35 research outputs found

    Ozone and haze pollution weakens net primary productivity in China

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    Atmospheric pollutants have both beneficial and detrimental effects on carbon uptake by land ecosystems. Surface ozone (O3) damages leaf photosynthesis by oxidizing plant cells, while aerosols promote carbon uptake by increasing diffuse radiation and exert additional influences through concomitant perturbations to meteorology and hydrology. China is currently the world’s largest emitter of both carbon dioxide and short-lived air pollutants. The land ecosystems of China are estimated to provide a carbon sink, but it remains unclear whether air pollution acts to inhibit or promote carbon uptake. Here, we employ Earth system modeling and multiple measurement datasets to assess the separate and combined effects of anthropogenic O3 and aerosol pollution on net primary productivity (NPP) in China. In the present day, O3 reduces annual NPP by 0.6 Pg C (14 %) with a range from 0.4 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 0.8 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). In contrast, aerosol direct effects increase NPP by 0.2 Pg C (5 %) through the combination of diffuse radiation fertilization, reduced canopy temperatures, and reduced evaporation leading to higher soil moisture. Consequently, the net effects of O3 and aerosols decrease NPP by 0.4 Pg C (9 %) with a range from 0.2 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 0.6 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). However, precipitation inhibition from combined aerosol direct and indirect effects reduces annual NPP by 0.2 Pg C (4 %), leading to a net air pollution suppression of 0.8 Pg C (16 %) with a range from 0.6 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 1.0 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). Our results reveal strong dampening effects of air pollution on the land carbon uptake in China today. Following the current legislation emission scenario, this suppression will be further increased by the year 2030, mainly due to a continuing increase in surface O3. However, the maximum technically feasible reduction scenario could drastically relieve the current level of NPP damage by 70 % in 2030, offering protection of this critical ecosystem service and the mitigation of long-term global warming

    Column aerosol optical properties and aerosol radiative forcing during a serious haze-fog month over North China Plain in 2013 based on ground-based sunphotometer measurements

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    In January 2013, North China Plain experienced several serious haze events. Cimel sunphotometer measurements at seven sites over rural, suburban and urban regions of North China Plain from 1 to 30 January 2013 were used to further our understanding of spatial-temporal variation of aerosol optical parameters and aerosol radiative forcing (ARF). It was found that Aerosol Optical Depth at 500 nm (AOD500 nm) during non-pollution periods at all stations was lower than 0.30 and increased significantly to greater than 1.00 as pollution events developed. The Angstrom exponent (Alpha) was larger than 0.80 for all stations most of the time. AOD500 nm averages increased from north to south during both polluted and non-polluted periods on the three urban sites in Beijing. The fine mode AOD during pollution periods is about a factor of 2.5 times larger than that during the non-pollution period at urban sites but a factor of 5.0 at suburban and rural sites. The fine mode fraction of AOD675 nm was higher than 80% for all sites during January 2013. The absorption AOD675 nm at rural sites was only about 0.01 during pollution periods, while ~0.03–0.07 and 0.01–0.03 during pollution and non-pollution periods at other sites, respectively.This work is financially supported by grants from the National Key Project of Basic Research (2011CB403401 and 2014CB441201), the Project (41005086, 41275167 and 41130104) supported by NSFC, the Strategic Priority Research Programme of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant no. XDA05100301), CAMS Basis Research Project (2012Y02 and 2013Z007). Cimel master calibration of CARSNET was performed at the AERONET-EUROPE calibration center (LOA and AEMET-Tenerife), supported by ACTRIS (European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 262254

    Bifurcation analysis on a delayed SIS epidemic model with stage structure

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    In this paper, a delayed SIS (Susceptible Infectious Susceptible) model with stage structure is investigated. We study the Hopf bifurcations and stability of the model. Applying the normal form theory and the center manifold argument, we derive the explicit formulas determining the properties of the bifurcating periodic solutions. The conditions to guarantee the global existence of periodic solutions are established. Also some numerical simulations for supporting the theoretical are given

    Stability and Bifurcation in Delay–Differential Equations with Two Delays

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    The purpose of this paper is to study a class of differential–difference equations with two delays. First, we investigate the local stability of the zero solution of the equation by analyzing the corresponding characteristic equation of the linearized equation. General stability criteria involving the delays and the parameters are obtained. Second, by choosing one of the delays as a bifurcation parameter, we show that the equation exhibits the Hopf bifurcation. The stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions are determined by using the center manifold theorem and the normal form theory. Finally, as an example, we analyze a simple motor control equation with two delays. Our results improve some of the existing results on this equation

    Asymmetric RNA duplexes mediate RNA interference in mammalian cells

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    RNA interference (RNAi) has become an indispensable technology for biomedical research and has demonstrated the potential to become a new class of therapeutic. Current RNAi technology in mammalian cells relies on short interfering RNA (siRNA) consisting of symmetrical duplexes of 19-21 base pairs (bp) with 3\u27 overhangs. Here we report that asymmetric RNA duplexes with 3\u27 and 5\u27 antisense overhangs silence mammalian genes effectively. An asymmetric interfering RNA (aiRNA) of 15 bp was incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) and mediated sequence-specific cleavage of the target mRNA between base 10 and 11 relative to the 5\u27 end of the antisense strand. The gene silencing mediated by aiRNA was efficacious, durable and correlated with reduced off-target silencing by the sense strand. These results establish aiRNA as a scaffold structure for designing RNA duplexes to induce RNAi in mammalian cells

