1,278 research outputs found

    Improving attention model based on cognition grounded data for sentiment analysis

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    Attention models are proposed in sentiment analysis and other classification tasks because some words are more important than others to train the attention models. However, most existing methods either use local context based information, affective lexicons, or user preference information. In this work, we propose a novel attention model trained by cognition grounded eye-tracking data. First,a reading prediction model is built using eye-tracking data as dependent data and other features in the context as independent data. The predicted reading time is then used to build a cognition grounded attention layer for neural sentiment analysis. Our model can capture attentions in context both in terms of words at sentence level as well as sentences at document level. Other attention mechanisms can also be incorporated together to capture other aspects of attentions, such as local attention, and affective lexicons. Results of our work include two parts. The first part compares our proposed cognition ground attention model with other state-of-the-art sentiment analysis models. The second part compares our model with an attention model based on other lexicon based sentiment resources. Evaluations show that sentiment analysis using cognition grounded attention model outperforms the state-of-the-art sentiment analysis methods significantly. Comparisons to affective lexicons also indicate that using cognition grounded eye-tracking data has advantages over other sentiment resources by considering both word information and context information. This work brings insight to how cognition grounded data can be integrated into natural language processing (NLP) tasks

    On the “Easy” Task of Evaluating Chinese Irony Detection

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    Leveraging writing systems changes for deep learning based Chinese affective analysis

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    Affective analysis of social media text is in great demand. Online text written in Chinese communities often contains mixed scripts including major text written in Chinese, an ideograph-based writing system, and minor text using Latin letters, an alphabet-based writing system. This phenomenon is referred to as writing systems changes (WSCs). Past studies have shown that WSCs often reflect unfiltered immediate affections. However, the use of WSCs poses more challenges in Natural Language Processing tasks because WSCs can break the syntax of the major text. In this work, we present our work to use WSCs as an effective feature in a hybrid deep learning model with attention network. The WSCs scripts are first identified by their encoding range. Then, the document representation of the text is learned through a Long Short-Term Memory model and the minor text is learned by a separate Convolution Neural Network model. To further highlight the WSCs components, an attention mechanism is adopted to re-weight the feature vector before the classification layer. Experiments show that the proposed hybrid deep learning method which better incorporates WSCs features can further improve performance compared to the state-of-the-art classification models. The experimental result indicates that WSCs can serve as effective information in affective analysis of the social media text

    Learning Heterogeneous Network Embedding From Text and Links

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    Finding methods to represent multiple types of nodes in heterogeneous networks is both challenging and rewarding, as there is much less work in this area compared with that of homogeneous networks. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learn node embedding for heterogeneous networks through a joint learning framework of both network links and text associated with nodes. A novel attention mechanism is also used to make good use of text extended through links to obtain much larger network context. Link embedding is first learned through a random-walk-based method to process multiple types of links. Text embedding is separately learned at both sentence level and document level to capture salient semantic information more comprehensively. Then, both types of embeddings are jointly fed into a hierarchical neural network model to learn node representation through mutual enhancement. The attention mechanism follows linked edges to obtain context of adjacent nodes to extend context for node representation. The evaluation on a link prediction task in a heterogeneous network data set shows that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art method by 2.5%-5.0% in AUC values with p-value less than 10 -9 , indicating very significant improvement