5,711 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Massive MIMO Channel Estimation with Dual-Path Knowledge-Aware Auto-Encoders

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    In this paper, an unsupervised deep learning framework based on dual-path model-driven variational auto-encoders (VAE) is proposed for angle-of-arrivals (AoAs) and channel estimation in massive MIMO systems. Specifically designed for channel estimation, the proposed VAE differs from the original VAE in two aspects. First, the encoder is a dual-path neural network, where one path uses the received signal to estimate the path gains and path angles, and another uses the correlation matrix of the received signal to estimate AoAs. Second, the decoder has fixed weights that implement the signal propagation model, instead of learnable parameters. This knowledge-aware decoder forces the encoder to output meaningful physical parameters of interests (i.e., path gains, path angles, and AoAs), which cannot be achieved by original VAE. Rigorous analysis is carried out to characterize the multiple global optima and local optima of the estimation problem, which motivates the design of the dual-path encoder. By alternating between the estimation of path gains, path angles and the estimation of AoAs, the encoder is proved to converge. To further improve the convergence performance, a low-complexity procedure is proposed to find good initial points. Numerical results validate theoretical analysis and demonstrate the performance improvements of our proposed framework

    Privacy-Preserving Community Detection for Locally Distributed Multiple Networks

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    Modern multi-layer networks are commonly stored and analyzed in a local and distributed fashion because of the privacy, ownership, and communication costs. The literature on the model-based statistical methods for community detection based on these data is still limited. This paper proposes a new method for consensus community detection and estimation in a multi-layer stochastic block model using locally stored and computed network data with privacy protection. A novel algorithm named privacy-preserving Distributed Spectral Clustering (ppDSC) is developed. To preserve the edges' privacy, we adopt the randomized response (RR) mechanism to perturb the network edges, which satisfies the strong notion of differential privacy. The ppDSC algorithm is performed on the squared RR-perturbed adjacency matrices to prevent possible cancellation of communities among different layers. To remove the bias incurred by RR and the squared network matrices, we develop a two-step bias-adjustment procedure. Then we perform eigen-decomposition on the debiased matrices, aggregation of the local eigenvectors using an orthogonal Procrustes transformation, and k-means clustering. We provide theoretical analysis on the statistical errors of ppDSC in terms of eigen-vector estimation. In addition, the blessings and curses of network heterogeneity are well-explained by our bounds

    Privacy-Preserving Distributed SVD via Federated Power

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    Singular value decomposition (SVD) is one of the most fundamental tools in machine learning and statistics.The modern machine learning community usually assumes that data come from and belong to small-scale device users. The low communication and computation power of such devices, and the possible privacy breaches of users' sensitive data make the computation of SVD challenging. Federated learning (FL) is a paradigm enabling a large number of devices to jointly learn a model in a communication-efficient way without data sharing. In the FL framework, we develop a class of algorithms called FedPower for the computation of partial SVD in the modern setting. Based on the well-known power method, the local devices alternate between multiple local power iterations and one global aggregation to improve communication efficiency. In the aggregation, we propose to weight each local eigenvector matrix with Orthogonal Procrustes Transformation (OPT). Considering the practical stragglers' effect, the aggregation can be fully participated or partially participated, where for the latter we propose two sampling and aggregation schemes. Further, to ensure strong privacy protection, we add Gaussian noise whenever the communication happens by adopting the notion of differential privacy (DP). We theoretically show the convergence bound for FedPower. The resulting bound is interpretable with each part corresponding to the effect of Gaussian noise, parallelization, and random sampling of devices, respectively. We also conduct experiments to demonstrate the merits of FedPower. In particular, the local iterations not only improve communication efficiency but also reduce the chance of privacy breaches
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