    Climatological Aspects of Active Fires in Northeastern China and Their Relationship to Land Cover

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    Biomass burning (BB) is a driving force for heavy haze in northeastern China (NEC) and shows distinct seasonal features. However, little is known about its climatological aspects, which are important for regional BB management and understanding BB effects on climate and environment. Here, the climatological characteristics of active fires and their dependence on land cover in NEC were studied using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products. Moreover, the influence of meteorological factors on fire activities was explored. The number of fires was found to have increased significantly from 2003 to 2018; and the annual total FRP (FRPtot) showed a generally consistent variation with fire counts. However, the mean fire radiative power for each spot (FRPmean) decreased. Fire activity showed distinctive seasonal variations. Most fires and intense burning events occurred in spring and autumn. Spatially, fires were mainly concentrated in cropland areas in plains, where the frequency of fires increased significantly, especially in spring and autumn. The annual percentage of agricultural fires increased from 34% in 2003 to over 60% after 2008 and the FRPtot of croplands increased from 12% to over 55%. Fires in forests, savannas, and grasslands tended to be associated with higher FRPmean than those in croplands. Analysis indicated that the increasing fire count in NEC is mainly caused by agricultural fires. Although the decreasing FRPmean represents an effective management of BB in recent years, high fire counts and FRPtot in croplands indicate that the crop residue burning cannot be simply banned and a need instead for effective applications. More efforts should be made on clean utilization of straw. The accumulation of dry biomass, high temperature, and low humidity, and weak precipitation are conducive to the fire activities. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of BB in NEC and provides a reference for regional BB management and control

    Cloud Properties under Different Synoptic Circulations: Comparison of Radiosonde and Ground-Based Active Remote Sensing Measurements

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    In this study, long-term (10 years) radiosonde-based cloud data are compared with the ground-based active remote sensing product under six prevailing large-scale synoptic patterns, i.e., cyclonic center (CC), weak pressure pattern (WP), the southeast bottom of cyclonic center (CB), cold front (CF), anticyclone edge (AE) and anticyclone center (AC) over the Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. The synoptic patterns are generated by applying the self-organizing map weather classification method to the daily National Centers for Environmental Protection mean sea level pressure records from the North American Regional Reanalysis. It reveals that the large-scale synoptic circulations can strongly influence the regional cloud formation, and thereby have impact on the consistency of cloud retrievals from the radiosonde and ground-based cloud product. The total cloud cover at the SGP site is characterized by the least in AC and the most in CF. The minimum and maximum differences between the two cloud methods are 10.3% for CC and 13.3% for WP. Compared to the synoptic patterns characterized by scattered cloudy and clear skies (AE and AC), the agreement of collocated cloud boundaries between the two cloud approaches tends to be better under the synoptic patterns dominated by overcast and cloudy skies (CC, WP and CB). The rainy and windy weather conditions in CF synoptic pattern influence the consistency of the two cloud retrieval methods associated with the limited capabilities inherent to the instruments. The cloud thickness distribution from the two cloud datasets compares favorably with each other in all synoptic patterns, with relative discrepancy of ≤0.3 km

    Dust Properties and Radiative Impacts at a Suburban Site during 2004–2017 in the North China Plain

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    Aerosols and their radiative effects are of primary interest in climate research because of their vital influence on climate change. Dust aerosols are an important aerosol type in the North China Plain (NCP), mainly as a result of long-range transport, showing substantial spatiotemporal variations. By using measurements from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) between September 2004 and May 2017, and the space-borne Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) aerosol products, we investigated the properties of dust aerosols and their radiative effects at Xianghe (XH)—a suburban site in the NCP. Dust events occurred most frequently during spring (a total of 105 days) relative to the other three seasons (a total of 41 days) during the periods concerned. The dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 675 nm was at a maximum in spring (0.60 ± 0.44), followed (in decreasing order) by those in autumn (0.58 ± 0.39), summer (0.54 ± 0.15), and winter (0.53 ± 0.23). Cooling effects of dust aerosol radiative forcing (RF) at the bottom and top of the atmosphere tended to be strongest in spring (−96.72 ± 45.69 and −41.87 ± 19.66 Wm−2) compared to that in summer (−57.08 ± 18.54 and −25.54 ± 4.45 Wm−2), autumn (−72.01 ± 27.27 and −32.54 ± 15.18 Wm−2), and winter (−79.57 ± 32.96 and −37.05 ± 17.06 Wm−2). The back-trajectory analysis indicated that dust air mass at 500 m that arrived at XH generally originated from the Gobi and other deserts of northern China and Mongolia (59.8%), and followed by northwest China and Kazakhstan (37.2%); few dust cases came from northeast China (3.0%). A single-peaked structure with the maximum occurring at ~2 km was illustrated by all dust events and those sorted by their sources in three directions. Three typical dust events were specifically discussed to better reveal how long-range transport impacted the dust properties and radiative effects over the NCP. The results presented here are expected to improve our understanding of the physical properties of dust aerosols over the NCP and their major transport path and significant impacts on the regional solar radiation budget