393 research outputs found

    Fast Parallel Randomized QR with Column Pivoting Algorithms for Reliable Low-rank Matrix Approximations

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    Factorizing large matrices by QR with column pivoting (QRCP) is substantially more expensive than QR without pivoting, owing to communication costs required for pivoting decisions. In contrast, randomized QRCP (RQRCP) algorithms have proven themselves empirically to be highly competitive with high-performance implementations of QR in processing time, on uniprocessor and shared memory machines, and as reliable as QRCP in pivot quality. We show that RQRCP algorithms can be as reliable as QRCP with failure probabilities exponentially decaying in oversampling size. We also analyze efficiency differences among different RQRCP algorithms. More importantly, we develop distributed memory implementations of RQRCP that are significantly better than QRCP implementations in ScaLAPACK. As a further development, we introduce the concept of and develop algorithms for computing spectrum-revealing QR factorizations for low-rank matrix approximations, and demonstrate their effectiveness against leading low-rank approximation methods in both theoretical and numerical reliability and efficiency.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted by 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), awarded the best paper priz

    Low-Rank Matrix Approximations with Flip-Flop Spectrum-Revealing QR Factorization

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    We present Flip-Flop Spectrum-Revealing QR (Flip-Flop SRQR) factorization, a significantly faster and more reliable variant of the QLP factorization of Stewart, for low-rank matrix approximations. Flip-Flop SRQR uses SRQR factorization to initialize a partial column pivoted QR factorization and then compute a partial LQ factorization. As observed by Stewart in his original QLP work, Flip-Flop SRQR tracks the exact singular values with "considerable fidelity". We develop singular value lower bounds and residual error upper bounds for Flip-Flop SRQR factorization. In situations where singular values of the input matrix decay relatively quickly, the low-rank approximation computed by SRQR is guaranteed to be as accurate as truncated SVD. We also perform a complexity analysis to show that for the same accuracy, Flip-Flop SRQR is faster than randomized subspace iteration for approximating the SVD, the standard method used in Matlab tensor toolbox. We also compare Flip-Flop SRQR with alternatives on two applications, tensor approximation and nuclear norm minimization, to demonstrate its efficiency and effectiveness
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