20 research outputs found

    Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures proposed for the new retail industry in The COVID-19

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    It has been four years since the concept of “new retail” was proposed, and the layout of “new retail” of several major domestic enterprises has been intensified, which has a “unique landscape” compared to the foreign retail landscape. The trend, however, the sudden outbreak and continued spread of the COVID-19 has dealt a serious blow to the global economic development, from the domestic point of view, the epidemic caused by the decline in GDP, leading to a negative year-on-year growth in the total retail sales of consumer goods, the new retail industry is still in the development stage suffered a blow. On the other hand, however, the sinking of the new retail market driven by the consumer economy, the surge of private domain traffic on platforms and the rise of the “house economy” prompted the new retail industry to create new development opportunities during the epidemic, clarifying the development of the new retail industry in the post-epidemic era and pointing out the direction

    Effectiveness of oseltamivir on disease progression and viral RNA shedding in patients with mild pandemic 2009 influenza A H1N1: opportunistic retrospective study of medical charts in China

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    Objective To describe the clinical features and effectiveness of oseltamivir on disease progression and viral RNA shedding in patients with mild pandemic 2009 influenza A(H1N1) virus infection

    Comfort, Energy Efficiency and Adoption of Personal Cooling Systems in Warm Environments: A Field Experimental Study

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    It is well known that personal cooling improves thermal comfort and save energy. This study aims to: (1) compare different personal cooling systems and (2) understand what influences users’ willingness to adopt them. A series of experiments on several types of personal cooling systems, which included physical measurements, questionnaires and feedback, was conducted in a real office environment. The obtained results showed that personal cooling improved comfort of participants in warm environments. Then an improved index was proposed and used to compare different types of personal cooling systems in terms of comfort and energy efficiency simultaneously. According to the improved index, desk fans were highly energy-efficient, while the hybrid personal cooling (the combination of radiant cooling desk and desk fan) consumed more energy but showed advantages of extending the comfortable temperature range. Moreover, if personal cooling was free, most participants were willing to adopt it and the effectiveness was the main factor influencing their willingness, whereas if participants had to pay, they probably refused to adopt it due to the cost and the availability of conventional air conditioners. Thus, providing effective and free personal cooling systems should be regarded as a better way for its wider application

    Preliminary Discussion on the Highly Radiogenic Lead in Unalloyed Copper Artifacts of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: Starting from the Huili Copper Spearheads

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    The debate about the highly radiogenic lead in Chinese archaeology has never ceased. However, previous studies have mainly focused on high leaded bronzes and lead materials, and with little specific discussion on the unalloyed copper artifacts and the sources of copper materials in China. In this work, a trace of highly radiogenic lead was found in ten copper spearheads unearthed from Huili County, Sichuan Province, southwest China, which inspired our research on this issue. The pXRF results showed that their lead content is extremely low, so the lead isotope ratios can indicate the source of copper, and the data correspond to the local copper deposits. Combined with other relevant highly radiogenic lead isotope data of unalloyed copper artifacts, the results indicate that there were multiple sources of copper ores used in the Shang Dynasty, and copper mines were continuously used in Southwest China until the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

    Comparative iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis of spotted seal (Phoca largha) pups inhabiting different environments

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    Captive breeding is among the most effective approaches for ensuring the conservation of numerous endangered species. However, only a few studies have examined the effects of captive maintenance of animals at the molecular level. In this study, we adopted the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) approach to compare protein expression in the blood of endangered spotted seal pups (Phoca largha) inhabiting different environments. We identified 519 proteins from 2,628 peptides, the expression of 158 of which differed significantly between short-term captive and wild seals. In addition, 140 proteins were identified as being differentially expressed between short-term and long-term captive seals, whereas 235 proteins were differentially expressed between the wild and long-term captive groups (p < 0.05). In wild seal pups, proteins associated with the maintenance of cardiomyocyte cell stability and integrity, protection of the heart, and prevention of anemia were upregulated, reflecting the high stress and energetic costs associated with movement and foraging. In addition, significant differences were detected among the three groups with respect to immune-related proteins. The results of this study advance our current understanding of protein expression in spotted seals and provide data that will contribute to the future conservation of this species