values, leading to large performance degradation. To address this issue, most existing works focus on maximizing average performance under device variations. This objective would work well for general-purpose scenarios. But for safety-critical applications, the worst-case performance must also be considered. Unfortunately, this has been rarely explored in the literature. In this work, we formulate the problem of determining the worst-case performance of CiM DNN accelerators under the impact of device variations. We further propose a method to effectively find the specific combination of device variation in the high-dimensional space that leads to the worst-case performance. We find that even with very small device variations, the accuracy of a DNN can drop drastically, causing concerns when deploying CiM accelerators in safety-critical applications. Finally, we show that surprisingly none of the existing methods used to enhance average DNN performance in CiM accelerators are very effective when extended to enhance the worst-case performance, and further research down the road is needed to address this problem

    Compact and High-Performance TCAM Based on Scaled Double-Gate FeFETs

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    Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM), widely used in network routers and high-associativity caches, is gaining popularity in machine learning and data-analytic applications. Ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs) are a promising candidate for implementing TCAM owing to their high ON/OFF ratio, non-volatility, and CMOS compatibility. However, conventional single-gate FeFETs (SG-FeFETs) suffer from relatively high write voltage, low endurance, potential read disturbance, and face scaling challenges. Recently, a double-gate FeFET (DG-FeFET) has been proposed and outperforms SG-FeFETs in many aspects. This paper investigates TCAM design challenges specific to DG-FeFETs and introduces a novel 1.5T1Fe TCAM design based on DG-FeFETs. A 2-step search with early termination is employed to reduce the cell area and improve energy efficiency. A shared driver design is proposed to reduce the peripherals area. Detailed analysis and SPICE simulation show that the 1.5T1Fe DG-TCAM leads to superior search speed and energy efficiency. The 1.5T1Fe TCAM design can also be built with SG-FeFETs, which achieve search latency and energy improvement compared with 2FeFET TCAM.Comment: Accepted by Design Automation Conference (DAC) 202
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