42,661 research outputs found

    On the nature of the lightest scalar resonances

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    We briefly review the recent progresses in the new unitarization approach being developed by us. Especially we discuss the large NcN_c ππ\pi\pi scatterings by making use of the partial wave SS matrix parametrization form. We find that the σ\sigma pole may move to the negative real axis on the second sheet of the complex ss plane, therefore it raises the interesting question that this `σ\sigma' pole may be related to the σ\sigma in the linear σ\sigma model.Comment: Talk presented by Zheng at ``Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectroscopy VI'', 21--25 Sept. 2004, Cagliari, Italy. 3 pages with 2 figure

    Flame Instability and Transition to Detonation in Supersonic Reactive Flows

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    Multidimensional numerical simulations of a homogeneous, chemically reactive gas were used to study ignition, flame stability, and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in a supersonic combustor. The configuration studied was a rectangular channel with a supersonic inflow of stoichiometric ethylene-oxygen and a transimissive outflow boundary. The calculation is initialized with a velocity in the computational domain equal to that of the inflow, which is held constant for the duration of the calculation. The compressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations were solved by a high-order numerical algorithm on an adapting mesh. This paper describes two calculations, one with a Mach 3 inflow and one with Mach 5.25. In the Mach 3 case, the fuel-oxidizer mixture does not ignite and the flow reaches a steady-state oblique shock train structure. In the Mach 5.25 case, ignition occurs in the boundary layers and the flame front becomes unstable due to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability at the interface between the burned and unburned gas. Growth of the reaction front and expansion of the burned gas compress and preheat the unburned gas. DDT occurs in several locations, initiating both at the flame front and in the unburned gas, due to an energy-focusing mechanism. The growth of the flame instability that leads to DDT is analyzed using the Atwood number parameter

    Local spin polarisation of electrons in Rashba semiconductor nanowires: effects of the bound state

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    The local spin polarisation (LSP) of electrons in two typical semiconductor nanowires under the modulation of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is investigated theoretically. The influence of both the SOI- and structure-induced bound states on the LSP is taken into account via the spin-resolved lattice Green function method. It is discovered that high spin-density islands with alternative signs of polarisation are formed inside the nanowires due to the interaction between the bound states and the Rashba effective magnetic field. Further study shows that the spin-density islands caused by the structure-induced bound state exhibit a strong robustness against disorder. These findings may provide an efficient way to create local magnetic moments and store information in semiconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Study on the mechanism of open-flavor strong decays

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    The open-flavor strong decays are studied based on the interaction of potential quark model. The decay process is related to the s-channel contribution of the same scalar confinment and one-gluon-exchange(OGE) interaction in the quark model. After we adopt the prescription of massive gluons in time-like region from the lattice calculation, the approximation of four-fermion interaction is applied. The numerical calculation is performed to the meson decays in uu, dd, ss light flavor sector. The analysis of the D/SD/S ratios of b1ωπb_1\rightarrow \omega \pi and a1ρπa_1\rightarrow \rho \pi show that the scalar interaction should be dominant in the open-flavor decays

    Sputtered Gold as an Effective Schottky Gate for Strained Si/SiGe Nanostructures

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    Metallization of Schottky surface gates by sputtering Au on strained Si/SiGe heterojunctions enables the depletion of the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at a relatively small voltage while maintaining an extremely low level of leakage current. A fabrication process has been developed to enable the formation of sub-micron Au electrodes sputtered onto Si/SiGe without the need of a wetting layer.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We analyze a toy model which has a structure similar to that of the recently found QCD evolution equations, but without transverse dimensions. We develop two different but equivalent methods in order to compute the leading-order and next-to-leading order Pomeron loop diagrams. In addition to the leading-order result which has been derived from Mueller's toy model~\cite% {Mueller:1994gb}, we can also calculate the next-to-leading order contribution which provides the (αs2αY)(\alpha_{s}^{2}\alpha Y) correction. We interpret this result and discuss its possible implications for the four-dimensional QCD evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Squeezed-state generation in optical bistability

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    Experiments to generate squeezed states of light are described for a collection of two-level atoms within a high-finesse cavity. The investigation is conducted in a regime for which the weak-field coupling of atoms to the cavity mode produces a splitting in the normal mode structure of the atom-field system that is large compared with the atomic linewidth. Reductions in photocurrent noise of 30% (-1.55 dB) below the noise level set by the vacuum state of the field are observed in a balanced homodyne detector. A degree of squeezing of approximately 50% is inferred for the field state in the absence of propagation and detection losses. The observed spectrum of squeezing extends over a very broad range of frequencies (~±75 MHz), with the frequency of best squeezing corresponding to an offset from the optical carrier given by the normal mode splitting