419 research outputs found

    Learning Discriminative Features with Class Encoder

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    Deep neural networks usually benefit from unsupervised pre-training, e.g. auto-encoders. However, the classifier further needs supervised fine-tuning methods for good discrimination. Besides, due to the limits of full-connection, the application of auto-encoders is usually limited to small, well aligned images. In this paper, we incorporate the supervised information to propose a novel formulation, namely class-encoder, whose training objective is to reconstruct a sample from another one of which the labels are identical. Class-encoder aims to minimize the intra-class variations in the feature space, and to learn a good discriminative manifolds on a class scale. We impose the class-encoder as a constraint into the softmax for better supervised training, and extend the reconstruction on feature-level to tackle the parameter size issue and translation issue. The experiments show that the class-encoder helps to improve the performance on benchmarks of classification and face recognition. This could also be a promising direction for fast training of face recognition models.Comment: Accepted by CVPR2016 Workshop of Robust Features for Computer Visio

    Extracting Protocol Format as State Machine via Controlled Static Loop Analysis

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    Reverse engineering of protocol message formats is critical for many security applications. Mainstream techniques use dynamic analysis and inherit its low-coverage problem -- the inferred message formats only reflect the features of their inputs. To achieve high coverage, we choose to use static analysis to infer message formats from the implementation of protocol parsers. In this work, we focus on a class of extremely challenging protocols whose formats are described via constraint-enhanced regular expressions and parsed using finite-state machines. Such state machines are often implemented as complicated parsing loops, which are inherently difficult to analyze via conventional static analysis. Our new technique extracts a state machine by regarding each loop iteration as a state and the dependency between loop iterations as state transitions. To achieve high, i.e., path-sensitive, precision but avoid path explosion, the analysis is controlled to merge as many paths as possible based on carefully-designed rules. The evaluation results show that we can infer a state machine and, thus, the message formats, in five minutes with over 90% precision and recall, far better than state of the art. We also applied the state machines to enhance protocol fuzzers, which are improved by 20% to 230% in terms of coverage and detect ten more zero-days compared to baselines

    S3^3FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector

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    This paper presents a real-time face detector, named Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector (S3^3FD), which performs superiorly on various scales of faces with a single deep neural network, especially for small faces. Specifically, we try to solve the common problem that anchor-based detectors deteriorate dramatically as the objects become smaller. We make contributions in the following three aspects: 1) proposing a scale-equitable face detection framework to handle different scales of faces well. We tile anchors on a wide range of layers to ensure that all scales of faces have enough features for detection. Besides, we design anchor scales based on the effective receptive field and a proposed equal proportion interval principle; 2) improving the recall rate of small faces by a scale compensation anchor matching strategy; 3) reducing the false positive rate of small faces via a max-out background label. As a consequence, our method achieves state-of-the-art detection performance on all the common face detection benchmarks, including the AFW, PASCAL face, FDDB and WIDER FACE datasets, and can run at 36 FPS on a Nvidia Titan X (Pascal) for VGA-resolution images.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 2017 + its supplementary materials; Updated the latest results on WIDER FAC
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